Chapter 24 No Regrets

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After Joy's conversation with her daughter, a realization came that maybe it was time. It's time to reveal the world the truth that she had to hide all these years. That perhaps, after all she achieved as an actress, it was time to take the role that she had been ignoring ever since. To be Seulgi's full-time mother.

'I know I wasn't there to guide you when you're growing up.

But I think it's better late than never.

To make it up to you and be with you'

Those thoughts ran in Joy's mind while striding her way out of the hospital room and there, she revealed to the public the secret that she's been hiding. A secret that was kept, for her to be able to climb the top of the industry but also the restriction that made her suffer all these years and the memory that made her curse herself all these time for keeping.

"Oh, I was just visiting my daughter"

The news spiked up fast making it to the headlines in an instance. It was a big surprise to the industry that the well-known senior actress having a child was kept from the public. Somehow, it made a big turn on Joy's popularity along with a lot of negative comments of her not being honest with fans and with others seeing her as a dirty woman having a child on her early years.

Joy accepted it all adding to the wrath from her agency but this time, unlike the previous years of just following their orders, Joy decided to step up and defended herself. The fear of losing her job way back didn't turn out to be a threat to her anymore. This time, she could finally say that she was more contented on pouring everything out after the years of carrying her burden. Fortunately, the company decided to suspend her until the news dies down.

Despite the huge backlash, revealing it at her older age made it less of an impact that other fans thought that it was also time for the senior actress to have her family. That it was something that human could experience. Thankful enough to her agency and connections, the news wasn't dug deeper to the darkest parts and Seulgi's identity remained unknown.

Still in trance watching her mother's interview, it felt surreal for Seulgi that finally, her mother disclosed her secret. Now that it finally happened, Seulgi was a little confuse on what to feel.

"Isn't it unfair? Now that she let things out, I don't know what to do with this hatred that I've been holding." She expressed to herself. But a sudden voice made her divert her attention to "Don't you think it's time to let go of that feeling to have a bigger room on accepting your mother?" Moonbyul stated leaning on the doorway. "Hey, this is what you're longing over the years, Kang Seulgi" she added.

It made the chief editor drawn into deep thoughts. She wanted this but how come she can't just let go of her pain. It was so sudden that it became confusing on how to abruptly drop the heavy feeling she's been keeping.

A sudden hung of arm around her neck made the chief editor to snap back to reality. Making her eyes turn back to Moonbyul whom did the act, Seulgi can't help but smile to the ease she felt from the sudden act. "You don't need to rush. Take one step at a time. You'll get there" Moonbyul flashed relieving smile along her comfort, hoping that Seulgi will one day, fully heal from her pain.

The news passed by week after week until it died down by another surprising breaking news from the industry.

Breaking News!

Jeric and Irene dating news turned out to be false according to the actress herself.

Later today, the actress revealed from a show that it was an article that she wasn't happy to oblige.

The shocking news made a stirring mix of emotions from fans on both parties.

Some claimed to be Jeric's fans were fuming with anger about Irene not going with flow and instead stained the actor's image.

On the other hand, Irene's fans were celebrating and claiming from the beginning that the dating news was false, and that the actress was just being controlled by her company for diversions etc...

In a dimmed room, a figure was standing in front a tv screen with the light from the show hitting her revealed an unreadable look. Then, a ring from her phone made her search for it in her pocket. Finally putting it beside her ear, a shout came from it. "KANG SEULGI! I KNOW YOU HATE ACTORS AND ACTRESSES BUT I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WOULD DO SUCH THING! IT WAS YOU, RIGHT? YOU'RE THE ONE IN CHARGE FOR EDITTING THAT SHOW. OH MY GOSH! WE NEED TO GET YOU MEDICATIONS" Moonbyul hysterically expressed. She thought that Seulgi gone mad and made all these fuzz on the news, but a subtle calm voice answered back. "Do I really look like that to you?"


A few days after the news of Joy, a surprise visit was made by Seulgi's mother. "How are you holding up?" Seulgi asked. "Oh. Is my daughter worried about me?" As usual, her mother made fun of her but deep inside was touched by her daughter's simple question. Putting the teasing aside, Joy answered "Hmmm... we'll, I'm suspended but you know what? I perfectly feel fine about it."

Her mother's reply made her raise her curiosity, "Why? What makes you feel fine after losing a job?" almost like a sarcastic question, she asked but her mother's answer made her stop functioning. As if it hit home so much that she became speechless.

"Because I did the right thing." Joy reasoned then giving a sweet smile to her daughter. "It's not that I lost my job. I'm just on break. I bet you don't know how relieved I felt after doing that. You see, in this life, not every decision we make with our conscience ends up on a positive note but damn, you'll feel the peace you'd been longing to experience. It's decision I didn't regret."

And there, it made Seulgi to come up with the decision she's been looking for. A decision that she won't regret doing.

*End of Flashback*

At Irene's agency, Irene, her manager and her CEO were all watching the news. Her CEO was surely boiling with anger as he stood up from her seat and shouted to Irene's manager. "This is pre-recorded, right?! How come no one asked as first before airing this?!!! ARE YOU PROPERLY DOING YOUR JOB??!!! GET THE PERSON WHO PERMITTED THIS BROADCAST!!!"

The manager quickly bowed before taking his leave but was stopped from her tracks when he heard the next words the CEO blurted. "Why the hell are you smiling?! Is this fun to you?!!! Gosh, you're insane IRENE!" the manager turned towards the actress, just to see the plastered smile on her face.

"Maybe... we need to call a doctor first..." Eyeing Irene in complete shock, he mumbled to himself.


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