Chapter 10 A Little Bit About You

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Irene's point view

Me and Seulgi are in the living room, eating dinner together. Due to Seulgi's sickness which lead to long sleep, Seulgi grew hungry few minutes after waking up and decided to order some food also as a thank you to my kindness while she's sick.

Seulgi, who was sitting across the table seems to be enjoying the food but I can't help but to remember that moment a while ago.


"I'm protecting you"

As I stated those words, Seulgi's gaze darted on mine. I felt a little chill on my spine seeing her serious face.

"Protecting me?" Seulgi snorted. I can sense rejection in her voice.

"In my line of work, I've seen and met people from the industry who only care for their reputation. Even if takes to ruin another life just to save theirs" Seulgi added. I felt her hatred in every word she said. I couldn't agree more because most of us are like that. It's about reputation and good image, we're public figures after all.

"That may be true but not all are like that. It doesn't apply to everyone and to every situation. It's a matter of priorities" I countered as I continue eating.

"So it doesn't apply all the time?" Seulgi questioned.


"It's a matter of priorities?"

"Yeah" I answered again focusing on my food.

"So are you saying I'm your priority?"


I choke on my food after realizing the last question. I glance at Seulgi who was grinning at my answer. But I mean it, people might start attacking her or spreading bad words about her if they knew she was with the ice princess. People will start dig to know more. You know people and fans these days.

"Sorry, I was just trying to lighten up the mood. Sorry for being harsh a while ago. Well if you mean what you said then I should be thanking you" Seulgi stood up and bowed at me.

"Thank you for being kind and sincere, Bae Irene-ssi" She stood there in front of me and gave a soft smile. It was rare for me to see that smile back in high school but whenever I get the chance to see it, my heart flutters at the view.

"Hmm..instead of Irene-ssi, just call me Irene" I proposed.

"But you are older than me, shouldn't I be calling you Irene-unn--"

"Try that and I will kill you." I deadpan replied. I saw a smile of defeat on her face. She sat down and continued eating after agreeing on what I said. It came across my mind how I met this girl in front of me. That moment when I thought I was helpless.

Back in high school

I was dragged to the rooftop by two girls after class with few students left in the campus.  Some people even turned a blind eye seeing me, being treated like that. I was mad and sad at the same time. What did I do to get into something like this? All I did was turn down an upper class man who was famous at the school. Then rumors started to spread that I'm a whore, that I seduced him and continuously seducing people.  How can they judge me without even knowing me? Why should I prove them wrong when it's them who judged me in the first place?

I snapped out from my thoughts when I sensed pain on my back. I was pushed against the wall then one of the girls held me tight while the other was facing me. She was saying something but I was out of focus. I knew it will be just about those non-sense rumors anyway.  All I know was that I was scared of what will happen to me soon. Something these people were capable to do to an innocent person like me just because of baseless rumors.  

Caught in that Feeling | Seulrene FFWhere stories live. Discover now