Chapter 26 The Consequence

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Irene's news was a hell for both Jeric and his company alongside the actress' company. While both companies were trying their best to calm the fans for the pass days, Jeric on the other hand, took his chance to find the person behind the broadcast. He was very angry and raging to find the one to blame.

Forcing his way to the broadcasting station, he was able to land to one of the staffs. Cornering the staff, he asked. "Tell me. WHO THE HELL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT BROADCAST?!" at first, Jeric tried to control himself but knowing his bullshit personality, he ended up bursting to anger.

The personnel was very much aware on what specific broadcast he was talking about. In fact, everyone in the station knew who helped the actress to air such scene. They even anticipated that this Jeric guy will show up here to beat everyone around, with him fully knowing that he has the higher ups backing him up.

And for that, the guy Jeric cornered only have one option and that was to tell him the truth in order to save himself from a greater danger. " Chief...K...Kang Seulgi." He uttered in fear making Jeric shout for him to tell him properly. "She.. she was the one who refuse to edit it the way she was ordered to. She did it without anyone's knowledge. And... with her being the trusted chief, the people in charge of airing the show didn't suspect her before playing it on national television..."

Hearing the information made Jeric want to punch the person in front of him that he was holding by the collar due to the rage he was feeling. Fortunately, he was able to control that bits of him and left the station as fast as he could, leaving the mess he just did.

While Jeric was all around spreading his wrath, Irene was smiling while eyeing her phone. She can't help but feel happy seeing that her rivals for Seulgi's love were checking up on her ever since the news broke out. The actress' smile became wider when a sudden call popped up from phone.

Taking the call, the person from the other end spoke first "How are you now? I just want to say that were putting a halt on the war. So, fix your mess okay and recover fast. Bye." Irene can't help but to giggle at how Yooa came to be this tsundere-like person. She finds it cute at how the dancer expresses her worries in an indirect manner.

But soon, she was interrupted by the ringing of her doorbell. Checking who the person was, Irene automatically opened the door. It revealed the timid rival of hers and greeted "H..Hi" Due to both not really having much conversation in the past, the atmosphere became a bit awkward, but the actress didn't fail to smile. "Uhhmm... this is for you" Eunae handed a thermal tumbler to Irene and added "It's... herbal tea. It will help calm your nerves..." and continued explaining that she got her address from Seulgi before swiftly bidding goodbye.

Again, Irene wasn't able to control her smile towards Eunae's kindness. It was as if even though she gained rivals for Seulgi, she has to admit that she also gained something precious. A good friendship, maybe.

Unaware of what happened in the station, Seulgi who received her termination was locked up inside her house. Leaning just behind her entrance door, she expected such thing to happen, she can't blame anyone for it was her own decision. " At least, I don't regret it." She expressed to herself. All she could do was sigh which was mixed with relief and sadness. But not for long, her moment was interrupted by the ring of her doorbell.

Distracted by her thoughts, Seulgi just opened her door without checking who the person was through her peephole or intercom screen. The moment she opened the door, an unexpected pain spread through her cheek which rung her senses back. Holding her left cheek as a reflex from the pain, she can't deny the huge force of the what seemed to be a punch that it made her a bit off balance but was saved by holding to her door frame with her other hand.

She focused her eyes on whom the punch came from, and there she saw a frame of a guy that turned out to be the actor Jeric. He evidently displayed a murderous look  that's rooted from his anger for Seulgi. "YOU!" he shouted, his voice was mixed with stern and seriousness that if you'll do something that's not to his liking, he will surely do something bad to you.

Along that shout was a sudden tight grip from his right hand towards Seulgi's neck. Due to the shock, Seulgi was caught off guard and was pushed inside her house. She was pinned at her own wall as Jeric continued to choke her, now with both hands. "YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY, HUH?! DIE! BITCH!" after hearing that, all that Seulgi did was struggle to get off the actor's hands.

Then suddenly, a thud on Jeric's head made him loosen his grip and fall to the floor. There, Seulgi saw a figure holding a baseball bat. "What are you doing here looking weak and pathetic? I didn't raise to be like that." She said with a smirk. It was non-other than her best friend, Moonbyul.

Moonbyul's appearance was reciprocated by a smile of relief from Seulgi's part, but before she could thank her best friend. With blood flowing down from his head, Jeric interrupted upon crawling up on both knees "WHO THE HELL?! A SAVIOUR? DON'T YOU KNOW ME?! I CAN STRIP EVERYTHING AWAY FROM YOU!" still being prideful as usual, he tried to mock Moonbyul.

On the other hand, Moonbyul just let out a smirk before leaning down to Jeric, "First of all, did you think that I saved her? I think you got it wrong there, Mr. It was you that I saved from a greater danger." Moonbyul completely knew that Seulgi was holding herself back on fighting and that she was greatly capable of doing horrible things to Jeric than Moonbyul herself.

"Secondly, strip everything away from me? Listen dude, I don't even have anything for you to take away from...Well, except for this loser you just choked." Being an orphan, Moonbyul was fearless about losing nothing. "and besides, aren't you already on your knees and asking for forgiveness?" taunting the short-tempered actor, Moonbyul giggled.

Realizing his position was indeed just like Moonbyul described it, Jeric oozed with anger due to his pride being hurt once again. "YOU SON OF--" he tried to express but was cut off by another hit from Moonbyul's baseball bat. "Shut up. Nobody wants to hear your lines."

Completely ignoring the now unconscious actor, Moonbyul pulled Seulgi up and said "Now, come with me. You have a messier place to get yourself into."

At Irene's company. After hearing the decision on her actions, the meeting was quickly dismissed in the early evening. The company was aware about the crowd that was piling up outside that they ended it early as possible to stop attracting more people.

Anticipating all the bashing she'll hear outside, Irene stood firm and continued her strides outside the company. With staffs and securities by her side, she expected that it was like those same times where she was hoarded by the crowd and the press from past events.

Just when the actress thought that the walk to her van was going smoothly while ignoring all the hate she's hearing. A raw egg was thrown to her that surely hit her on the head and there, it felt like time stopped. The humiliation crawled in and the next thing that Irene wanted to do was to throw an egg straight to where it came from. "People still do this?!" she whispered to herself. The actress was able to hold it all in but the consecutive eggs that was thrown and slapped to her, shook her. And this time, the ice princess' eyes can't hide all the pain and frustration she's been feeling.

Her eyes started getting teary resulting for her sight to be blurry and all she could do was halt her steps and hang her head down. "It should be like this, right? I should accept all their hate...". Her anxiety was eating her whole that her mind becomes empty.

But then, she took notice of her surroundings from her hearing. She could clearly hear the eggs cracking from the throw but was not slammed to her body. "Maybe... the staff was able to cover..." was all she thought but then she realized with her face hung down, it seemed that something was blocking her. A shadow that was protecting her.

Taking all the information in, Irene abruptly pulled her head to look up. And there, she saw a person a little bit taller than her wearing all black with black cap and black mask covering half of her face. With those cat-like eyes the only thing visible, Irene completely knew who it was. And with that, she wasn't able to hold her tears back.

"How about you come with me and leave these bullies behind?"

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