Chapter 9 Point of View

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Third person's point of view

"Ehh?" Eunae (Sonamoo a.k.a D.ana) reacted. Holding a controller connected to a game console,  Moonbyul turned to her.

"What is it?" Moonbyul asked after stopping from the game she was playing.

"Seulgi-unnie's phone rang then after a few seconds it was out of reach" A bit upset, Eunae explained.

"She's probably in a meeting, try calling her later" Moonbyul said before turning her focus back on the game. Eunae's eyes are still glued on her phone in disbelief because Seulgi never rejected or turns her phone off after a call from Eunae. She's starting to think all the 'what ifs' like what if something bad happened or something.

"Oh God Eunae! Maybe her battery just died!" Moonbyul stated in frustration after seeing Eunae's face trying to make the latter calm from her storm of thoughts. She knew the girl long enough to know her personality and how she reacts on things. Effectively, Eunae snapped out from her thinking and considered the possibility Moonbyul had just said, that maybe she's just over-thinking.

"Get a grip of it!" Moonbyul threw a pillow straight to Eunae's face but out of her usual reaction of barking back at Moonbyul, Eunae remained silent placing the thrown pillow on her lap.

"It's not like she's been stolen away from you or what" Moonbyul added going back to the game she's playing.

"Why don't you just confess to Seulgi already?" Moonbyul asked not looking back to Eunae.

"Confess what?" Eunae responded raising her eyebrows from the sudden question.

"That you like her..." Moonbyul answered shortly still hooked on the game. Eunae gulped for a moment because for as far she knew she never said anything about liking Seulgi.

"Of course, I like her. She's my unnie" Eunae reasoned nervously. She looked up to Seulgi as an older sister.

"I mean you like her....ROMANTICALLY" Emphasizing the latter part not even flinching on the game she's playing. There was a moment of silence with Moonbyul having a smirk while playing and Eunae almost being frozen after the statement while staring blankly at Moonbyul's back with cold sweats starting to form. Eunae took a big gulp trying to calm herself hoping to ease her nervousness.

"No. What are you saying? She's my unnie." Eunae finally gathered her strengths to talk back. By that time, Moonbyul stood up from the floor of Eunae's room as the screen in front of her flashes 'You Win'. She slowly turned around to look at Eunae having both her hands on her waist.

"Let's see how long you will be able to say that" Moonbyul scoffed. She walked slowly to Eunae not taking her eyes off on her friend until she finally reached Eunae who was sitting on her bed. Eunae just stared at Moonbyul's actions. To her surprise, Moonbyul pushed her down to the bed crawling on top of the student holding both Eunae's wrist on the side of her face. Moonbyul leaned to Eunae's ears.

"Let's see how long can you keep denying" she whispered, Eunae gulped slowly as the words sunk into her mind adding to the action of her friend that she can't even describe. Unfocused, she wasn't aware when Moonbyul slowly crawled her other hand to Eunae's phone and took it as she abruptly stand up. Snapping out from her thinking, Eunae saw her phone on Moonbyul's hand and was busy tapping the screen.

"What are you doing?" Eunae sat up in confusion.

"Helping you" Moonbyul stated eyes still on the phone. She's sending a message but Eunae swiped her phone off Moonbyul's.

"Oopps.. Sent" Moonbyul said. Eunae immediately looked at her phone and saw a text message sent to Seulgi. It read,

'I miss you already come and meet me up quick!'

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