Chapter 21 Have A Break

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Seulgi decided to continue her days, realizing that sulking over Jimin wasn't even worth it to begin with. After that day, Seulgi promised herself that this time to never ever get involved with celebrities. But she found herself trapped in a gaze looking at the monitor screen. She remembered the actress' request. But this time, Seulgi wanted to be firm not to mendle with celebrities anymore.

As she tries to shrugged the actress' request and continue her work, a sudden advice played through her mind,

"As long as what you think you do is right, don't go to wrong.."

She can't believe that Yooa's words were this meaningful to remember. The thought made Seulgi stop and froze. Thinking of losing her job just to grant the actress' request just doesn't seems right but then again, she was still contemplating.

"Why am I having second thoughts? Do I want the world to know the lie she was in or am I afraid that the world will hate her for the truth that she wants to reveal?...If I grant that request, am I saving her or actually putting her to her knees?" Ruffling her hair in frustration, Seulgi can't help but to feel crazy.

"In times like this, if the mind can't think right and weigh what to decide, maybe it's the heart that should make the call." She mumbled in a defeated tone.

After her day at work, Seulgi decided to head home to get some good rest. Opening her door, she embraced the cozy ambiance of her quiet and peaceful place not until her eyes landed on a human figure lying on her couch.

"No! You're not gonna win!" her unexpected visitor shouted while playing on her phone.

"Moonbyul? Why are you here?" Being puzzled by her friend's visit, Seulgi questioned. Moonbyul automatically sat up and stop her game. "I came to give you this" She handed a piece of envelope to Seulgi.

Adding more confusion to the chief editor, Seulgi decided to open it to pop the bubble. Her eyebrows stretched upwards seeing the content.

"Ticket to a ski resort? And why?" her eyes darted from the ticket to Moonbyul. "Well, your mother sent that. Me and Eunae got one too. I guess she already heard about the break up and was guilty about it." Moonbyul explained.

"Well, she should be. She's the one who introduced that guy to me" Seulgi answered darting her sight back to the ticket. After a long thinking, Seulgi decided to grab the unexpected vacation offer.

On the day of the vacation, Eunae and Moonbyul were excited while walking towards their accommodation with Seulgi smiling behind them.  Just seeing her two closest friends all these excited made the stress go away. Upon arriving at the said hotel, she bumped to Eunae who suddenly stopped her tracks.

Peaking to see her friend, she saw her with mouth slightly open and her finger pointing somewhere which Seulgi followed with her eyes. To her surprise, she saw 3 familiar faces. It turned out that Wendy, Yooa and Irene who was disguised as Joohyun were also invited by Seulgi's very own mother.

"Wow, How generous of my mom" Seulgi stated sarcastically, knowing that her mom planned it all along. She was just planning to have a quiet vacation with her closest friends but now was ruined by her mom's surprise. "Well, there's no choice but to have fun" hooking her arm in Seulgi's neck, Moonbyul said with a grin.

Once everyone was settled, they decided to have an early dinner together. Unintentionally, Seulgi ended up seated next to Joohyun. "Were you also invited by my mother?" Seulgi asked earning a shook from Joohyun.

"No, Wendy was invited and she decided to tag me along... I hope that was okay..." she stated, which was a complete lie because she also received a ticket but as Irene. She decided to appear as Joohyun for Seulgi to not be bothered and won't be reminded about her selfish request.

Caught in that Feeling | Seulrene FFWhere stories live. Discover now