Chapter 8 Another Chance?

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"W-why?.. H-how?.."

"Oh. You're awake?" Irene said in a soft voice after waking up from the noise I made.

"W-why are we sleeping together?

Why am I h-hugging y-you?..

What happened?" I shot some questions while hugging myself after scanning if I'm still wearing my clothes. Thankfully, I do

"Oooh. You don't really remember? Should I tell you every detail?" Irene teased, giving a smirk as she bites her lower lip.

'Did she just say everything in a seductive manner?' I gulped at my thought not taking my eyes off the actress. That Goddess-like appearance is true not just on cam but also off cam. Her beauty is undefinable. Seeing her wearing extra-large white loose long sleeves, lying in bed covered with a white sheet is something I can record to my memory forever. It's an instagram worthy scene but something I don't want to post or share to anyone. I slapped myself on that uncontrollable thought to bring myself back to reality.

"You''re an actress! You shouldn't sleep beside anyone you barely know." I protested.

"You pulled me here. I can't believe you don't remember. Why are you even overacting? We're both girls anyway" she answered back in disbelief.

"Don't act as if you're a virgin" she whispered to herself but I clearly heard it.

"I AM A VIRGIN!" I protested again emphasizing each words earning a look on her face in surprise.

"What?" She smirked on my question.

Third person's point of view

"Here I thought you were a fuck girl back in high school" Irene whispered to herself, still in disbelief of what she heard.  Aside from her war freak bad girl reputation back in high school, Seulgi was also known for her badass girl crush image that a lot of girls and boys admired her.

"What did you say?" Seulgi asked.

"I said, go back here on the bed and rest, who knows maybe I'll tell you what really happened" tapping the bed indicating for Seulgi to get back.

"No. I'm okay I can handle myself---" Seulgi tried to stand up but lost her balance feeling weak. Surprisingly, Irene was quick enough to slide across the bed to catch Seulgi. Seulgi ended up leaning her whole weight on Irene.

"Sorry what were saying again?" Irene asked sarcastically. Irene perfectly knew that Seulgi was not in good shape. She checked her temperature earlier and saw how high Seulgi's fever. She was even surprised how Seulgi was able to react when she woke up as if she's fine.

"Get more sleep. I'll tell everything when you wake up" Irene whispered softly to Seulgi, placing Seulgi back to the bed comfortably.

"Sorry..." Was all Seulgi could utter at the moment, blurry sights started to be apparent before Seulgi closes her eyes.


"Look, I know you're not feeling we--" but before Irene could finish her sentence,she noticed how pale Seulgi became than before. Seulgi suddenly leaned back resting her head on the sofa. She witnessed how Seulgi breathes heavily while looking at Irene.

"S-seulgi?" It made Irene stood up from her seat to approach her but Seulgi never gave her a response, completely shutting her eyes. Panicking, Irene shook her body to wake her but again Seulgi didn't even flinch a little.  Irene felt Seulgi's body heat rising up as she hold Seulgi's shoulder. Irene immediately placed her hand on Seulgi's forehead and there she realized Seulgi was burning sick causing Irene to hurriedly searched for her phone to call Wendy.

Caught in that Feeling | Seulrene FFWhere stories live. Discover now