Chapter 12 Unexplainable

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Irene's point of view

"A kissing scene?" I repeated what my manager said. The manager nodded elaborating the kissing scene with the male actor.

"Be careful, that guy is known for being nasty when it comes to intimate scenes" the manager warned. I just sighed but proceeds to the scene.

As I was walking, I saw Seulgi standing beside the director talking to him. I felt nervousness piling up inside me just by Seulgi's presence.

'Is she going to watch?' I thought.

"Okay, we will start shooting the kissing scene. Where is Jeric?" the director shouted asking for the male actor's whereabouts.

"Here" Jeric stepped into the scene walking like a boss displaying full confidence of a bad boy. This guy was known for doing extra to his co-stars when it comes to intimate scenes. He's a total pervert jerk. If I had known that he would be a replacement for the original actor for the scene I would have not signed this contract but I need to remain professional.


"And CUT!!! That was a good take. The disgust feeling felt natural there" the director complimented after I immediately pulled away to break the kiss and slapped hard the actor's cheek. I walked back to the waiting room along with my manager in disgust.

"I swear he put his tongue in!" I complained wiping my lips in disgust. But what bothered me the most was the view of Seulgi after that kiss. I felt so uncomfortable doing a scene like that in front of her making me urgently rushed away from that scene.

"I'm thankful that I need to slap him after. I didn't hold back slapping that jerk!" I said in frustration. My manager patted me gently and asked me to take some rest until the next shoot. She left with the others to buy food.

I don't know but I feel like crying remembering Seulgi's face a while ago. It was unreadable. I can feel pain in my chest as if I shouldn't kiss someone other than her. Flashes of memories of our kisses filled my mind.


In Irene's Condo

"But whatever it is, it's nice to finally see you again especially up this close" I smiled like an idiot while whispering those words. My eyes accidentally dropped on Seulgi's lips and I was unconsciously drawn to it. I leaned closer and closer as if gravity was pulling me. Before I realize that I was about to kiss Seulgi....


I was startled and abruptly pulled back due to the sound from what I could say was from a phone. I quickly searched and found it on Seulgi's jacket.

"Jo Eunae? Hmm.." I contemplated whether to answer or not the call until the call ended. I was relieved for a moment then stared back at the sleeping Seulgi. I was completely sane on wanting to kiss her. I miss her so much. I never thought that we'd cross paths again but then my thoughts were interrupted by the same phone with the same caller ID.

"Oh Please" I got slightly pissed because I was having a moment with this sleeping Seulgi and that Eunae keeps on calling so I decided to turn the phone off.

"Because I'm upset and pissed... stealing a kiss from you won't hurt, right?" I whispered looking at this cute sleeping bear on my bed. I was about to do that a while ago, anyway. So I carefully leaned down to her and placed a gentle and soft kiss on her lips just enough not to wake her up.

"Now I'm back in my good mood" I stated standing up with butterflies in my stomach.

*End of Flashback*

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