Chapter 23 About Time

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It was almost the end of the school term and just like any other normal day, Joohyun headed to her usual route on going home. She was more cheerful than the previous days now that she gets to talk to her hero even just by little from time to time. She was thankful that Seulgi and Moonbyul always accompany her, making Joohyun untouchable from the bullies of the school.

Joohyun was really in a good mood that she starts skipping her steps towards her way but a sudden phone call from an unknown number stopped her.


"Is this Bae Joohyun?"


"This is from the city's hospital, your mother, Taeyeon, was rushed here in the hospital due to over-fatigue" without further due, Irene ran outside the school, taking a short cut to get faster to the school's exit, hailing a cab to get to the mentioned hospital nurse.

Upon arriving to the hospital, Joohyun was almost out of her senses. She was dead worried for her mother. She kept on searching the ward until she spotted an old lady lying weakly on the hospital bed. "Mom!" kneeling down beside the bed, Joohyun cried out. "I told you not over-worked yourself, mom" with teary eyes, Joohyun argued.

"I'm okay, Joohyun. You don't need to worry that much. I just need to rest a bit" her mother gently brushed Joohyun's face to reassure her that everything's alright. Joohyun was so afraid to lose her one and only family. Her mother tried her best to give her a better life as a single mother. It was hard. Joohyun saw all her mother's hard work but facing reality, her mother was no longer young and if allowed on that very instance, she wanted to make her stop working and take the lead as the bread winner of the family.

She felt helpless.

At the very far end of the hospital ward, ends a shooting scene of a movie. The actress stood up, fixing her wardrobe after the director shouted 'cut'. She briefly glances around but one particular scene made her look back at a certain spot.

She saw a girl crying beside an old lady. Seeing it from a far, it was touching but what caught the actress' attention was how beautiful the high school student even with tears on her face.

"Her face made those tears look expensive" she remarked. "Hey, Producer Lee" the man who was passing by stopped upon calling his name. "You're also working on a new drama right? Can I recommend a casting? A small role would be fine" Pointing at Joohyun after saying her words.

"Do you personally know her?" the producer asked. "No but I'm seeing a potential, right there" she smirked patting the producer's shoulder. "Okay. I'll try besides, your eyes never fails to see talent." He remarked and went on approaching Joohyun.

But before heading there straight, he stopped and turned back to the actress, "Oh by the way, Miss actress Park Joy, Your next scene will shoot in 10 minutes".

Back at the present, Joy was standing in front of the window blinds, not trying to look outside instead looking at Irene's picture taken from the rescue.

"That small role turned out to be her breakthrough" she remarked. Reminiscing the past. "How can I even forget that face" she added.

A faint sound interrupted her thoughts. Quickly turning around, she saw Seulgi gained her consciousness from the accident. "How are you feeling, dear?" hastily approached her daughter, Joy worriedly asked but all that her daughter could do was blink weakly for she was still trying to recover.

"In case you're wondering, you're in Seoul Hospital." Joy stated.

"J..Joohyun" Seulgi mumbled in a weak voice. "She was still in the previous area. I got so worried that I transferred you here in soul. You got third degree frostbite alongside fever. You tried to keep someone warm while you were freezing to death. What are you, a hero?" Joy sarcastically protested.

Due to her mother's dramatic outburst, Seulgi slowly got to her senses. She sat up taking the oxygen mask off her face.

"Stop acting, for all I know, there were a lot of reporters trying to write up the accident and you're just afraid that they may accidentally dig my details that may lead to you being my mother." Seulgi countered while pressing her temples to ease her headache.

The senior actress got speechless. It was partly true and the other half reason was because she was really worried but she knows that Seulgi won't believe it.

"Why? You're still not ready to let go of your career after all these years? You're still not ready to let the world knows that you hid your only daughter and left your husband just to be where you are right now?" Seulgi stated as if it was nothing.

Those words struck on Joy's heart. Just like a slap on her face, it was painful because it reminded her all the things she had done but was more excruciating hearing how soulless it was coming from her daughter's lips though it was expressed in a calm and serious way. It sounded like it was something that Seulgi already accepted years back.

The conversation was interrupted by the sudden entrance of Joy's manager. "Joy, never go outside! There are a lot of reporters. Someone saw you being here and tip it to some reporters. Don't step outside this door, not until I plotted a perfect scenario." The manager explained.

"You could just say that you were visiting me, a good friend who happens to be a video chief editor of a broadcasting station. That makes sense already" sharing her opinion, Seulgi suggested.

"But if they dug my profile and saw my father's name, that would make MORE SENSE" trying to tease her mother with a fact, Seulgi smirked. Joy could only gulp at the possibilities.

"You know news makers. They don't tend to forget old news and loves to link it with the present. Not all reporters will write well about you. They especially like writing bad ones" Again, another hitting words from Seulgi.

"Aish! Sometimes I'm wondering if it's you who experienced being an actress." Thinking that her daughter's words were always on point, Joy said in defeat but what took Seulgi and the manager's attention was the actress' smirked afterwards.

"Maybe you're right... It's about time" Joy turned her back against them, with the sounds of her heels hitting the hospital floor, the actress stride towards the door, opening it which let all the flashes of cameras to hit her alongside the rampage of reporters trying to get a scoop of what's happening.

"Who are you visiting here Ms. Park?"

"Is it true that you took this patient from the Ski Resort accident to this hospital? Why transfer in Seoul though?""Is this person a close relative of yours?"

Shots of questions was continuously given to Joy but the senior actress returned it with a sweet smile and said.

"Oh. I was just visiting my daughter"

--End of Chapter 23-- 

HELLOOOOOOO! How are you all??? THE LONG WAIT IS OVERRRR and yeah, as the title says... It's about time... to comeback here and update this!

After almost a year of not updating this story, now I'm back. I know I've lost readers for the hiatus but hey, I will live for those who waited. I miss you all and your silly comments.

Thank you for your long wonderful patience. It was so kind of you. ^u^

A piece of advice, I'm sure a lot of you forgot the whole story here so why not re-read to refresh? haha. Just suggesting 'cause I also did.

I believe this story is actually near it's end when I went hiatus. Just sayin'

As always, Don't forget to like and comment. 

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