Chapter 6 The Past and the Curious

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Another long day ended and Seulgi decided to walk her way home. The winter breeze was hitting her skin and ruffles through her clothes but Seulgi didn't bother, not realizing she was caught in deep thought.

Seulgi's point of view

"Bae Joohyun?" Encountering that name after a long time drew me back to the past. I never thought that I would still feel this way. I thought that I was completely fine and was totally over it. It was childish but I guess it was a painful memory for the younger version of me. Because it was a feeling I wasn't able to convey and giving up was the next option I only saw back then.


"Hey, I heard she flirted with our sunbae (higher year/ superior) " A girl whispered to the other who were wearing the same uniform. They were talking about a girl seated in front.

"Yeah. She's a total flirt. She keeps on deceiving others with that face" the other girl whispered back. But damn! Their whispers were so loud that I could even hear it from the back where I was seated and I'm pretty sure that the girl they were talking about heard it clearly. The girl stood up and went outside the classroom. I didn't realize that I followed her. She went to the restroom. There, I saw my friend from the other class beside the restroom door.

"Yo!" Moonbyul greeted coolly. After giving each other a high five, we both went inside the restroom.

"Hey. I heard there's a flirt in your class? How was she? Is she totally hot and whore?" Moonbyul asked.

"Moonbyul, watch your words. You don't know her" I defended.

"Then do you?" Moonbyul asked back.

"No, but I think she's not the type of person." I said replaying that girl's face a while ago in my mind.

"And you're not the type of person who believes in rumors" I scolded hitting her on the head. Then the door to one of the cubicles opened slowly, the rumoured girl shyly walked out the cubicle while looking at me. I don't know but I pity her because she just transferred last year to our school but now she's the headline of the gossip. We stared at each other awkwardly then she went out of the restroom.

Me and Moonbyul stepped out the restroom a few minutes after. We talked about other stuffs but then I felt something hit me. I looked and saw a girl who bumped into me. Grabbing her by the collar, I pulled her close.

"Did you just bump onto me?" I asked stating the obvious. The girl was nervous that she can't even say a word.

"Hey nerdy! Why don't you just hide yourself in the library?" Moonbyul irritably said trying to provoke the girl. Me and Moonbyul were known as war freaks in our school making other students fear us. Then I saw the girl who was the headline of the school looking at us. Unexpectedly, it made me feel uncomfortable making me release the student who bumped onto me. The student immediately apologized before running away from us.

"Did she just make me stop what I'm doing with one stare?" I asked myself in disbelief while approaching my seat.

Third person's point of view

After class.

"YAH! You think you can play with our sunbaes forever?! We will end it here!" A female voice was heard from the roof top. Two girls were cornering another with a name of Bae Joohyun. The girl slapped Joohyun making her dropped to her knees due to the impact. She pulled Joohyun to stand up. Grabbing her necktie and was about to get anotherh= slap, Joohyun closed her eyes but a hand stopped the girl.

"Hit her again and I will not be sure what will happen to you" Seulgi said with her fearless eyes. The other girl was arm locked by Moonbyul.

"This is student violence!" The girl accused Seulgi and Moonbyul for stopping them. The two can't believe what they just heard from the girl's mouth making Seulgi shook her head.

Caught in that Feeling | Seulrene FFWhere stories live. Discover now