Chapter 20 I Won't Let You

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Shocked with the pictures she received earlier, Seulgi rushed outside the office the moment her work hours ended. While crossing the road to the nearby park, Seulgi doesn't know what to feel. She was contemplating to confront Jimin or not but then again, she needed an explanation.

Stopping her tracks near a bench in the park, the man who was sitting there noticed Seulgi making him stand on his feet.

"Hey, what took you so long?" the guy gave her a warm smile, spreading his arms indicating for Seulgi to give him a hug but the chief editor did the otherwise.

"Jimin" Seulgi whispered. She stood still and like on cue, the wind blew with few leaves fell from the trees. For Seulgi, it felt like time stopped but not because of a romantic feeling but due to a sad feeling rather.

She questioned herself if this was the same person she saw in the pictures sent to her. If it's true, the person she thought was a good man that one day she'll learn to love was actually someone she should be afraid of.

Afraid because of this guy can fool her and have such indescribable duality, being a nice man in front of her and a complete different person on her back.

Jimin just smiled and thought that Seulgi was just playing hard to get for not walking towards him for the hug. So, he decided to stride towards Seulgi with eyes lovingly locked on her.

At the same time, the latter decided to move forward to Jimin and upon meeting half way, Jimin was ready for a hug but a slap was instead given to him.

The man immediately touched his reddish cheek. "Wha—what was that for?" shocked, Jimin tried to speak in a soft voice.

"Who are you, Park Jimin?" was all Seulgi blurted, eyes flaming with anger directed to the puzzled guy.

"Huh? What are you talking about? It's me, Jimin, you're boy--" He's explanation was cut when Seulgi showed the pictures she received. She expected Jimin to deny it basing on how she sees it on dramas but the guy did the exact opposite. Jimin went silent.

"I'm giving you another chance to answer my question. Who are you, Park Jimin?!" Seulgi can feel her blood rushing as she boils in anger, taking the guy's silence as a sign of being guilty.

The man looked down, put his hands on his pockets and began saying, "I'm Park Jimin, Son of the CEO of BH entertainment, Rich, Handsome..." a small pause was made as he gulped before resuming his words "and a jerk... I... I dated you because your mother is a well-known actress..." A surprised honest answer was made by the guy. He was guilty seeing Seulgi with anger written on her face. It was the first time she saw Seulgi that angry while being together.

"After what happened to me that night, I felt scared for the first time but it also opened my eyes that I don't deserve you. You don't deserve a foolish person like me. I'm truly sorry..." he ended.

Even though Seulgi prepared herself on everything that might be revealed on this night, hearing his confirmation was more painful that she could ever imagine. What could be more painful than a trust being broken.

"Leave before I change my mind and beat the hell out of you" with a stern tone, Seulgi managed to spill her words. Jimin swore he felt chills on his spine, seeing Seulgi on that state for the first time. For him, Seulgi was this sweet and innocent woman but seeing her throwing that poisonous glare and serious face, it was a complete opposite from what he knew.

It was almost an hour since Jimin left but the Chief Editor remained seated on the park bench. Feeling the pain on her chest, Seulgi can't believe how she was used just because of her mother's fame.

"He wanted fame because my mother was a known actress? Why didn't he dated my mother instead?!" she complained as tears fell on her cheeks. She hated the fact that she once again was entangled with pain just because of her mother's title. It made Seulgi despised celebrities more.

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