Chapter 5 Hidden

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Irene's point of view

"Irene" I snapped out from my thoughts while looking at Seulgi and her friends. I turned to Wendy who called my name.

"Isn't that Seulgi? You said you worked with her at a photo shoot. Doesn't she recognize you? Even though you're wearing simple along that eye glasses, I still think people would recognize you." Wendy stated while wiping some cups.

"Hmm. I don't know. She never gave me any sign of recognition. That's a good thing right? At least it will be peaceful here without all the fans, cameras and gossips." I answered back in relief. I really wanted a quiet and peaceful time behind the camera. Here, I can move freely without others noticing me and I like it when people approach me not because of my fame but because I'm a regular person in the society.

"But one thing is bothering me.." I whispered to myself while looking back where Seulgi was seated which Wendy was able to hear.

"What is it?" Wendy asked.

"Say Wendy, is it possible for a classmate in high school to forget you when you happen to meet them now?" I asked.

"Hmm.. it depends. If you're not that close, like you never spoke and never paid attention to each other but I guess you will at least recognize each other by the face?" Wendy answered. It made me think and went back on looking at Seulgi.

'How come she doesn't remember?

Should I just ask her?

Is it really her?

She looks different like more composed than how I remember her in high school.' Thoughts played into my mind.

At the Dance Studio

The lesson ended, Yooa together with her close friend Mimi (Oh my girl) were left behind the dance studio. Mimi noticed that Yooa was not in her usual self.

"Yooa-ya, why are you so out of it today? You keep on spacing out" Mimi said. Letting out a big sigh, Yooa shrugged and just sat on the floor.

"What's bothering you?" Being curious, Mimi asked again.

Finally, Yooa decied to break her silence. "Mimi, I felt this lingering feeling.. It made my heart beat faster than the usual, my breathing became heavy, it made me uncomfortably comfortable like I wanted to experience it again. Aaahh! I don't know!!!" Yooa said in frustration.

"Oh my! Yooa, do you like someone? If it's a person, I bet you like that person." Mimi stated making  Yooa looked up to Mimi in disbelief.

"Yah! I'm YOO SHIAH! I DON'T FALL THAT EASILY!" Yooa whined to Mimi.

"Well, I figured that. Other people may like you but it will never be you to like them first" Mimi said and sat down next to Yooa.

"Yoo Shiah doesn't know what love is" Mimi whispered to Yooa's ear.

"Yah! I fell in love. I had boyfriends before remember?" Yooa defended.

"Who? The one who said that he likes you so much and followed you around all day? He even let you put a collar on his neck. Dude, you treated him like a dog" Shaking her head, Mimi stated in disbelief remembering that story.

"Or is it the other guy you dated because he begged you to? He was indeed good looking but hell you treated him like a personal assistant and ask him to buy this and that then dumped him a week later? It didn't last for a month Yooa!" Mimi added sounding more like complaining.

"But I like them before. So I could say that I have an idea what love is" Yooa countered.

"No. You don't. You never like someone first. You tend to like them because they like you and treated you like a goddess. You treated them like a slave. That will never define what love is. You only love your fucking self" Mimi  strongly countered making her friend silent. Defeated by Mimi's words, she realizes that her close friend's words were true.

Caught in that Feeling | Seulrene FFWhere stories live. Discover now