Chapter 13 An Apology

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On a usual afternoon in a normal coffee shop, there combined an unexpected duo sitting across each other almost not blinking, busy glaring at each other.

"Woah! What a cold and dark atmosphere I'm sensing." Moonbyul joked around upon arriving back to the table with their drinks. She sat next to Eunae who was deathly glaring at Yooa.

"Why is she even here?" Eunae whispered to Moonbyul.

"I saw her about to enter the café so I invited her here knowing she's alone." Moonbyul explained while handing them their drinks.

"Why? Feel threatened?" Busy with her drink, Moonbyul teased.

"Threatened of what?" Eunae innocently played earning a sigh from her friend.

"I wonder how long you can play dumb." Moonbyul responded.

On the other side of the table, Yooa was staring at the two, perfectly hearing what they're talking about. On that point, Yooa confirmed that this Eunae in front of her has feelings for her so called fill-in dance instructor, just like how she sensed it on their first meeting.

"Where is Seulgi, anyway? I thought she'll be here?" Yooa asked politely upon glancing at her wrist watch. Moonbyul automatically checked her phone for any messages from Seulgi and to her surprise, she got a lot of missed calls and unread messages from the said person.

Upon reading the messages, she looked at the other two who was anticipating. "I'm sorry girls but our very own Seulgi will not be coming today. She has some urgent things to do" she stated still looking at her phone.

Both Eunae and Yooa sighed heavily hearing that but beyond their knowledge, Moonbyul lied about the reason and was still eyeing on Seulgi's message.

From Seulgi

Moonbyul, I'm sorry that I can't hang out today. I want to be alone to think

But don't worry too much. I know you.

Despite being the stubborn friend who has a carefree mood, Moonbyul who's been with Seulgi all these years, was worried about her friend. She have seen Seulgi on her good and bad times adding to her worries the last time Seulgi wanted to be alone to think which she can't remember when. It's been that long that it's occurrence today made Moonbyul got alarmed by it.

She secretly messaged Seulgi back asking her exact location not wanting her very best friend to be alone at this hour. The pieces of memories of Seulgi being vulnerable in the past comes flashing to her mind. It was so unexpected that it's still clear in Moonbyul's memories.


Father! Father! No! Don't leave me! No! Wake up! Wake up...

A girl in her teens was leaning down on a hospital bed in despair with eyes swollen from her hard cries, using all her energy to call out her father who was immobile on the bed she was leaning to. She was there, all alone in that hospital room nothing but with the doctor, nurses and her best friend standing behind her, watching her grieve over her loss. Adding to her broken and empty heart was the absence of her mother, the only family left for she's an only child.

She tried to convince herself that her father would wake up from all her endless calls and cries but soon the teenage girl felt the weakness on her knees as the scene in front of her sunk in. It was hopeless and all she could do was hold her father's hand so tight while she trembled down.

The young Moonbyul walked carefully next to her best friend and leaned down to her, caressing her back to comfort her.

"It's okay to cry, Seulgi but see that your father is now in a better place, far from all the pain and cruelty of this world." Moonbyul comforted. Seulgi looked up with her furious eyes.

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