Big Girls Don't Cry

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Zoe's POV

I was on the floor, of the O2L house, sobbing. Why? Why am i sobbing? I just got the second worst call ever! (Besides about my mother dying) I sniffled and heard a familier voice fill my ears. It was Tyler.

"Who died?" Tyler asked. I shook my head addressing it wasn't a death and started bawling again. My eye sight was blurry but i saw tyler grab my phone. He called back the number and talked to my aunt. I couldn't believe that this happened. I burried my face into my hands and continued crying. I felt a pair of arms set me on there lap. He started humming to me softly. It was sam.

"Oh Zoe. Do you want to head over to the hospital?" Tyler asked. His voice was filled with concern and panic.

"Y-y-y-y yes. Please," I managed to croack out. Sam picked me up bridal style and took me back to Tyler's car. Sam set me down and then sat next to me. You are probably wondering what the hell happened. Well you remember my cousin? The thing is she has depression.She has this one girl who is always hating on her. You are probably thinking its kinda stupid. Anyway, Stacey igured out about Tyler being her uncle and she started teasing her about it. I know its stupid too. Anyway the teasing got to her and then she started cutting. She had finally lost it with Stacey. My aunt found her in the bathroom almost passed out. I hate this Stacey bitch. She has crossed the line with me.

Sam heald me close. I finally got myself together.

"Stacey has crossed the line," I said.

"Yeah she has taken it too far," Tyler said as he drove. Sam nodded.

"I need her address," I said a bit harshly. Tyler chuckled.

"We aren't going to kill her right?" Tyler asked.

"Just freindly talking," I said. Sam and Tyler chuckled as we drove to the hospital.

-Skips le car ride-

I jumped out of the car and ran into the hospital without Sam or Tyler behind me. I ran to the desk and panted a bit.

"Angelica," I huffed. The nurse at the desk gave me a weird look then looked at her computer.

"room 613. You go up to the third floor and its the eigth door on the left," The nurse said.

"Thank you," I panted as i ran to the elevator. I started to click the up button repeatedly. Finally, the large doors opened. I ran inside and pressed the floor three button quickly. Finally Tyler and Sam made it into the elevator with me. I giggled.

"Slow pokes,," I mumbled as i started pacing. The elevator started moving and i didn't care. I just paced. It's what i do when i get stressed. Finally the door opened to the third floor. I sprinted out and started running. A cart full of something was in the way of me getting to Angelica. So i leaped over it. Finally, i had made it to her room. I knocked on the door and waited. I heard faint footsteps come to the door. Finally, my aunt opened the door and embraced me. I hugged her back and let go. I walked over to Angelica's bed and looked at her. She was sleeping soundlessly. Both her amrs were covered with gause. I stroked her hair softly and kissed her four head. The door opened again to reveal Sam and Tyler. Tyler smiled and hugged his sister. Sam stood there awkwardly.

"Do you know where Stacey lives?" Tyler finally asked my Aunt.

'Just down the road. Why?" She asked. I nodded and smiled.

"We will be back," i said as Tyler, Sam, and I walked out and headed to Stacey's house.

My Uncle Is Tyler OakleyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt