"Friendly" Beating

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Tyler's POV

You could see the steam coming from Zoe's ears. She was beyond pissed off. I sighed softly.

"Zoe we can't kill her. Not even beat her," I piped up.

"She is just going to have a talking to Tyler!" Zoe snapped. I bit my lip and looked down at the side walk as we walked. Nothing came out of our mouths. Zoe finally stopped in front of a Blue-grey house. She took a few deep breaths and then walked up to the door. She knocked on it softly. I noticed Sam slip his hand into hers. I smiled and then noticed light fill around there hands. I looked up and saw the door open.

"Hi! Does Stacey live here?" Zoe asked politely.

"Yes. You must be some of her friends. Hold on just a second," the woman said as she closed the door and walked away. I took a deep breath myself. Finally the door opened again and we saw Stacey.

"Um who are you?" She asked snottily.

"Zoe. Angelica's cousin. Yeah why don't you step outside," Zoe said. Stacey closed the door and n leaned against it.

"What do you want?" Stacey asked.

"You are the whole damn reason why my cousin almost committed suicide! You are a little bitch!" Zoe yelled. I watched the sene take place

"So Tyler is gay. I don't like gays," Stacey snapped. That's when I broke.

"You are just a little bitch! I am Tyler! You need to just shut the fuck up! Just because we are the minority doesn't mean you have to be a total ass hole about it! What if in a different world homosexuality was the major and straight was the minority! How would you feel if you were judges by liking guys?!?" I yelled. She didn't answer.

"That's what I thought! Now just leave Angelica and me alone!" I yelled. Zoe and Sam started clapping. Stacey scoffed but then tears were rolling down her face.

"Y-y-y you see. I-I -I I am bisexual....i-I haven't been able to tell anyone," Stacey said as she started crying. I softened up.

"Then why did you pick on Angelica?" I asked confused.

"I knew you were her uncle and sense it has been hard for me to tell anyone about my sexuality I turned to pick on someone else," Stacey said.

"Well just tell people and they will except you for who you are. If people don't, cut them out of your life. You don't need them," I said to her as I have her a hug. She hugged back and nodded. Stacey calmed down and then went back inside.

"Plot twist," Zoe said as we started heading back to the hospital. Sam chuckled.

"Tyler you have some pretty damn good advise," Sam said. I smiled.

"Thank you Sam! I think I did pretty well with handling the situation," I said as we got back to the hospital and headed back up to Angelica's room. We walked inside and saw she was still asleep. My sister walked over.

"Is everything alright?" She asked nervously.

"Everything is totally fine! Turns out it was just a bad way of expression," Sam said. She nodded softly and went back to watching whatever she was watching. Zoe let go of Sam's hand and walked over to Angelica. Zoe held onto her hand and stroked it with her thumb. Moments later Angelica started moving. Zoe smiled as she opened her eyes.

"Z-z-z Zoe? What are you doing here?" Angelica asked softly. Zoe giggled

"I had to come over and see if you were ok!" Zoe said. Angelica laughed a little and looked over at Sam and I. Leaning against the wall.

"Wait. SAMMIE!" Angelica said smiling. Sam chuckled and walked over and gave her a hug.

"I miss you shorty," Sam said to her.

"You're the short one," Angelica said as she looked over.

"Wait Zoe am I dreaming? Is that-" I cut her off

"Yes it's me your uncle Tyler. Girl don't have a heart . attack!" I said as I walked over.

"I just wow," Angelica said. I chuckled.

"Well I am so happy to meet my other niece but it's at the most awkward of times," I said to her. She agreed.

"So Sam, uncle Tyler. Can I have a few minutes alone with Angelica?" Zoe asked. We nodded and walked out of the room. I leaned against the wall and sighed.

"I missed Angelica," Sam said to me.

"Well tell me about young Sam and Zoe and Angelica," I said.

Sam started telling stories about going to his uncles cabin up in Nebraska and playing in the woods. He also told a story about when they got lost at the circus. I was rolling at this point.

Zoe finally said we could come back inside. Angelica was staring down at her arms. Looking at each little scar and mumbled something to herself.

"Oh well look at that! I got up to twenty this time," Angelica finally said. Sounding almost proud. But a small sniffle indicated she was crying. Zoe sighed softly. Angelica then started crying more. Then the door opened again. It was.....


Authors note:


So my life is finally starting to straighten out more.

School has started for me and it's boring as hell.

A few questions once again!

- what do you think of Stacey?

- Zammie or Joe (her and Jc)?

- Troyler action soon?

- new characters anyone?

Just comment below!

Also! I have came up with a name for you guys! It's kind of bad but it's Zylernaters . (Zoe and Tyler)

Love you guys!

-Lily is getting shit together

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