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Tyler’s POV

                                *A WEEK AFTER ANGELICA AT THE HOSPITAL*

    I was sitting at my desk editing my new Q and Slay video with my earbuds in. The video was coming along great. It was the funniest one I had ever done.

My phone vibrated in my lap and interrupted my thoughts. I jumped the tiniest bit and checked it. I had a text message from Sam saying, “I love you too baby, I just can’t hurt Zoe like that or Tyler will K-I-L-L M-E.” My eyes widened. He couldn’t be cheating on Zoe like that!

“Sam, who was that going to?” I texted back. His name then said “is typing” next to it. The new text popped up, and I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“DO NOT TELL ZOE. I really like Scarlett and I have for a while now; I didn’t know she moved to California and I have missed her for a while now. I have loved her for a while as well. I just haven’t been able to tell Zoe “I love you” because I fear Jc would grow jealous. Scarlett is also very different from Zoe. Zoe and I don’t have many things in common, BUT Scarlett and I do. Please Tyler, DO NOT TELL HER ABOUT THIS.”

I couldn’t believe what I was reading.

“Sam, cheating? With Scarlett? While dating MY niece?!? I can’t believe it. I can’t break the news to her. Zoe’s mother died and her dad is no where to be found! She also has 12,000 subscribers to keep happy! Her life is just finally coming together and you, Sam, are going to make it a hell of a lot worse by doing this! I have lost all respect for you Mr.Pottorff!” I aggressively typed. I sent it to Sam and sighed. I set my phone down on my desk and continued to edit my video.

“Hey Tyler!  This box was left outside of the apartment…”Zoe said. She walked into my room with my nature box, box.

“Oh thanks! Just set it on the counter in the kitchen!” I told her. She nodded and walked out. I sighed, I wanted to tell her. I really did, But I couldn’t do it.

My phone didn’t vibrate for a while after sending that text to Sam. I continued to edit my new video.

My mind kept wandering off to Sam’s text. I couldn’t help thinking about it. It would crush Zoe to know that Sam is cheating on her. Which would make her mad at me if I didn’t tell her. I honestly just want to tell her.

I stood up and sighed as the video started uploading to YouTube. I walked past Zoe’s room and she was making a video. I could call someone and ask them what to do. I was about to call Connor when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over and opened it. I saw a super stressed Connor standing at my door.

“Connor! I was just about to call you! What’s wrong?” I asked as he walked in. He sighed and bit his lip.

“I have been contemplating sometimes and I need your help with it,” Connor said. I could tell he was having a hard time with whatever it was.

“Of course Connie! Come sit! Do you want anything to drink or eat?” I asked as I watched him sit down on my couch.

“Coffee please,” Connor mumbled. I went into kitchen and started to make the coffee.   

“So Connor. Tell me what’s going on?” I said as I walked back in with a mug of coffee. He took the mug and signed.

    “I’ve been thinking about this for a while. I just..I-I-I-I think I am gay,” Connor stuttered out. I started laughing.

    “Connor are you serious?”I asked. Connor nodded and took a drink of his coffee.

    “Oh you’re serious. Well when did it start?” I asked.

About two hours later, Connor,Zoe and I were laughing hysterically about the movie, “White Chicks” with popcorn, Arizona tea, and coffee.

Connor is gay and he is going to make a video tomorrow to tell his fans. Which I couldn’t believe he was doing it. He really took my mind off of Sam cheating on Zoe and not being able to see Troye for a while. But I think I am starting to fall for Connor instead. I don’t want to cheat on Troye, but Connor was closer and easier to keep a longer relationship with.

I shook off the feelings I was having for Connor and got up. I went into the kitchen and started to wash the rest of the dishes I needed to do. I started to load the ones that were ready into my dish washer. I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen. I looked up and saw Zoe standing there, leaning in the archway of the kitchen.

“Tyler you NEVER leave watching a movie. What’s going on?” Zoe asked me. I sighed.

“I think I might be--liking Connor,” I said. I was never going to mention how Sam was cheating on her.

Zoe squealed. “Yes! Yes! I ship it! You can’t keep having a long distance relationship with Troye. Connor is closer and everything,’ Zoe said. I sighed.

“I know but I love Troye,”I mumbled.

“Talk to Troye about your relationship and if it’s worth it if this relationship is something YOU want to keep. Put YOURSELF before anyone else,” Zoe said a bit louder than I thought. Connor came up behind Zoe and smiled at me.

“I’m gonna head out and go home. Thanks for your help Tyler,” Connor said to me. He walked away before I could say goodbye. I sighed and looked at the floor.

“I’ll leave you with that advice. Troye is online on skype,” Zoe said as she walked away. I heard the TV turn off and then a door shut.

“Fuck me,” I whispered as I went to my room and closed the door behind me. I went to my desk and sat down. I looked at my Skype and Troye was on. I clicked on his name and got ready to see his face.  He finally picked up the phone.

“Hey Tyler!” Troye said. I smiled and waved. I couldn’t help but realize I could break his heart right now.

‘I wanted to talk about our relationship,” I said.

“Alright what do you want to talk about?” Troye asked.

“I hate having our relationship being long distance. It is killing me because I can’t see you and,” I hesitated, “yeah that’s all.”

“I hate it too. I wanted to talk about it with you for a while as well. I honestly didn’t have the guts to tell you. Well and the time since my EP came out and my YouTube career is taking off more and it is becoming harder to talk to you and I have become super busy. I don’t want us to end this relationship but it just might be for the best,” Troye said. I sat their with my mouth open. I couldn’t believe he was saying this.

“You are making this easier on me. My YouTube career is going crazy. I have a teenager to take care of, and all this other stuff. Maybe breaking up would be better for the both of us. So then we can focus on ourselves before we want to get with another person again. You know Troye?” I rambled on.

“I agree. So we are done?” Troye asked.

“Yes we are Troye. I will love you always,” I said. I ended the call before I started cheering, I mean crying and cheering. I sighed and got up. I opened my door and Zoe fell to my feet.

“You heard?” I asked walked past her. She laughed and got up, following me.

“Yes I did Uncle Tyler. Yes, I did,” Zoe said laughing.

“So yeah. Troye and I are done. Well the fans didn’t even know we were together,” I said as I went into the kitchen and started doing more of the dishes. Zoe stood in the door.

“I know that. I am NOT stupid Uncle Ty. I am just saying you and Connor would be a better couple than you and Troye were,” Zoe replied.  I sighed and finished the dishes and started the dishwasher.

“I’m going to go to bed. Goodnight Uncle Tyler,” Zoe said as she went to her room.

“Night,” I said. I went to my room and jumped onto my bed. I went through my twitter feed, then went onto Tumblr. A typical night in my house.

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