Old Friends

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Zoe's POV

The door of the hospital room opened. A tall girl stood in the doorway. She was wearing a "Fall Out Boy" t-shirt, black skinny jeans, combat boots, and had a red and black plad flannel wrapped around her waist. Her hair was a casual brown. Her hair cut was a cute Pixie cut and her bands were dyed jet black. Her eyes were a solid dark blue.

"I came as quick as I could! Are you ok Angelica?" The girl asked, running over to the bed. Her voice was very familiar.

"S-S-S Scarlett?" I stuttered. The girl turned from Angelica to me.

"Zoe...? Oh my gosh! ZOE!" Scarlett replied. She ran over to me and embrassed me into a hug.  I wrapped my arms around her and smiled.

"Scarlett I have missed you so much! How did you end up here in California?" I asked her as we pulled away.

"I go to collage here. I kind of got a new look too," Scarlett said. I nodded.

"I love it so much! Do you remember Sam?" I asked as Sam joined me at my side.

"Sam! I remember you! I haven't seen you in ages!" Scarlett said as she hugged him. Sam smiled and hugged her back.

"Hey Scarls," Sam replied to her. I assumed it was his nickname for her.  Sam and Scarlett started to catch up, acting as if I wasn''t there. I bit my lip and walked over to Angelica.

"Hey, hey. Shhh. It's going to be ok little red," I whispered to her as I sat at her side on the bed. I paatted her back.

"I hate Stacey and I hate society and I hate people," She said to me as she leaned against my side. I sighed and rubbed my hand up and down her back.

"I do to little red, I do too," I whispered to her. My eyes wandered from her to Sam and Scarlett.

"He never has looked at me like that," I whispered softly. I shook my head, shaking off the fact he never smiled at me so brightly as he did with Scarlett. I felt my blood begen to boil in my body. It was jealousy in it's fullest form.  Luckily, Angelica didn't hear me. I watched as they talked more and more. Every word that left Sam's lips made me grow more and more angry at Scarlett.

"Alright I'm going to go! I need my sleep! I'll se you tomorrow little red!" I said as I kissed Angelica's forehead then walked over to Sam. I tangled our fingers together.

"Alirght Sam lets go!" I said, making it odvious I wanted to leave.

"Hold on!" Sam agrued. He handed Scarlett a peice of paper. His number was written on it. I felt my blood run cold and hot at the same time.

"Let's go! Glee is going to be on!" Tyler piped up. I smiled at him and he winked. He knew what was going on.

"Bye Scarlie!" Sam said.

"Bye Sammie!" Scarlett replied. Sammie is my nickname for him. 

I dragged Sam out of there before I flipped out on her.

Once we got in the car, Sam was on his phone, texting Scarlett. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.

I can't believe she had to show up right as my life was getting in place.

We drove home as fast as we could. Not even stoppping by the O2L house.  Once we got to the apartment complex, Sam arranged a ride home. I ran up to the apartment and opened the door. I ran to my room, slamming the door shut. I leaned against the cold door and started to cry.

I trusted Scarlett.

I trusted Sam.

I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a grey baseball tee. I went into my bathroom and chnaged. I wanted to cry, but I didn't. I walked out and went straight to bed, after plugging in my phone. I didn't want to break up with Sam, but it might be for the best.


I walked into the all-too-familiar O2L house. The music was loud. The people were dancing.

I was wondering around the party when I needed to go to the bathroom. I walked over to the nearest one. I slowly opened the door. I saw a boy and a girl making out.

That's when the people turned. I felt my insides turn.

"S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S Sam? Scarlett?" I asked. The tears began to sting my eyes. My blood began to boil. My cheeks became hot.

"Z-z-z Zoe! Let me explain!" Sam said as he got away from Scarlett, heading towards me.

"Save it Pottorff. I d-d-d-d don't need you anymore," I lied. The tears fell onto my already hot cheeks. They were cold as ice, almost like my trust for Sam and Scarlett. I turned away from him and ran off. I pushed through the people. The door was close. I grabbed the golden door knob and turned it quickly. I ran outside. I was in tears.

I wanted Uncle Tyler.

I turned to face the door again. The tears came out of my eyes faster. I couldn't see Sam, or Scarlett. I turned again and ran towards the car. Which wasn't there. I then started running to the apartment complex. I didn't stop. I kept running, and running. Away from Sam. From Scarlett. From Tyler.

The apartment complex was in sight, but it kept moving away. It kept moving farther away. I stopped. I couldn't move. I looked down at my feet and was a deep hole. A big black hole.

"What have I got to loose?" I asked myself.

I jumped.

I didn't think.

I jumped.

I then fell flat on my face.


I screamed and sat straight up in my bed. I was hot and panting. My door burst open and there stood Tyler, in his dinasour onzie.

"Zoe! Are you alright?" Tyler asked as he rushed over to me. I hugged him and didn't let go.

"No. I'm not alright," I said to him.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he let go of me. I started to tell him everything.

The tears were visable now. Clear and thick on my face.

Tyler sighed. "If that ever happens. You come and find me. Alright Zoe?" He told me. I nodded.

"Good. Now try to sleep. If you can't, there is ice cream in the fridge," Tyler said as he walked out and closed my door. I turned on my TV to Netflix. Before I picked something to watch, I got up and went to the kitchen. I grabbed the Cookies and Cream ice cream and a spoon. I walked back into my room and snuggled up in my bed. I started watching one of my favorite shows, "Once Upon A Time," and ate ice cream. Till four in the morning.



Hey guys! drama!  I missed you all so much! As you know, I always ask you guys for feedback. So here are the questions:

-Is Tyler a good uncle?

-Sam and Scarlett?

-Anyone else like Once Upon a Time?

-Any new character suggestions?

-Like the drama?

Love you Zylernators! See you in my next update!

-Lily is happy af right now

My Uncle Is Tyler OakleyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt