Klance: Trapped

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First one shot for the book, but not my first Klance one shot, Welp let's get this over with shall we?
Some cute Fluffy Fluff for the soul...FOR THE SOUL

"Nice going mullet, we're trap" the two got stuck in the training room. Lance was at a door, trying to get it opened. "Not my fault you shot at the controls" Keith crossed his arms and leaned against he wall. "You knocked me down!" Lance looked back at him. "Suck it up, stuff like this happens all the time. We just got to wait for someone to notice that we're gone-" "we're going to be stuck in here forrrreevvverrr" lance pouted and crossed his arms. "Lance will you shh" Keith looked over at him now. "I can't, all the people I could of been stuck with and it had to be you!" Flings his arms around and Keith shook his head. "What's your deal with me? I never did anything to you!" Keith's voice raised a bit. "Everyone looks up to you! Then there's me..." lance said crossing his arms. "They're always like 'oh Keith you're the best pilot ever!' Then when they look at me they go 'oh, it's screw up lance' and that..." he mocked voices and shakily sighed. "Lance...you're our Sharpshooter, I can't work a gun like that-" "everyone could work a gun, because they had there own weapon I had to be left with one" lance interrupted him. "Is this about school-" "no! It's everyday...everyone looks up to you because you're special...I feel like they don't need me okay?" Lance confessed and looked away "lance...the team needs you...who's gonna pilot blue?" Keith asked him. "Maybe Allura or Coran or someone better then me...you guys only need me for that..." he said, "no...we need you because you help us to think positive..you always bring joy..." Keith got off the wall and went over to Lance. "I guess...without you I wouldn't want to be here" he placed a hand on lances shoulder and gave a small smile. "You really mean that? Even though I been mean to you...c-called you names...a-and-" "shhh" Keith shh's him and hugged Lance. Lance couldn't help but a few tears came down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry Keith I been such a jerk..." he started to cry a bit "hey hey.." Keith rubbed his back, trying to calm him down. "It's okay lance...I deserve it..." he said in a gentle voice. "N-no you don't" lance buried his face into Keith's shoulder and shakes a bit. "Hush" Keith held him close, "I-it was my fault...I-I Shot the control panel a-and...-" Keith pulled lance off of him and cupped his face "listen to me right now McClain. I'm not gonna stand here and listen to you cry over nothing. I pushed you, and I deserved to be called names and called out on everything. Now please...can we just have another bounding moment without you forgetting about it" he looked at lance In the eyes and lance sniffles. "Y-yes...m-m-mullet" He said with a smile. Keith hesitated and kissed lance on the forehead "now shh" he got lance back into a hug and his face was a bright red. "D-did you just..-" "I said SHH" Keith got worse and lance started to blush as well.

The after math: Keith and lance stayed in there for sometime until someone finally opened the door and found the two boys sleeping on the floor, cuddled up to each other for warmth.

That was something! I really enjoyed making this!

Keith_Is_Bae132 I think you'll like this and I hope you did because it came out of know where >:3

Thanks for reading!
Sorry that it was short

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