Klance || Suicidal

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A little gore maybe? Idk
Depression thoughts, suicidal talk, all that jazz. So you been warned if you don't like them.
I'm writing to much Klance.
Ideas, that's all I need help.
"What is wrong with you!" Lance yelled through his tears. Watching Keith, holding a rope lance was trying to use. "Why didn't you let me be!" He yelled once more. "Lance, you have so much to life for." Keith said with heavy breaths, trying not to cry . "Why not" lance said, tears streaming down his face. "I didn't want you to do it lance. You don't know how much you mean to everyone, and if I did, I'm stupid. And I'm not" Keith couldn't help but be serious. "Just give it!" Lance tried to grab the rob. "Dammit lance! You just won't listen!" Keith shoved him, lance slipped on something, hitting his head off the floor pretty hard. "Lance" Keith's eyes widen, blood. That's all he sees now.


The bed sheets held onto tightly

Keith was up. What a dream huh? More like a nightmare. He groaned and covered his face, that wasn't sweat on his face. They were tears, sense lance had tried to kill himself (for real) he wasn't himself. Keith witness it all.

~~flash back~~
Another warning, it's gonna get oooo boy that's some shit kinda stuff. So YOU BEEN WARNED...again.

Keith hummed gently, walking
down the hallways. Somehow he was in a good mood, the somehow was lance. Today Keith wanted to surprise him with the attempt he did on making cookies. They were decent but no one can beat hunks baking. Keith had a plate of them and walked to lances room.

"Hey lance. I got you something"
"Haha, come on lance. I know your in there. I haven't seen you all morning"
Knocking louder
"Sleepy head!"
With a sigh he opened the door.

Eyes widen.
The plate was let go of and it crashed on the floor.

Seeing two feet levitating off the floor Keith quickly acted, grabbed his blade, cutting the rope that was holding the blue boy. Dropping to the floor, Keith took off the rope around lances Neck. checked for a beating heart, Keith started to do CPR.


"Come on lance! Come back to me!" Keith choked on his tears. Kept on what he was doing he then held onto lances nose. Giving mouth to mouth, as he released he cheeks for breathing. Slow, breathing was felt on his ear. "L-lance. Lance!" He said, not giving up hope he checked for a pulse. Lance jolting back into life he coughed. "Lance!" Keith was in tears at this point. Lance looked around, but not well. His head didn't move much. "What..." he said, that was it. "Wh-what...where you thinking" Keith tried to keep it together. "Keith....?" With all his strength he sat up. Seeing the sad boys eyes, tears running down his cheeks. Lance Peered over keiths shoulder he sees the smashed plate, cookies, even the...rope. "Keith I-" Keith didn't hesitated he hugged lance, but not to hard. "What were y-you th-th-thinking" he repeated, ugly sobbing (he's sad let him be jeez), he now held on tighter. Lance didn't say anything, he felt the rope marks around his neck. Seeing the tipped over stool on the floor made him tear up, "I-I'm so sorry" he said, now holding onto Keith now.

"I thought it was the right thing to do"


Keith got out of bed and went out. The boy in only boxers walked down the hall. Hesitated and stoped at lances room, worried, scared to even open the door again he opened it. Seeing lance sleeping in his bed. Curled up in his sheets, Keith takes a shaking step in, as the door closed behind him he took another.

~~flash back 2~~

"Lance! What were you thinking..." Shiro had a hold on lances shoulders, "Shiro I-" "l-lance!" Teary hunk hugged him. "Don't ever do that again! I-I don't want to lose you!" He said crying, "hunk-" "LANCE YOU....I can't yell at you IM TO SAD" Pidge hugged lance too. "Guys Be easy" Keith walked in. Shiro went to Keith and pulled him to the side. Asking him what did he see, Keith explained to him. Trying not to cry or anything but Shiro knew he was trying to keep it together. At the end of the conversation Shiro pats his back and sent Keith off back to lance. He was talking to Allura and Coran. Allura was teary eyed "please don't cry princess" lance said worried. Allura sniffles and hugged lance. Coran looked away, trying not to cry. But a single tear went down his cheek. (Nuu Coran :'[ ) Allura let go and tried to keep a straight face. "I-I'm fine..." after that she did start to cry. Coran holding her close, lance looked down, feeling and for making everyone sad. Keith walked up to him, "hey" he said "hi..." lance looked at him. "It's gonna be okay lance, you needed help and we didn't give it. This time we won't make that mistake.." Keith cupped his right cheek. Lance teared up, his lips wrinkling up and started to cry. Holding onto Keith's arm that was cupping his cheek.


Moving towards lances bed he noticed the rope marks on his neck had faded a bit, "psst.." Keith shook lances shoulder a bit "mm..." Lance turned to face Keith and he opened his eyes a bit. "Keef?" He tired to say his name but to tired to say it right. Keith blushed a bit on how...cute he said it. "C-can I...uh...um" Keith shuttered, "shhh, just come here" lance tugged Keith's tank top down to get Keith on the bed. "I'm gonna stay here...but...you need to stay next to me..." lance told him as he nuzzled next to Keith. "I will...every step of the way" Keith nuzzled into his chest.

"Ew are you a shoe now?"


"What? Or are kinda a sock? More sticky though"

"I'm gonna leave"

"Please don't go"


Lance was getting better, Keith kept a close eye on lance. One day walking into lances room Keith found him cutting, so he took all sharp objects away from lance until he learned not to do it. They found other things to do then be miserable. They had a sticker war, trained together, lance even asked Keith to go out on a date. They got closer, and lance left if depression behind.

Because all he needed was the thing that made him the most happy

And Keith
The one that helped him.




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