Shatt: 7:00

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Just going out of my shipping comfort zone thank you very much-
I guess I'm just going to pick a random ship that comes first in my head, and it's Shiro x Matt. It's a 50/50 for me really :p I mean I don't ship Shiro with anyone what the heck 😂 I need to and then there's me not liking it. UGH
So this is pretty much when Shiro and Matt is still at the Garrison. Not adducted by aliens yet-
"Shiro! It's good to see you!" Matt smiled placed his things down. "Oh hey Matt, what you got there?"Shiro asked sipping on some coffee from a styrofoam cup. "My project for (insert class name) " Matt said pretty proud of himself. "Ooo really? I haven't got started yet, but I'm taking my time really. It's due next week" Shiro looked at it, he was amazed that Matt got right to it. "Don't take to much time! The next thing it'll be do tomorrow and you never got started" Matt pushed up his glasses and Shiro snickered a Bit. "That's me" He said taking another sip. "It's good to see your spirits are high about it. I can see it now, a big fat A+ for you." He sets his coffee down "and a big fat C- for me" Shiro gave a little laugh. "Hey! How about I stop by your dorm tonight and help you get a start on it" Matt asked him, Shiro smiled. "That's very nice of you Matt, sure." He nods and Matt picked up his things, "I'll see 7:00 Okay? Don't fall asleep on me alright" Matt teased a bit "Hey that was one time I fell asleep during studying. I was tried" Shiro laughed a bit and watched Matt leave with a big smile on his face.

~Time ship because I'm lazy~


Matt had a few things in a book bag, somethings to help Shiro out on his project. When Matt arrived at his door he gave it a knock, nothing. No he did it again and it opened. A shirtless Shiro, let me repeat. A shirtless Shiro was in front of him, "Matt! Didn't expect you to be on time, usually people are a couple minutes late or something. Come on in. (R/N) isn't here right now he's over at his girlfriends dorm" Shiro stepped to the side and Matt was flustered, his face was a bright red. "W-well you should know me by now Shiro. Always o-on time" he held onto his straps and Shiro closed the door. Grabbing one of his shirts off the floor and got it on. "Yeah you got a point" he said tugging it down. Matt placed his bag on Shiros desk off to the side of the room. Getting some books out from the class and flipped through the pages. "Sorry about the mess, (R/N) never cleans up after himself. He never learns" Shiro walked on over and leaned over Matt a bit. Looking at what he was looking at. Matt got a bit worse, his voice squeaked a little, "let's get this project started shall we!" He said nervously and Shiro nods. "Okay squeaky" He grabbed the things out of Matt's bag and set them out.

~another one because immm lazzzy Sorry~

The two spent a lot of time on the project, Matt just watched Shiro do it. Giving him tips and pointers, so he didn't do all the work. After a bit Shiro gave a long yawn, stretching and his shirt went up a little. Matt looked away flustered once more, what was up with him tonight. Maybe he's sick? Maybe he's just tired? Oh no...he realized now. Hearing all the teases from his sister, 'Matt and Shiro! Sitting in a tree!
K I S S I N G! ' echoed in his mind. Shiro snapped his fingers in front of Matt's face and he snapped out of it. "Ah! I wasn't thinking about trees!" Matt shouted. "Whoa whoa Matt, easy" Shiro places a hand on his shoulder. "If your tired we can stop. I mean it's 12:57" Shiro told him. "Oh, well time dose fly you know...haha" Matt laughed nervously. Getting up from his chair and gathered his things, Shiro got up and helped him. When Matt got his book bag on his shoulders he took a deep breath. "Hey thank you for helping me. It means a lot " Shiro gave a small smile at Matt. Matt's heart raced and he nods. "A-anytime..." he looked down, his face was turning. redder by the minute. Shiro looked a little confused. "You okay? You're really warm" he took Matt's chin and lifted it. "I-I think it's a cold..." he said, "I know the cure to that...." Shiro slowly pulled Matt close and there lips pressed against each other's. Shiro tilted his head a little and Matt's eyes widened. When Shiro released he turned Matt to the door and ruffled his hair. "Now go get some sleep Cadet" he ordered. Matt's response was only a speak and he walked out in a quick paste. When he got to his room he slid down the door and sighed dreamily.

The after math: after that night Shiro and Matt got closer, they confessed to each other as well. Shiro had deep feelings but never could say them. Matt was the same, realizing he loved Shiro. He tried to deny it but he couldn't. They kept it secret until Katie found them in Matt's closet making out. Oh shit-

Awe, it went pretty fast but hey. Almost to 1000 words. I'm pretty proud-

Not really but they're soooooooooo
Cute I can't help it.

Now I ship this >:3

If you have a ship I should write about please comment! It would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you guys! Have a good one!!



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