Baby! Lance and Keith (Part One)

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I been reading baby lance one shots. They're sooo cuttteee I just Ahh.

So yeah.

Baby! Lance and Keefy cute moments will rise. RISE CUTENESS RISE

Because why not

need to write something sorry-

Fluffy fluff fluff


"Lance don't touch that" Shiro told him, the Paladins are just getting to leave a planet they had to do a investigation on. "But they're so pretty" Lance picked a flower off a bush. Smelled it, "mm...smells like Vanilla dipped in summer" he hummed. "Lance drop the flower-" before Shiro finished the flower sprayed lance. Coughing he dropped the flower and Keith grabbed him. "Listen to Shiro knuckle head" he said dragging lance into the castle.

After sometime the Paladins were eating, "lonce..." Allura said a bit worried (did you just call my son lawns?) "is everything okay?" She asked him. Lance didn't have much appetite sense he got back on the ship. Pushing his bowl of goo away he set his head on the table. "Lance no heads on the table." Shiro said in a fatherly way. "Mmmm" lance groaned and Keith hesitated but rubs his back. "Do you need to go lye down?" Hunk asked. "Yeah..." lance got up but wobbled. "Here let me help you" Keith got up and helped lance to his room.

Lance groaned more as he laid in bed, Keith helped him get his shoes off. "Do you need anything else?" He asked a bit worried. "No. I just need some rest" lance turned over. "I'm next door if you do need something" Keith huffed a bit and walked out. Maybe it was that flower, shaking it off Keith headed to his room he got ready for bed.

It was late at night, Keith was woken up by a sound crying. Lances room, Keith jolted up out of bed. Slipping a bit he went out of the door. The crying grew a bit louder as he came closer. Lances door opened as Keith went in. Panicking even more the crying didn't sound quite like lances. More squeaky then low. "Lance? Hey are you okay?" Keith walked up to his bed. Where's lance? The crying quieted down but it was still going on. A lump was poking out of the sheet.

"Lance?" Keith slowly pulled and sheet. A little naked Cuban boy, sniffling and hiccuped gently. Making small whining noises Keith's eyes widen. "Uhh...hello?" He didn't know what to say. "Lance is that you?" Seeing the over sized clothes on the bed as well, it was lance.

Lance cooed at Keith, reaching to him. Keith hesitated but picked up lances jacket and wrapped it around the boy. Picking him up there was a knock at the door. The Paladins have heard the same loud crying, "lance? Buddy is everything okay?" It was Shiro. "Why was he crying so loud....I'm tired" Pidge rubs her eye and yawned. The door opened and the Paladins eyed widened.

"So you just went in. And found a naked child...?" Hunk questioned Keith. They were all in the resting area, Keith was holding the bouncy baby boy. Blabbering and reaching up to Keith's hair. "Yeah. That pretty much explains it" Keith shrugged. "How did he get like this" Pidge asked, "it was that flower he picked I know it" Shiro spoke. He had his arms crossed, thinking how did it happen. "Wait. Did you say flower?" Corns peeked into the room.

They all looked at him. "Oh sorry Paladins! Didn't expect little old Coran to crash in your slumber party! May I join in these festive's?" Twirling his mustache he beamed a smile. "Well Coran we have a prOBLEM-" Keith said the last through his teeth, lance has tugged to hard on his hair. "Did you kidnap a baby?" Coran looked confused, first time ever seeing a human so small...well except for Pidge. "Coran what were those flowers that was on Crolocal" Shiro said to him. "Oh! The aging flowers. Quite the best at helping Aliens stay healthy and smooth as a Rigimarths Flibbertooth" Coran sighed dreamily. "It's actually the season of the newing" he added. "Huh?" They all said, expect for lance. He was teething Keith's jacket. Why doesn't this guy wear pajamas.

"Newing? Oh right. You humans don't understand." Corns messed with his mustache. "The newing season is when the flowers come to new bloom! It'll take years until they grow old and that's how you get the old aging flowers. So uncolored and depressing" he said, everyone groaned. "Great now we haft to find anywhere way to help lance" Pidge said. "Lonce is not Lonce?" (hehe lawn) Allura yawned gently and seen the baby.

Squealing gently Allura came over, seeing the happy boy, "you're soooo cute!" Eyes sparkling lance looked over at Allura. Mouth full from the jacket. He reached over at her and gripped her finger. Allura gasped, she closed her eyes and smiled at lance. "Princess you should be sleeping" Coran Said "but I heard a lot of talking, and who was crying? Was it this little guy?" Allura brushed a piece of lances hair out of his cute little face.

"Now guys. We need to find out how to get lance...back to normal" Keith said. "Well Keith. I'm not quite the Genius on the aging flowers but I will look into it!" Corns said happily. "Oh yes, I can find lance some clothes to wear for now." Allura said "what about supplies" Shiro asked. "This castle for sure, should have some of Alluras left over baby doo-dads around. Oh it brings memories of little Allura" Coran smiles, remembering the old times. "Coran..." Allura blushes in embarrassment. "The old room you used to play in! Lance would love that!" Coran couldn't stop talking about it. "I'll go find the supplies" Allura groaned gently and walked out. "Eee this is going to be so exciting! Haven't had to baby sit in such a long time!" Coran was smiling more. "Coran, we're gonna find out how to get lance back to his normal state." Shiro said

"aww...quiznak" Coran snapped his fingers. (hehehehe bad word) Allura came back with a box full of old Altean clothes, diapers, powders, all things for a baby. "Here we are! Now here the problem. Does anyone know how to put this on the little one?" Allura help of the the diapers. "Only lance really knew how. He ranted and went on and on about it" Keith said. "Agree" Hunk said. "Coran? You baby sat Allura" Pidge said. "We had servants! that did...that" Coran made a small bleh noise and stuck out his tough. "We'll then haft to figure it out" Pidge said.


Awww lance is just a cutie piiieee

Should I continue?

I might

It's 10:30pm....

*looking at schedule*

Go enjoy vacation

*erasing sleep* or can I...

*erasing sleep* or can I

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