Klance || Comfort~

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Lances POV

"I don't have time for this lance"
What a bitch! I can't believe I'm saying that! Keith, the one that has been gone for such a long time shows up all of a sudden and treats me like I'm...I'm some trash! And I'm not trash... after we found Shiro. THE REAL SHIRO. He's been so distance from me....he's been talking to everyone else but me. I tried to talk but he ignores me. Why...it just hurts...so much....

Keith's POV

It's been one heck of a ride. But Shiro...he's  back...my brothers back...we're going home. I been waiting for this day,  everyone has been. Everyone's so excited, well. I haven't seen a smile on lances face sense we found Shiro. I been ignoring him...for good reasons. I been so busy with the blade, my mother, taking care of Shiro. Lance just wasn't on my mind...
I'm so sorry lance. I just......need...a break...


The Paladins have been staying at a near by planet called Nextel just to gather more supplies and rest. Lance and Keith shared a house. They had separate rooms and the only then they ever see each other is in the Morning. Usually Keith finds lance outside with Kalkenecker (I can't sleep it sorry) talking to her like she would respond back.

It was late at night, Keith heard crying. He was wide awake. Keith gets out of bed and leaned against the wall to the door. Rubbing his eyes, the only thing he was wearing was his boxers and a tank top. Walking to his door he opened it. Going to lances door the crying grew more. Opening the door slowly Keith looked in. Lance was curled up in bed, trying to stay quiet but it sobs grew worse. "L-lance...?" Keith opened the door fully. Lance froze, but his crying continued. "G-go away" he said. "Lance what's the matter" Keith walked up to him. "I said GO AWAY!" Lance say up, his face wet from tears. He yelled at Keith, for the first time he has meant it. Keith stopped, looking shocked. "L-lance..." he room Step back. Lance realized Keith's actions, rubbing his eyes he laid back down. "I'm sorry..." he said. Keith was scared, but he walked up to the bed. Sitting next to lances curled up body. "Its okay..." Keith hesitates and placed a hand on lances hip. Gently pats it. Lance felt safe...he felt that everything is going to be okay.

Lance couldn't help but whimper gently. "It's okay...it's gonna be okay" Keith now rubbed lances side. Lance jumped a bit as he did it. But he clams down, feeling very funny now. "Lance?" Keith wanted to hear him talk. "Yeah?" Lance looked at him "why were you crying?" Keith asked "I started to think about earth...and my family...there reaction realizing I'm...n-not dead" lance said trying to hold his tears in. Keith seen that lance was on the left side of his bed, the right spot was free. He crawled over and laid next to him. Lance looked straight into his eyes, "lance...they're gonna be so happy to see you...they're gonna hug you...and celebrate that you're okay.." Keith notice laced hand next to his head. He placed his on top of lances.

"Thank you Keith..." that's all lance could say. "Anything for you..." Keith trailed off into lances ocean eyes. "Wait. Now you're talking to me!" Lance sat up. Keith did too. "Wait-" "no no no, you finally gather enough courage to talk to us that why? Because of my looks, my heroicness, the sweet bod" he bragged. Keith couldn't help but laugh. "Maybe..." Keith started to mess with a piece of his hair. Lance looked at him, "Aww...did Keefy really have time for me" lance asked him. "I didn't mean to say that...I was just in a hurry" Keith looked down. Lance reached over and held onto his chin. Lifting his chin up smirking gently. "Lance what are you-" before Keith could finish lance went in for a kiss. Tilting his head, Keith's eyes widened. But the slowly closed. Leaning into the pillows lance hovered Keith. When they released Keith was a blushing mess.

Lance panted a little and his smirk grew more. "Lance. I know what you're thinking " Keith got worried. "What? I mean...I wanna repay the comfort you gave me..." his hands went down to Keith's boxers. "Whoa easy cowboy" Keith took his hands. "Are you sure we should..do this" Keith asked him. Lances eyes widen. "Ugh, I'm being so stupid...I-I'm so sorry" he looked away. Keith got him to look back at him.

"Hey, you know what lance. I love you. I been holding this thought for quite sometime now...and...if you love me. You do what you please" Keith told him.

~I'm not the greatest smut/lemon writer so please if you do cringe. I'm very sorry~

Lance smiled gently and kissed Keith again. Keith kissed back this time. After some time the two boys got there shirts off. Panting the two had been leaving marks on each other. "One more time~" lance purred gently and went down to Keith's neck. Biting hard as Keith moaned. "L-lance!" He called out. "Yes Keith~" after lance was finished he wiped off the saliva from his mouth. "I ah...." Keith couldn't finish. "I can see the problem~" lance noticed how Keith's 'boxers' look a bit bigger then usual, and more wet. "Lets takes a lookys~" he hummed and pulled Keith's boxers down rough. "Whoa ho! What a big one" lance teased a bit. "Sh-shut up" Keith growled for once. "Easy their cowboy~" lance repeated what Keith said earlier.

Lance started to tease him. "Mm~" Keith moaned a bit with a slight grunt. "Why do you g-get to do all of the fun" Keith said a bit loud. " well...because I know how to work with my hands~" lances purred then Keith tackled him. Still his britches where hanging around his thighs. "Wh-what are you going?" Lance squeaked a bit as Keith pulled his boxers down. Lance looked away embarrassed "what's wrong?" Keith asked. "Y-you can't tell! I-I'm...small" he admits. "What? I'm not noticing it." Keith grabbed onto his man hood. Lances eyes widen. Keith started to smirk, and started teasing lance.

"Wh-what the hell k-Keith" lance was blushing even worse. "I thought you liked this" Keith laughed a bit as he started to move his hand up and down. "N-no Keith- ah!" Bursting out his liquid Keith had a lot of his hand. "Th-that's enough for tonight.." lance huffed. "I'm gonna go get a towel" Keith slowly got up, his boxers finally fell down to his feet. Lance got a good look at his behind. "Whoa...." lance kept on starring. With Keith's non wet hand he yanked his boxers back up and blushed furiously.


After math

Keith got the mess cleaned up and after the two got the sheets changed, lance was in bed. Keith was about to leave but lance didn't want to be lonely so he called to him to stay.

The two Cuddled the night away, and after that night the two were more close.








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