Baby! Lance and Keith (part four)

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So I'm gonna write the ending to this story, in the next chapter haha

Also my at 2k reads!!
Omg thank you guys 😭

You know the drill
Fluffy fluff fluff


It's been days! A week Maybe? Shiro and Coran finally figured out how to get lance back to normal! Keith wasn't so excited, he finally got used to lance being...a baby. For now, Keith was gonna try to get a little bit more time with lance. He knows when he's gonna be turned back to normal he'll be back to the mullet name calling.

Sighing gently with the Cuban boy on his lap. Keith watched the others talk. "Okay, so we found a planet that sells those aging flowers Coran talked about. We just need to raise some more Gac and we can get lance back to normal" Shiro explained "how are supposed to raise some Gac when the price is to high!" Pidge complained.

"Maybe we can steal it" Keith blurted out a bit, they all looked at him. Lance gave a little gasp, somehow he understood what Keith said. "No keith. We're not doing that" Shiro said. "It's gonna take forever to save that much gac!" Keith complained. Lance made some noises and reached up at Keith, he hate seeing him mad. Keith lifted lance up near his neck and lance did nuzzle onto him, messing with Keith's hair once more.

"We're not going to and thats period." Shiro said now serious. "Tomorrow we'll be there. Now I want you all to find things that we could sell. Even you Pidge" Shiro added, Pidge groaned. They all walked out, except for Keith. He sighed gently. Feeling lances little fingers twirl around his the mess of hair. "I want you to be back to normal...but...I like this part of you..." he said. Lances little eyes peered up at him, he reached out and touched Keith's cheek. "Eee ya!" He said. "Sorry lance, I can't understand you..." Keith lifted him up lance looked down at him. "Aah oooo" lance said reaching down at him.

Keith lays back on the couch and sat Lance on his chest. Lance crawled up and sat on his upper body. "Why hello there chubby" Keith pinched lances cheek gently, Lance squealed a bit and pouted at Keith calling him chubby. "Cutie" Keith chuckled gently and pats lances cheeks. "Mm!" Lance whines a bit, "I'm sorry but you are the cutest baby I have met. Well the only baby actually" he said, lance wanted to get him back. So moving up a bit more and kissed Keiths cheek "mm-wa!" Lance said. Keith's face lit up and he was speechless. Until lance laughed a bit to evil. "Lance McClain!" Keith sat up and picked him up.

"I'm gonna get you back you adorable chubby boy!" He started to kiss lances face all over. Lance squealed and laughed. "How you like that!! You're dealing with the kissy monster!!" Keith laughed as well.

After some time Keith was carrying lance around. It was dinner time, walking into the kitchen, he felt lances tummy rumble. "You hungry huh? Hunks making you dinner you hungry lion" Keith had changed lance a little bit ago and gave him some clothes that where more breathable then a onesie. A cute little blue lion pj shirt and matching shorts. Lance was to busy to listen to Keith, he was playing with his hair. Sitting Lance down gently on the table. Lance sat there, sniffling a bit he looked upset. "Oh wait? What did Keith forget?" Keith was playing along and lance made some sad noises. Keith crouched down and grabbed blue. Thanks to Allura, she had washed blue and place where Keith could easily find her.

"Hello lance" Keith tried to make his best lion voice. Lance gasped a bit and reached over at blue "Boo!" He said. Keith placed blue down behind lance, as he did lance leaned into her and hugged blue. "Boo..." He said smiling. "Aww. You and that stuff animal. Why don't you cuddle me like that" Keith laughed a bit and brushed some hair behind lances ear.

After eating, Keith cleaned lances face and carried him to his room with blue of course. Lance had been Staying in Keith's room all this time. Because lance didn't want to sleep in the Alteans nursery. Sitting Lance and blue down on his bed, Keith was searching out for lances things. Keith came back and sat down next to lance. He was cuddling with blue to bother to look over at Keith. "Heyyy it's time to get ready for bed lance" Keith hummed a bit. Lance pouted and stuffed his face into blues. "Aww come on. We can cuddle later. Okay? You need to brush those little teeth of yours" Keith told him. Lance whimpered more and looked at Keith with his teary eyes. "You wanna brush blues teeth?" Keith asked holding up a fake toy tooth brush. Lance then gasped a bit and took it with his little fingers. "Ya" He said. "Then we need to go to the bathroom then." Keith picked lance up, then blue. It was a struggle but he got the two back into the bathroom. Setting lance on the counter next to blue. Lance was 'brushing' blues teeth. Keith was getting lances toothbrush ready. "Okay lance, show me your lion teeth" Keith said, lance didn't. "Like this" Keith showed his teeth like he wanted lance to. "Grrrr like a lion" he said. "Grrr" lance did the same and Keith started to brush his teeth. After that Keith was brushing his as lance chilled out on the floor with blue. Spitting and rinsing, Keith was finished and took lance back to his bed.

"Time to lay down" Keith hummed a bit more and laid Lance down. Lance stared at Keith as he placed blue next to him. Lance nuzzled into her. Keith got ready for bed. And slipped into bed,  lance reached over to Keith but still cuddling into blue. Keith smiled a bit and tuned over, having blue pressed against his chest he wrapped his arms around the two.

Feeling Keith's warm made lance feel safe, closing his eyes. He had feel asleep with ease. For Keith...he didn't go asleep until a bit later. He had a lot of things on his mind.


It be done!


Finally 😂
I was running out of ideas to be honest
Thanks for reading!
Tell your friends I guess!

Bye 🤣🤣

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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