Chapter 4

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"Sky? Sky? Skylar!" I shook her from her sleep and she flushed her eyes open.

"What? What?!" she shouted, sitting up.

"Nothing. You said you wanted to help with Tom's room so I decided to wake you." I informed her.

"Oh yeah, thank you."

She jumped out of the bed and was heading out the bedroom when Jack burst in through the doors and hugged her. He clearly caught her off guard because she stumbled backwards and would have fallen if Jack wasn't holding her.

"Woah? What are you doing here?" she asked him.

"I'm here to help with the baby's room. Ri, Cass, and Zack are downstairs too." he stated.

Skylar turned and glared at me.

"Why didn't you tell me they were here?" she said.

I shrugged. "You looked so peaceful sleeping. And Jack was supposed to stay downstairs so that I could tell you." I responded, turning to stare at Jack.

He laughed and walked out of the room.

"What if I was naked and wandered downstairs? Hmm?"

Sky asked.

"Well, I would have told you before you had a chance to leave the bedroom."

"Okay. What about Jack who just entered the room mindlessly? What would you have done then?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Covered his eyes? I don't know. I'm sorry!" I pleaded.

She mumbled something under her breath and went into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind her.

She finished showering within minutes and came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her wet hair and another towel wrapped around her body.

"Can you lock the door? I wouldn't want Jack wandering in here again." she said.

I did as she asked but remained in the room with her.

She noticed and tightened the towel around her body.

"If you're gonna stay, at least close your eyes." she demanded.

"Really, Sky? I've seen you naked before. There's a reason why you're pregnant." I smirked.

She rolled her eyes and walked into the bathroom to get dressed.

I took a seat at the edge of the bed, waiting for her to come out. Eventually, she walked back into the bedroom wearing one of my AWG t-shirts, that hung loosely off her body, and gray sweat pants that still managed to hug her legs.

"Yay! What're we doing first? Painting?" she said a little too excited.

"Nop, breakfast." I took her hand in mine and interlocked our fingers.

"Pizza?" she asked as we made our way downstairs and into the living room with everyone else.

"We'll have pizza for dinner, I promise." I placed a kiss on her temple.

"You guys are so cute!" Cass squealed.

Skylar shook her head in protest. "You and Rian are way more adorable!"

"No way! You and Alex are too perfect! I ship Skylex so hard!" Cass nearly shouted.

"We get it, both couples are fucking adorable! Now can you both shut up!" Jack interfered.

"Please. He meant 'Can you both shut up, please'?" Zack added.

Everyone laughed and Cass frowned as she cuddled next to Rian.

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