Chapter 8

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"Hey? You okay?" Jack asked as I walked into his room with red puffy eyes.

I nodded and flopped down on his bed.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked.

Again, I nodded.

"I know something's on your mind, you want to talk about it?" he raised an eyebrow at me, taking a seat next to me on the bed.

"No, are the guys here yet?" I asked.

He sighed and shook his head.

"I know it's hard for you, all of this is so fucked up. And I know you're scared that as soon as the funeral is over, you'll have to accept the fact that Sky and Tom are gone." Jack suddenly said.

I looked at him, my eyes tearing up. How the hell did he know exactly what I was thinking?

"I'm not scared, I'm terrified! Letting go of Sky and Tom is like letting go of my entire life." I explained.

He nodded understandingly.

"It's not always a bad thing to start a new life. I know you loved them so much but... you have to keep living, something they can't do anymore." he whispered.

This was a very emotional and sympathetic side of Jack I had never seen before. I didn't like it, I didn't like it because I knew he was right.

"Jack?" I heard Zack's voice call from downstairs.

I quickly got up and wiped my tears.

"Up here," Jack informed, slightly raising his voice so they could hear him.

Zack came running up the stairs and into Jack's room.

"Hey, the guys are waiting in the car. Everything okay?" he asked.

Jack and I both nodded.

"Okay, it's about to be 4, we should get going." Zack added.

The three of us made our way out to the cars.

I didn't bother greeting anyone or even looking up to see who had cared enough to come. I just quickly climbed into the passenger's seat of Jack's car and waited for him to get on and drive us to wherever Skylar's mom had planned the funeral.

We had been driving for about 30 minutes because Jack couldn't remember the exact address. We had turned the same corner about 7 times but Jack couldn't quite find the place.

"There's also some sort of 'get together' after the funeral." Jack murmured to me.

"I don't want to go." I mumbled.

He nodded and kept his eyes on the road, finally deciding to turn a different corner.

"Oh, here it is." Jack whispered to himself as he parked outside a cemetery.

I got out of the car and waited for the rest of the guys so we could walk in together. At least then I wouldn't be getting all the dirty looks.
Why? Because Sky's bitch of a mom told everyone that her death was my fault. They all believed her, including me.

As we walked over to the funeral, all heads snapped up to stare at us. It could have been because we were all under dressed for a funeral, wearing black skinny jeans and a black button up shirt. Or maybe they thought 'Look, there goes Skylar's murderer.' Either way, I didn't care. I wasn't here to please anyone or be judge, I was here to say goodbye to Skylar and Tom.

I payed no attention to any speeches that were made or the dirty looks I was given. I had my entire mind and eyes set on two caskets, one of them being really small... Tom's. They were placed next to two separate holes, waiting for a proper burial.

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