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Wendy wasn't expecting to ever see Spider-Man again.

She was sitting at her desk, finishing up some honors physics homework. Her laptop was open to a blank document in which she was going to craft her poem that Peter would read to the school. Her brain felt muddied. Her ears were clogged with the night before's dialogue.

Look at her. She's a cheerleader.

Her stomach churned and her gaze drifted to her uniform. It lay crumpled by her hamper. Looking at it made her feel ill. She turned back to her homework. She only had three questions left, but she couldn't think.

Young, inexperienced, hot. You're just our type Chloe. Maybe we can show you the ropes, right boys?

She dropped her pencil and evaluated her hands. They were shaking desperately. Her heartbeat was rising. You're just our type Chloe. She couldn't breathe. A scream crawled up her throat, itching to be let loose upon her otherwise empty house. She was home alone. Can we come with?

A stifled version of the shriek building up in her chest was ripped from her mouth when a series of soft knocks sounded at her window. She spun to face none other than Spider-Man. He was crouched on her fire escape. Their gazes locked and he waved. She blinked rapidly. She couldn't believe her eyes. Spider-Man had returned to her bedroom window.


She jumped up and ran to the window. She fumbled with the locks momentarily but managed to get it open. She still hadn't put back the netting and so he clambered inside with ease. Wendy didn't think twice about letting him in her room. He was a superhero. He saved her from those men last night. 

She trusted him.

"I just wanted to check in on you," he said. He stood awkwardly in the middle of her room. She took a seat on her bed and patted the space beside her. He plopped down next to her, close enough so their limbs brushed. "How are you doing?"

"Bad," she answered honestly. "I'm constantly shaking and I'm scared and I can't sleep and I keep hearing their voices and feeling his hands on me." She held out her hands in front of her to demonstrate how she was quivering. He cautiously took her hands in his. They were bigger than hers. She wondered if all superheroes had an inane ability to make people feel safe.

He squeezed her hands. "They're in police custody. They'll never hurt you again." He moved one hand under her chin and lifted her head so their eyes met. "I won't let them, darling."

Wendy released a shaky laugh. "Darling?"

"Like Wendy Darling," he explained. Was he blushing? She felt like he was blushing under his mask.

"Does that make you my Peter Pan?" she asked, batting her eyelashes. Now he was definitely blushing. He forced a chuckle from his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. She giggled softly. She was weirdly enjoying imagining his facial expressions. For a moment, there was silence, and Wendy was left to internally debate if she'd truly become friends with Spider-Man.

She tentatively laid her head on his shoulder. "Thank you for checking up on me. You didn't have to, but I really appreciate it."

Spider-Man rested his head on hers. "I felt bad about last night like I just rushed off on you."

"You did," Wendy replied, "but I understood. You're a superhero. You can't waste your time with pretty blonde cheerleaders who are perfectly safe in their homes." He laughed, an action that shook his whole body.

"I feel like you're kicking me out," he said. She pulled away and smiled. Wendy was often told she had a nice smile. She hoped her nice smile made him feel as warm as his touch made her feel. If this was what being friends with Spider-Man was like, she liked it very much.

She patted his cheek. "Just a little bit. I pride myself on not being selfish, so I'm not going to keep you any longer. Go on, Pan. Go save a cat from a tree or a child from a sewer. Go be a hero." She ran a finger over his mask. She could feel his lips. He was grinning. She quickly tucked her hands under her thighs. She knew if she didn't stop tracing his features now, she would never stop, and well...

There was a reason he wore a mask.

She stood. One hand still held his and so she tugged him over to her window. Holding hands with him was nice and it wasn't just because his suit was very soft. His hands were good for holding, she observed. She opened the window and leaned on the sill. She didn't want to say goodbye. She wanted to ask him questions and listen to his stories. She was sure his mind held a wealth of fascinating information. She hoped he'd come back...for scientific reasons, of course.

He was half out the window when he paused and looked back. "Would you mind if I continued checking up on you?"

"Stop by anytime," she blurted. Blushing, she cleared her throat and added, "I'm showing early signs of an anxiety disorder. I think it would be best for you to keep an eye on me, just in case."

"Well, until next time, Darling," Spider-Man said.

She tilted her head. "Be careful, Pan."

This time, she watched him leave. He moved at an impressive speed. Had he slowed down last night just for her? Once she was sure he was gone and she wasn't going to miss anything by looking away, she returned to her honors physics homework. Her mental block had withered to dust. She could finally think again. She finished her work quickly, her smile never leaving her face.


what's up it's your boy uhhh skinny penis

anyway here's another chapter of darling!! spidey and wendy are so soft!!! we need an official ship name for wendy and peter so pls leave suggestions!!!

well this bitch empty so...yEET

dedicated to bellerose12 bc she just came out with a banging peter parker fic called cunae that you should all check out if you haven't already!!

darling [peter parker]Where stories live. Discover now