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Wendy's parents were surprisingly okay with the idea of her going to Angie's house for a sleepover.

She supposed it had a lot to do with Angie's parents' occupation. They were both decorated officers of the NYPD. Wendy's parents knew she was safe in their hands. They also knew Wendy's friends weren't the type to sneak out of the house and do something stupid. Erin and Wendy, maybe, but Margot and Angie were too goody-goody to allow such a thing. MJ's stance differed on the day and the phase of the moon.

So, on Saturday at 6 pm, Wendy's mom dropped her off at Angie's house with a duffel bag full of clothes, makeup, various charging cords, and whatever else she could think. Wendy waved at Angie's parents before excusing herself to the newly redone basement, where Erin, Angie, and MJ sat on bean bag chairs.

"Where's Margot?" Wendy asked, letting her duffel bag slide off her arm. She flopped down onto her usual pink bean bag chair.

Erin paused in painting Angie's nails to answer. "She had to work today. She'll be here at 6:30."

"We're gonna get pizza," Angie said, eyeing Erin's design. MJ was reading a book Ms. Creevey had recommended to her. Generic pop music played in the background as Wendy perused the DVD collection for any new additions. At 6:30, Margot arrived alongside the pizza. At 7:43, the girls changed into their pajamas. At 8:30, Angie's parents went to bed.

At 8:57, the girls broke out the alcohol.

"So, tell us all about Spider-Man," Margot urged, draining the contents of her red solo cup. Ariana Grande pumped throughout the basement. They were gathered in a circle around the pile of snacks they'd amassed.

Wendy sucked cheeto dust off her thumb. "He's...amazing."

"I can't believe you're dating him," MJ said as she dragged a chip through sour cream and onion dip. "Like, you're dating an actual superhero."

"If I could date any superhero, I would date the fuck out of Thor," Erin slurred. She was a total lightweight. Two drinks in and she was wasted.

Angie shook her head. "No, no, Captain America's where it's at. I mean, have you seen him? That's a face I could sit on." Her friends made various noises of disgust and protest.

"Black Widow is hot but I feel like she would murder me," Margot commented, sitting up. "Scarlet Witch is also hot, but I know she would accidentally kill me. Like, with Black Widow, it'd be on purpose, but Scarlet Witch, I'd like make her orgasm and her powers would go on the fritz and that would be the end of me." Wendy fake-vomited. MJ nodded solemnly.

Erin shoved a stack of nachos into her mouth and asked, "Do you think Spider-Man ejaculates his webs?"

"Okay, a. I hate you," Wendy exclaimed, hurling a pillow at Erin's head, "and b. his webs aren't organic. He makes them and shoots them using these little guns on his wrists. He showed me the web-shooters but he won't tell me the formula for the webbing."

"You guys haven't done it yet, right?" Angie questioned.

Wendy shook her head, took another sip of her vodka concoction, and replied, "No, I'm not gonna have sex with him until I know what he looks like."

Just like that, her four friends simultaneously choked.

Margot went red in the face and coughed out, "You don't know what he looks like?"

"We're not on that level yet," Wendy explained. They stared at her like she'd lost her goddamn mind or started speaking in German. She finished off her drink and rolled her eyes. "Guys, it's really not that big of a deal."

"So you guys are on the heavy-petting level, but not the know-what-he-looks-like level?" Angie deadpanned.

Wendy scoffed. "We're not on the heavy-petting level. We just started dating. We've known each other less than a month. Why is it so surprising that he doesn't trust me that much yet? I mean, I'm still in shock that he's let me see the lower half of his face!"

"Well, you need to see that half if you're gonna make out," Erin said matter-of-factly. "Wait, how old is he?"

"High school, like us," the only blonde in the room answered. "He says he's a junior."

MJ raised her eyebrows. "Wow. That's young for a superhero."

"He's still pretty low-level," Angie pointed out. "I mean, no offense to your boyf, but he's more Daredevil status than Iron Man status, y'know?"

Wendy waved a dismissive hand. "It's chill. I tease him about it all the time." The girls laughed. Wendy looked around the room at her friends. She'd really missed this. Just being with them and laughing and feeling happy. She'd needed this more than she realized. As if sensing her thoughts, Margot wrapped an arm around Wendy and squeezed.

Angie clapped her hands together. "We ready for the movie?"

"As long as it's not Shrek," Erin sighed. Angie's smile vanished and she pouted.

Margot bounced in her spot, crowing, "High School Musical! High School Musical!"

"What about Lemonade Mouth?" MJ suggested as she scooped up salsa with a tortilla chip.

Wendy raised her hand. "I wanna watch Mamma Mia." The group was silent as they looked at each other. They were at a crossroads, it seemed. Wendy held her breath. A part of her worried they would go with Mamma Mia because Wendy wanted it and Wendy was the poor damaged assault victim. So far, her friends hadn't treated her any differently, but the fear still lived in the back of her mind, plaguing her thoughts.

A smirk curled Angie's lips. "You know what, ladies? If we play our cards right, we can watch all of them tonight." The girls cheered and high-fived each other.

Erin raised a single finger to quiet them. "All of them, except Shrek."

"Hey now," Wendy interjected. "You're an all-star. And you can't say no to Shrek." Erin made a noncommittal noise of agreement and another cheer rose up amongst them.

MJ grinned. "Let's fucking do this."

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