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Introducing Me

My name is Wendy Margaret Carter-Greene. I'm sixteen-years-old. If you recognize my name, it might be because you go to school with me. Or maybe you were one of the millions who watched the live broadcast of my Great-Aunt Peggy's funeral, where I delivered a speech and cried in front of Captain America. Maybe you know my parents, Dr. Rachel Carter-Greene and Theodore Carter-Greene, an executive at Oscorp Industries. Or maybe you've never heard of me or my family.

Well, get ready to hear my name a whole hell of a lot.

If you keep up with the news or follow @spideyupdates on Twitter like I do, you've probably heard or read all about one of Spider-Man's bigger captures; a group of frat boys from Sigma Kappa Nu who attempted to rape a girl. By now, the boys have been released due to lack of evidence and/or a lack of a victim. No details have been made public about the supposed victim.

In the police report, they probably call her Chloe, because that's the name she gave those frat boys. The report probably includes the fact that she was wearing a cheerleader's uniform for the Midtown Tigers. Maybe there's even a description of her. Blonde, short, tipsy...I wonder what words they put in her mouth.

In my mouth.

Hello, my name is Wendy Margaret Carter-Greene and I was harassed, assaulted, and nearly raped by Erik Chambers, Matthew Kingston, Chase Graziano, Thomas Schuetz, and Nathan Wallis.

I had to look up their names. I'm not used to them having names. Ever since that night, I'd been calling them NYU Sweatshirt (Matthew Kingston,) Shorter Letterman Jacket (Nathan Wallis,) Taller Letterman Jacket (Erik Chambers,) Graphic Tee (Thomas Schuetz,) and Polo Shirt (Chase Graziano.) A large part of me doesn't like putting names to nicknames and faces to names. I don't like acknowledging that they're real people with families and lives. It's almost easier to think of them as my demons, as the things of my nightmares.

I remember that night so clearly. I was cold and tipsy. I was on my way home from an after-party to celebrate the boys' basketball team's fourth consecutive win. My friends had offered to walk me home, but I wanted to be alone. I had a lot on my mind.

It was around two in the morning. I took a wrong turn and ended up walking down a street I didn't recognize. I just kept moving. I just wanted to get home. Then they surrounded me. They were clearly drunk. Their eyes glinted in the low light. I can recall everything they said. It's not hard considering their words have been replaying in my head ever since.

NYU Sweatshirt (Matthew Kingston) spoke first. "Look at her. She's a cheerleader." He'd laughed.

"I've had a really long day. I just wanna go home please," I'd said. I knew right off the bat that I was doomed. I'd been warned about men like them.

"Can we come with?" Shorter Letterman Jacket (Nathan Wallis) asked. Then they all laughed like it was so damn funny. I remember I folded my arms over my chest because I was freezing and I tried to rub my arms to create friction for some warmth.

That's when Graphic Tee - fuck, I mean Thomas Schuetz said, "Need some help warming up?"

"I'm good, I just wanna go home," I'd repeated because I read about something called the broken record method, which basically meant that if someone wasn't listening to you or your request, you repeat yourself until they get it. These boys got it, but they didn't care.

Graphic Tee (Thomas Scheutz! His name is Thomas Scheutz!) asked for my name ("What's your name, pretty lady?") and moved towards me so I stumbled back, closer to Taller Letterman Jacket - Erik Chambers. I lied and said my name was Chloe. It was the first name I could think of. My every instinct was telling me to lie to them. There was this voice at the back of my head screaming that if I gave them my real name, even if I left the situation alive, they would find me.

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