contest winners!

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it's time!! this chapter is dedicated to announcing the winners of the contest/showcase. there are three categories that i'll be announcing winners for: cover, edit, and trailer




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i mean this is kinda obvious bc depending on when you're reading this i might've already changed the cover but anyway i ultimately chose this one as the winner bc it's just so pretty and i just think it fits this story and wendy so well <3 


this gorgeous cover by stilinskillme!! it was a really close tie between this one and our winner and i wish i could find a way for them both to win

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this gorgeous cover by stilinskillme!! it was a really close tie between this one and our winner and i wish i could find a way for them both to win


this lovely cover by taylorjrs123!! i love the yellow it gives me such dodie vibes

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this lovely cover by taylorjrs123!! i love the yellow it gives me such dodie vibes


this beautiful cover by issybizziebumblebee!! i love the blue and the beret

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this beautiful cover by issybizziebumblebee!! i love the blue and the beret



this is just one of many from a thread of amazing edits by amberheardr

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this is just one of many from a thread of amazing edits by amberheardr. you can find her thread on twitter. i picked this edit in particular bc it just gives me massive homecoming! vibes

runner up...

this edit of wendy on the infinity war poster by tinydancr13

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this edit of wendy on the infinity war poster by tinydancr13. i think it was a cover submission but i really liked it as an edit


this trailer by tinydancr13!!! it was the only direct submission - the lovely camilla aka amberheardr shared some great edits with me that i adore but this was the only proper trailer and it made me so emotional when i first watched it :,) it's just so cute and the song!!


thank you to everyone who submitted something!! i'm so overjoyed that so many of you got involved in this!! and to anyone who started reading after the contest ended or didn't submit their thing in time, feel free to send me your fanmade stuff for darling any time!!! i love seeing it!!! just because it won't be a part of the contest doesn't mean you can't make it or send it to me!!!


the next chapter is most likely going to be the last chapter unless i decide to split it up into two chapters. i am going to be doing a sequel but bc of how unsure we are about the mcu timeline right now, i think i'm gonna wait until after far from home comes out to start writing the sequel just in case ffh actually comes before iw

anyway thanks again for all the support!! this story wouldn't be the same without all of you

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