holy shit!

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Wendy's eyes widened. She recognized that thwip. She'd heard it thousands of times in grainy videos shot on phones, the camera zoomed in to catch a look at the man in red and blue. Her heartbeat ricocheted throughout her entire body as she began to search the rooftops for a glimpse. The frat boys must've heard it too, because their heads were turning every which way. Taller Letterman Jacket's grip on her tightened in anticipation of a fight.

The thwip sounded again, but much closer. All six ducked instinctively. Then, in the blink of an eye, he landed in the center of their circle. He wore a new suit that clung to him like a second skin. His goggles had been replaced with black and white eye-shaped patches that reacted to his eyelid movements. This new suit seemed to be quite the upgrade.

Wendy couldn't help but notice that it also made his ass look fantastic.

Spider-Man turned to face her and squinted. "Well, this doesn't look consensual." Wendy attempted to throw herself forward, but Taller Letterman Jacket wasn't planning on letting go any time soon. Instead of freeing herself, it seemed she freed her arms from their sockets. Joy. She cried out in pain as Taller Letterman Jacket wretched her back towards him.

"We're just having a bit of fun," Graphic Tee chuckled. "No problem here, Mr. Spider-Man."

Wendy finally found her voice. "Help me. Please." Spider-Man shot her a wink and shot a web into Taller Letterman Jacket's face. Taller Letterman Jacket stumbled back with a shriek, attempting to pry the web off of him but only becoming further entangled in the process. Graphic Tee and Polo Shirt ran forward to help their friend but within seconds, they were glued to the nearest brick wall. Shorter Letterman Jacket ran but couldn't escape before Spider-Man webbed him to a lamppost. NYU Sweatshirt attempted to sneak away but was easily dispatched with a web that pinned him to the concrete sidewalk.

Wendy watched the scuffle in a mixture of awe and scientific fascination. Watching Spider-Man fight was quite the experience. It seemed so effortless for him. She wondered what kind of training he underwent in order to learn how to best use his abilities. When all of the men were incapacitated and he'd written his signature note, he hurried to her side and scanned her for injuries.

"Are you okay?" Spider-Man asked. Wendy nodded quickly but seemed unable to speak. He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "What's your name?"

"Wendy," she answered. Her voice shook. She tried to stifle a sob. Her vision grew blurrier no matter how many tears she blinked away. A cry caught in her throat and she threw herself into Spider-Man's arms. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight.

"You're safe now," he whispered. He held her until she ran out of tears. His shoulder was soaked. She blushed and cleared her throat. Great. She had just snotted all over her favorite superhero. Tonight was truly amazing.

Spider-Man's hands stayed on her shoulders as if keeping her steady. "Do you need a ride home?" She bobbed her head. Her sensories were overloaded. She could barely think. Her train of thought consisted mostly of, Holy shit!

"Hold onto me," he advised. Wendy didn't hesitate in securing her arms around his waist. She was suddenly struck with the realization that Spider-Man was ripped. She could feel his muscles through his suit.

Wendy realized he was waiting. He was waiting for her to give the okay. She smiled and squeezed him slightly. "I'm holding on." She wondered what his face looked like underneath his mask. What was he thinking about-


A gasp escaped Wendy. She clung to him desperately and buried her face in his shoulder. This was a terrible idea. Wendy hated heights. Spider-Man kept one arm around her as he swung them through the air. As they went, she kept finding more problems. 

For instance, it was absolutely freezing and all Wendy had on was her cheerleader uniform. It was also nauseating. She was almost definitely going to hurl when she got home. Additionally, it was a lot like being on a rollercoaster. She hated rollercoasters. She told herself if she survived this trip, it was proof she had nothing to be afraid of. She decided to think of this as extreme exposure therapy.

"Uh, where am I going?" Spider-Man screamed over the air whipping past them.

"Brooklyn," she yelled back. "Three blocks South from Midtown High." She gathered all the courage within her short body and looked down. The streets were actually starting to look familiar.

A laugh pushed past Wendy's lips. She threw her head back and let out a weird guttural sound that she knew meant she was actually kind of enjoying herself. Spider-Man joined in her celebratory exclamations until they reached her block.

He landed them on the roof of a brick building that Wendy knew housed a lawyer's private practice. She stumbled a bit when her feet touched the ground, but he held her steady. Her hair was a complete mess and she was sure a decent amount of people caught a glimpse of her panties.

She wondered if he'd think she was insane if she asked to go around the block one more time.

"Which building?" Spider-Man questioned. She pointed across the road and a little bit down the street to a tall brownstone wedged between a cafe and a pharmacy.

"There's a fire escape outside my bedroom window on the second floor," she shared, unable to stop grinning. She was quick to latch onto him once more. It took two swings to land on her fire escape.

Wendy stepped back from the man in red and blue and took a seat on her windowsill. "Thank you, Spider-Man. I don't know how I could ever repay you."

"You don't have to repay me," he chuckled. "I'm a hero, it's what I do. You know what, though, you can do me a favor."

"What?" she inquired cautiously. She was extremely grateful, yes, but she wasn't going to give him a blowjob if that's what he was going for.

He touched her shoulder. "Stay out of trouble."

"It's not like I went out looking for trouble," she argued with an eye roll.

Sheepishly, he said, "I know, but maybe wandering down dark streets by yourself in the middle of the night isn't the greatest idea." She must've been exhausted because this elicited a hearty chuckle from her. It wasn't even funny. Maybe it just finally sunk in how absolutely absurd this was, that she'd just been saved by a man in a red and blue jumpsuit who then brought her home by way of web-slinging.

"Be careful, Spider-Man," she said. Her voice was so quiet, she wasn't sure if he heard her at first. He laughed in response. She ducked her head bashfully (and to hide a bright red blush) and just like that, he was gone.


so spidey and wendy have finally met and that's about the only good thing to come out of this chapter

ok but honestly peter is so soft i'm losing my shit like just wait folks

edit: i'm a fucking fool who never included nyu sweatshirt's fate so there you go he got stuck to the sidewalk i'm an idiot

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