not good!

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Not good.

You'd think someone who was hailed as a superhero and had just recently made out with his crush of three years would be ecstatic. Rather, Peter felt like he was dying. Because he wasn't just someone who was hailed as a superhero and had just recently made out with his crush of three years. He was hailed as a superhero but decidedly useless because his mentor wouldn't let him do jackshit and yes, had just recently made out with his crush of three years - and immediately ran away. And now his crush was looking him in the eyes with no idea that he was the one she had kissed last night, so intent on ending their classmates' speculation that they were a couple that she seemed to completely miss his burning blush and Ned's look of pre-spontaneous combustion.

Truth be told, Peter liked people saying that he and Wendy were the new it couple of Midtown, even if it was just a joke. He loved people saying they would be a great couple because he felt the exact same way. He'd spent years trying to impress Wendy, trying to make her see that he was just as cool as she was, that he could keep up with her, only for it to result in a one-sided rivalry. He remembered what she said, about why she hated him, and he couldn't help but feel part of it was true.

He was manipulating her, wasn't he? Battling her as Peter and then visiting her and flirting with her as was dirty. Especially now that she had apparently developed romantic feelings for Spidey. He fought a scowl. He was jealous of himself. The entire time he'd known Wendy he'd been dreaming of her falling in love with him and apparently, all it took was a super-suit, some flirtatious comments, a few jokes and saving her from wannabe-rapists.

Okay, that last bit probably wasn't accomplishable as Peter Parker.

This entire situation sucked. He could either stop visiting Wendy as Spidey and thus, break her heart, date Wendy as Spidey and thus be a shady asshole, or tell her the truth and risk her never speaking to him again. He evaluated his options. After everything Wendy had been through, she didn't deserve to have her heart broken, so that ruled out option one, and kind of ruled out option three. After all, finding out her Peter Pan was actually the guy she hates would be heart-breaking, right? But he had to tell her at some point, so why not now?

He looked up from his shitty school lunch. Wendy and her friends had moved down to their normal table and were talking in hushed tones. He didn't even have to listen to know she was telling them about the kiss. It was obvious in Erin's incremental whooping and Margot's bouncing in her seat. Aware this only made him more of a garbage human being, Peter decided to listen in on their conversation.

"I need more details," Angie gushed. "I mean, like were his lips soft? Was there tongue involved? Where on your body were his hands exactly?"

Wendy considered the questions. "His lips were a little chapped, but I didn't mind. There was no tongue, but I wish there was. And his hands," she sighed dreamily, "they were on my hips, like right under the hem of my shirt so his thumb and index fingers were touching my skin. I wanted them higher, though. So much higher." His lips curled into a smirk. Why was he even listening to them besides to fuel his ego? He should just return to his lunch.

But he didn't.

"And the kiss was good, yeah?" Michelle chimed in, more interested than Peter had ever seen her.

"Amazing," Wendy said with a little moan and Peter tensed. "God, okay, so kissing him was like injecting dopamine and oxytocin directly into my bloodstream. It was so warm and magical." Her friends all 'awww'ed at the same time, even Michelle, who he was led to believe did not experience emotions.

"You're listening to their conversation, aren't you?" Ned asked, elbowing Peter in the ribs.

Peter groaned and buried his face in his hands. "Ned, I screwed up. Big time."

"What do you mean?" Ned knocked lightly on Peter's head. "Come on, man. Open up." Peter turned his head so he could see Ned. A rush of guilt consumed him. Ned was going to think he was a piece of shit for kissing Wendy. Well, technically, she kissed him, but he didn't quite stop her, did he? He should've stopped her. He was just so caught up in her. 

Ned insisted that was a big problem of Peter's. Every now and then his brain would stop working and everything became Wendy Carter-Greene. Like, why focus on a bio lab when he could think about how the flower had made her sneeze and she had the cutest sneeze in the world? Or why listen to the teacher when he could watch her absent-mindedly braid a small section of her hair? Why pay attention to where he was going in the hallway when Wendy showed up to school in a new skirt that was a little shorter than what she usually went with? Why bother with the world when he could be admiring Wendy and her adorable laugh and beautiful eyes and-

"You're in Neverland, aren't you?" Ned questioned. Peter's cheeks burned bright red. Neverland was what Ned called the place that Peter's Wendy obsession took him. It was easy to see when he slipped into Neverland because he smiled this lazy, oblivious smile like everything in the world was good and right. That was the 'darling' smile.

"I kissed Wendy as Spider-Man," Peter confessed in a hushed tone. Ned nearly fell off the bench.

The shorter boy told hold of his arm and shook it desperately. "Dude! You did it! It only took you four or five years but you did it!" Peter swatted his best friend who's excitement was garnering unwanted attention from surrounding tables. Of course, Ned would be nothing but happy for him because Ned was the one who had to listen to most of Peter's Wendy rants. His Wendy rants often included the phrases "I don't get why she hates me" and "She's so pretty" and "Did you see what she was wearing today? She looked amazing."

"Not good, Ned!" Peter muttered, ducking his head. "What am I supposed to do?"

Ned looked perplexed at Peter's panic. "Uh, go back and kiss her again? And then kiss her more and then do the oogly boogly? That's how these things work, right?" Peter had to remind himself that Ned had nothing but good intentions. Ned saw this as 'Hell yeah, Peter got to make out with his crush!' when he should've seen it as 'Peter now has to solve a moral dilemma and decide whether or not he'll sacrifice integrity for the chance to feel up his crush!'

For a moment, Peter debated texting Happy for advice or trying to get in touch with Tony. And then he realized they'd probably chew him out for visiting her as Spider-Man in the first place. He rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. His uncle Ben told him once that with great power comes great responsibility.

This probably wasn't what he meant, but the quote applied all the same, right?

Peter sighed and met Ned's gaze. "Are you okay with being friends with a horrible person?"

Ned beamed with a nonchalant shrug. "Hey, if that horrible person likes Star Wars, is Spider-Man, and isn't a virgin, I can make it work."


i wanted to do a chapter in peter's pov so we could get a peek into his mind and his take on everything that's happening.

soooo what do you think peter will choose?? will he make one of the "right" decisions (stop visiting her, truth her the truth) or will he let his heart guide him??? ;)))

also i've officially started my summer vacation so hopefully i'll be able to get back into writing this again bc i have been in a bit of a slump with this story. i know what i want to do (i actually have like a whole plan written out) i just have to actually write it so let's all do a quick prayer that i'll be able to get my shit together this summer !!!!

edit: ned saying "oogly boogly" was all frootloopsgirl

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