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Wendy spent a lot of time in her own head.

She thought of it as her curse. She was intelligent and agile and flexible and talented. She learned new skills fairly quickly and she was aware she was rather pretty. She had great skin and her family was well off.

On the other hand, her communication skills were absolute shit. She was horrendous at social interactions. It wasn't that she had particularly bad social anxiety. She was quiet and awkward. She could never find the right words. Thus, she chose to keep her speaking to a minimum and invested more time in her thoughts. Wendy was only ever loud when cheerleading.

Or when arguing with Peter Parker.

So while others might've screamed and told the world that they met Spider-Man, Wendy kept it to herself. She didn't even tell her best friends.

"She's doing it again," Erin said. She and Angie were cheerleaders like Wendy. Margot and MJ were the only ones in their group who weren't on the squad. The five of them sat now at their usual lunch table.

Angie flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Is it just me or is it worse today?"

"I can hear you," Wendy spoke, her gaze trained on her yogurt.

"Then act like it," Margot teased, nudging the blonde with her elbow. The Latina threw her arm around Wendy's shoulders. "You okay, kid? You look shaken up."

"I'm fine," Wendy lied. She hadn't gotten any sleep last night. She couldn't stop thinking about the difference between Taller Letterman Jacket's hold on her and Spider-Man's arm around her waist.

MJ narrowed her eyes. "Bullshit. Did something happen last night?"

Wendy shook her head. "No, I swear. I was just thinking about this fanfic I read last night-"

"If it wasn't the Supergirl fic I sent you, I don't want to hear it," Margot interjected. Wendy giggled. Margot was always sending her links to fanfics that usually centered around LGBT+ ships. They were always well-written, so she didn't mind.

The blonde girl shook her head. "I'm sorry, Mar. I was in a Harry Potter mood."

"Nerds," Angie fake-coughed into her fist.

MJ scoffed. "Like you don't spend your nights reading smutty Vampire Diaries fics." The other girls laughed. If anyone that wasn't in their group made that joke, they'd be planning a murder. 

Angie pouted. "Damn. I feel exposed." She sighed and remained graceful in the face of her friends' giggles. "Are you sure you're good, Wen? Did you get home okay?"

"Yeah," Wendy replied and she was really only half-lying. She got home safe...eventually.

Erin frowned. "You know we're here for you, right?" Wendy bobbed her head vigorously. Her friends exchanged looks. They didn't believe her. They knew her too well.

Margot cleared her throat, sensing this conversation wasn't heading anywhere. "So, how you planning on winning your bet with Peter?" She gestured to the boy who sat a few feet down with her head. 

Wendy shrugged. Really, she already won. But she knew the consequences of broadcasting what happened last night to the whole school. Maybe she could get Peter alone and tell him then. It was the safest bet.

She waited for sixth period. That was when they had robotics together. When he asked to go to the bathroom, she waited a minute to ask to go too. Their robotics teacher was fairly lenient so she was out within seconds.

She waited by the boys' bathroom for Peter to come out. She felt absolutely ridiculous. She just wanted to get it done and over with. The sooner the bet was won, the sooner she could move on and lock away everything that happened into a little box and tuck it away in the darkest recesses of her mind. It wasn't the healthiest plan, but she wasn't sure what else she could do. Tell her parents? Get a therapist? Go to the cops? Say, "Hey, these guys tried to rape me last night but Spider-Man interrupted and then we swung through the air and he took me home."

Wendy checked her watch, a gift from her great-aunt. It'd been five minutes and Peter had yet to come out of the bathroom. She furrowed her brow. How long did it to take for him to piss? She noticed a boy approaching. She couldn't remember his name for the life of her, but she still waved at him like he was an old friend.

"Hey, could you check if Peter Parker is in there for me?" she asked sweetly. "Mr. Spotnik wants him back in class." The boy nodded and disappeared into the bathroom. About a minute later, he poked his head out.

"No one's in here," the boy announced before ducking back inside. Wendy frowned. She did a quick sweep of the girls' bathroom (she had to admit there was a lot she didn't know about Peter) but came up empty. Did he go to the bathroom across the school? That wasn't like him. A frustrated sigh escaped her as she trekked back to class. She'd just have to track him down later.

When the final bell rung, she ran out of class and headed straight for Peter's locker, which just so happened to be across the hall from hers. She leaned on the blue door, arms crossed over her chest. Her hair was bound in a messy bun that dug into her skull when she rested her head back. Luckily, there was no game today, so she didn't have to put on her cheerleader uniform. She planned on washing it at least four times to cleanse it.

Peter finally appeared around the corner. When he saw her, his features twisted into a scowl. She smirked and tilted her head. It took him a minute to reach her. She batted her eyelids. "Parker."

"What do you want, Greene?" he shot back. A twinge of annoyance stabbed her stomach. She preferred Carter over Greene and he knew that which was precisely why he called her Greene.

She shook it off and moved so he could get into his locker. "I thought it might interest you to know I won our bet." He froze. Her smirk returned with brand new vigor. Yes! It was all worth it! She beat Peter Parker!

"Why should I believe you?" he asked.

Wendy scoffed. "Aren't you buddy-buddy with Spider-Man? Ask him about the cute cheerleader he picked up last night. I'm sure he'll remember. I make a lasting impression." She winked and he gagged. She giggled. God, she loved this. This was a high she would be chasing for the rest of her life.

She patted his cheek. "I hope you've learned your lesson. You shouldn't bet against me, Parker."


well that's it folks story's over she won the bet

ok but seriously lmk what you think of wendy!

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