poetry in motion!

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"Okay, what the fuck is going on with you?"

Erin and Angie plopped down on either side of Wendy, who closed her book and prepared for the worst. Her thoughts raced, trying to find a way out of this confrontation. Wendy was horrific with confrontation.

Angie laid a hand on Wendy's arm and tilted her head. "You've been skipping dance practice and you haven't been to cheer practice in ages." Wendy froze. Her heart was trying to break out of her ribcage, pushing against the bones and rattling the surrounding organs. She hadn't been to dance because dance was essentially the same crowd as cheer, and she hadn't been to cheer because cheer meant putting on that uniform again and she wasn't ready for that.

"Did something happen the night of the party?" Erin asked. It was so obvious something was wrong with Wendy that Erin didn't even feel the need to specify which party. They all knew the one she was talking about. The party that Wendy left early, drunk and alone, even though several people insisted on walking her home. The party that Wendy could barely remember because the party was just the precursor to those frat boys and their eyes glinting in the dim lights.

Wendy wasn't sure what to say and, as it turned out, she didn't have to say anything, because Michelle and Margot took their spots opposite the trio and Margot was in full-on rant mode. "Y'know, they're releasing those frat boys today."

"I don't want to think about that," Angie said dismissively, unknowingly echoing the words playing on repeat in Wendy's head. "Just let me be naive and believe that they're telling the truth and Spider-Man misinterpreted the situation. It's the only way I'll be able to sleep at night."

Guilt and anger crashed over Wendy like a tidal wave. They're liars, she wanted to scream. I'm sorry Angie but they're lying. Spider-Man saved me. But screaming meant outing herself as the victim. Screaming meant the little semblance of normality she had left turning to ash before her eyes. The scream built in her throat, the words creating such pressure she thought her esophagus might burst.

And then Peter Parker climbed onto the table, a Midtown High cheer squad megaphone in hand. Wendy's eyes brightened. That could only mean one thing.

Applause exploded throughout the cafeteria. Everyone knew about the bet right now and so they knew that Peter's stunt meant he'd lost. The lunchroom quieted so they could better hear the poem Wendy had spent about half an hour on. Her friends fought giggles, Wendy's personality shift and the frat boys having been momentarily forgotten. Peter looked around and locked gazes with Wendy. She waved, waggling her fingers in a teasing manner. He just smiled.

He cleared his throat and tapped his phone screen to prevent it from going to sleep. "There's Wendy's, of fast food fame, and Wendy Darling, we all know her name. But the greatest Wendy of all walks amongst us in the hall. Wendy Carter-Greene, you may think she's from a dream. But she's real and she's a beaut. Just one look and I go mute. She's beauty and grace, she's fire and ice, and despite her clear superiority, she's actually quite nice."

Erin nudged Wendy and whispered, "You wrote this?"

"No," Wendy hissed, eyes narrowed. "He's not performing the poem I wrote, which was so much better than this shit. He's such an asshole. Why can't he just let me win?"

Michelle leaned over the table and grabbed Wendy's arm. "Wait, Peter wrote this?" Wendy shrugged. Suddenly, whispers spread the cafeteria like wildfire, all with a similar theme. Peter wrote the poem. Peter wrote it. He likes her. Peter likes Wendy! Are you sure he likes her? He has to, how else could he write the poem? Oh, my God, Peter likes Wendy!

Wendy's blood ran cold. Peter froze as if he knew what everyone was saying. He locked his phone and shoved it in his pocket. He raised the megaphone to his lips once more, his grip much tighter. "Uh, in conclusion, Wendy's great and I'm terrible. The end."

It didn't matter. The idea had wormed its way into their brains. It would nestle there and grow like a parasite, implanting false thoughts and new interpretations of memories. Y'know, they'd actually be really cute together. Totally! Remember when Wendy shoved Peter in the hallway and he grabbed her hand and they fell down together? They're my new OTP.

Wendy wanted to die. This was her worst nightmare. Something she'd always liked about her feud with Peter was no one ever mistaken it for something it wasn't. It was simple: Wendy hated Peter and Peter hated Wendy. That was it, but now? Suddenly, now it's Remember when so-and-so happened? They've totally liked each other this entire time!

Shaking, she gathered her things and ran from the cafeteria. She'd finish her lunch in Ms. Creevy's room. She avoided looking at anyone. It was official: her life fucking sucked.


bit of a shorter chapter but oh dear

things are about to get a little...well, i won't spoil the surprise. let's just say wendy's ride on the emotional rollercoaster has just barely begun

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