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Wendy didn't have much time to bask in the glow of her new relationship because, as soon as the last bell of the school day rang out, it was time for her to return to cheer.

She had already made her return to dance, which was much easier because dance didn't require much communication. She didn't have to talk to anyone if she didn't want to. She showed up a little late and left quickly to avoid any awkward conversations. Cheer was not like that. Cheer required more communication than Wendy could handle at the moment, but if she wanted to make captain next year, she couldn't stop going. There was only so much that could be excused before they kicked her off the squad.

She arrived early and changed into her gear while everyone else was still at their lockers and chatting with their friends. She helped set-up and then stretched as she waited for the rest of the squad to get ready. When they were done, Erin and Angie flanked her sides as an extra layer of protection. Her friends were god tier.

Despite her worry, it actually went pretty okay. They were all so focused on protecting their school spirit routine for the homecoming pep rally that no one paid too much attention to her. It wasn't until the end that anyone talked to her.

Mrs. Wayland pulled her aside. "Hey, um, I'm not gonna ask you how you are, because I'm sure you're getting enough of that as it is. I just wanted to know if you had any ideas for our second pep rally routine."

Wendy nearly smacked her own forehead. She completely forgot Mrs. Wayland had asked her to brainstorm concepts for their other routine. It was her way of testing out whether Wendy was captain material. She had really screwed up.

"It's okay if you forgot," Mrs. Wayland said quickly. "Obviously you've had a lot going on-"

"Give me another week and I'm sure I'll come up with a killer routine for us," Wendy interjected. She checked her phone. If she rushed home, she could probably open her window in time for Spidey to stop by. Mrs. Wayland thanked her and walked away.

Erin hurried to Wendy's side, asking, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just in charge of the second routine," the blonde answered absent-mindedly, going through a few Twitter notifications before tucking her phone back into her pocket.

Angie was right on Erin's heels. She was nibbling on her bottom lip. "Do you want any help? You and Erin could come over and we could work on something."

"It's cool, I got it," Wendy assured them, running her fingers through her hair. "I appreciate the offer, but I can handle it."

"Well, you guys should still come over sometime," Angie said. "The whole gang. We haven't done a sleepover in forever. Maybe this weekend?"

Erin grinned. "That'd be dope. I've missed hanging out with y'all."

Wendy shrugged. "Um, I'll think about it." Her friends stopped and turned to look at her like she grew eight heads. She blushed and added, "It's just that Spider-Man said he wanted to take me swinging this weekend - like swinging through the city? We're trying to conquer my fear of heights."

"Are you seriously picking Spider-Man over us?" Erin questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, it's not like that," the small blonde stammered, adjusting her grip on her gym bag. "Oh my god, I completely forgot to tell you guys, I've been so anxious about getting back into cheer. Last night, Spidey asked me to be his girlfriend and of course, I said yes."

Angie didn't seem all that impressed. "Oh, so you're picking your boyfriend over us?"

"Look, babe, we're happy for you, but you've been spending all your time with Spider-Man," Erin chimed in as she laid a hand on Wendy's shoulder. "I get that he saved you, and we can't possibly understand what that's like, but we want to spend time with our girl." She and Angie wrapped an arm around Wendy and squeezed her tight.

Wendy laughed. "You're right. Okay, so I'll tell Spidey it can wait and I'll ask my parents if we can hang out."

"Speaking of the 'rents, how are they handling everything?" Angie inquired. "It's definitely going a lot better than I would imagine. I half-expected your dad to put you on house arrest."

"Oh, he was tempted," Wendy chuckled, shaking her head as she searched herself for a way to talk about the subject without bursting into tears. "Uh, they've been incredibly supportive, which is great. Sometimes, though, I'll catch them looking at me with tears in their eyes. Oh, and I have an official curfew now and they're home a lot more often. I think they're still kind of in shock. I think my mom's pissed that she found out through the Daily Bugle and not from me. She also keeps asking me if I want a therapist. Oh, and Dad doesn't really look me in the eyes anymore."

Erin winced. "Yikes. Well, in that case, we definitely need to hang out and party hard this weekend." The three girls linked arms and walked through the hallways like a solid wall of friendship. Wendy beamed.

She used to be so worried what her friends thought, way back in middle school. Now she had friends she knew would never leave her and would stick by her through thick and thin. She was really, truly blessed to have such an incredible support system. She never had to go through anything alone. Margot, Angie, Erin, and MJ would never allow it. They were an 'all-for-one-ride-or-die' kind of girl gang.

Wendy couldn't help but feel bad. She'd been so preoccupied with Spidey that she hadn't been giving her amazing friends the attention and love they deserved. This weekend would change all that, she decided. She was going to make sure they knew just how much they meant to her. She was going to get all mushy and sentimental. She was going to let them in on everything. Most importantly, she was going to have fun.

She liked to think she'd earned that.


this chapter is kind of filler and pretty shitty but i need to get back into the habit of writing this story so here ya go friends!! just some soft wendy and friends content.

also i'm thinking of just going with pendy for peter and wendy's ship name ??? what do y'all think???

p.s: if this looks hella janky it's bc wattpad is being weird with me :P

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