chapter four

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Alex and Lisa had gone out for the day. They left early this morning, saying that they needed a Costco trip.

So, I decided on making dinner tonight. To kind of thank them. For taking me in and stuff.

I decided on some barbecue short ribs in the crockpot, some pan fried potatoes, a small side salad, and deviled eggs.

I did the short ribs an hour before lunch, with some barbecue sause, garlic, brown sugar, and a whole ass can of Coke. Then made the eggs.

But they weren't coming in right.

I boiled four, so they made eight. I always peel one and cut one open to see if they were done. But I boiled it for my regular amount of time. Twelve minutes. And the yolk wasn't all the way done yet. So I reboiled the remaining three. This time for eight minutes.

Still not done.

I'm getting overly frustrated.

Same process until I had the final one.

And it wasn't done. It looked just like the others. By now I'm sitting on the floor, sobbing.

"Ooh! It smells good in here!" Alex yelled, I could hear shopping bags rustling.

"Where are you?" Alex asked.

"O-on the f-floor." I said, trying to calm myself down.

"Whats wrong?" He asked.

"Okay, so I wanted to make dinner for us, as a kind of thank you for taking me in and stuff and I made deviled eggs and they weren't coming in right. I reboiled them three times and they all came out sorta raw. And I didn't want to just throw them away and start over because eggs are expensive. Since we have large cage free eggs in boxes of eighteen and those are ten dollars that's fifty five cents an egg and I used four. That's two dollars and Twenty cents for four eggs." I rambled.

"Hey. Calm down. It's okay." Alex chuckled.

"It's not funny!" I yelled, standing up from the floor and going to the bowl of semi-cooked egg yolks.

"Look. They're supposed to crumble when you mash them. And they're sticking together like play doh. And I can reform them back into a whole yolk." I stated.

"Hey. It's completely okay. Look. Lisa and I took two cars, and she said she needed some stuff from Walmart so how about we finish dinner, I can call Jack over. We can have a nice family dinner together." He said.

I nodded and went to work to see if I could save these eggs.

Some mayo, mustard, salt, pepper, and paprika later. They didn't look half bad.

I filled the egg white cups and put them in the fridge. Then went to work on the salad.

"What do you want me to do chef Blake?" Alex asked, trying to find some music.

"Umm. Peel and pan fry about four Idaho potatoes. With a little olive oil and salt and pepper." I said, washing the head of lettuce.

"Okay. Sliced or cubed?" He asked.

"I prefer cubed." I said.

Alex nodded and began working with the potatoes.

But before that, he put on some music.

Some was unfamiliar to me though. Until a certain song came on.

"Turn this off. Please." I said.

It was Hey Jude by the Beatles.

My mom and my little sisters favorite song. I can't stand this song, not anymore.

Alex dropped what he was doing and skipped the song. I liked this.

A Home That Wasn't There// Alex Gaskarth [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now