chapter thirty-six

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When Lisa came down, she threw blankets at all of us.

"Okay, let's get this started." She said.

"No snacks?" I asked.

"Always snacks. Speaking of snacks, Jack's here!"

"Why the hell are you here? You're supposed to come out next week." I said.

"I know, but Alex is letting me stay for the month. I just wanted to see my little buddy." Jack said.

I rolled my eyes, and he sat directly in my lap and deposited snacks on to the coffee table.

"Hey Dylan. Ivy's told me a lot about yo-" Jack started before I punched his leg.

"You say another word you're sleeping outside." I said.

"Jesus okay! Let me get off of you before you punch my dick instead." Jack said and scampered off to the other side of the couch.

"Um. Dylan, that's my uncle Jack." I said.

"Nice to see you again kid." Jack said.

"You too." Dylan said.

We started the movie, which I could just about recite by heart. But I normally do that when I'm alone.

Lisa cuddled up to Alex, Jack cuddled up to a pillow, and Dylan and I awkwardly sat next to each other.

He did throw an arm around my shoulders around thirty minutes into the movie, which made me lean into his side.

Jack looked at me from where he was sitting and wiggled his eyebrows, so I flipped him off.

"Alex! Ivy flipped me off." Jack whined.

"I don't blame her." Alex mumbled.

Jack pouted, and screamed as a jump scare happened.

Dylan jumped from beside me.

It made me chuckle internally. I have no idea why.

I then busted out the snacks. I went for a personal favorite of mine. Jalapeño Cheetos.

"Ah." Dylan said quietly.

I looked up and he had his mouth open.

I reached into the bag and shoved one into his mouth.

"Thank you." He said.

I nodded and ate until he wanted another.

And this process continued until I wanted something different.

"Hay Baratits? You want these?" I asked Jack.

"Hell yeah."

So I threw the bag at him and I grabbed a bag of sour gummy worms.

When the first movie was over, I got up to put the second one in. I got a bit lightheaded, probably from standing up too fast after being sat in one position for too long.

But somebody noticed.

When I sat back on the couch, Dylan asked me if I was okay.

"Yeah. Just stood up too fast." I replied softly, so nobody would hear.

So nobody would worry.

He nodded and turned his head back to the TV.

And next thing I know, my alarm is blaring. The loud scream from Perfect Weapon by Black Veil Brides. I scrambled to turn it off.

Which made Dylan jerk awake as well.

"Sorry. Time to get ready. Go back to sleep if you want. They all start getting ready in thirty." I said.

"Nah. I'll stay up with you. Keep you company. Where are they anyways?" Dylan groaned.

"Well. Jack is probably in my bed, with Tom I presume. And mom and dad are upstairs. I can't believe they actually let us stay down here by ourselves." I said.

"Some parents are cool about it." Dylan shrugged.

"No. Not mine. Well, at least Alex. He's typical 'scare boys off with a shotgun' dad." I said.

That made Dylan laugh.

"Is there a bathroom I can use? So I can get a shower in?" He asked.

"Yeah. Right across from my room. And I've got men's stuff under my sink if you want it. Towels are under there as well." I said.

He nodded and silently went upstairs. I made breakfast. Dylan came down just as it was finished, in one of our schools shirts, with my swim number painted on the back.

"Did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" He asked.

"Paint my swim number on the back of your shirt. And don't say it's your siblings number because it literally says 'Gaskarth' across the top." I said.

"Oh! Yeah, I did. Gotta support my girl, y'know?" He asked, thinking nothing of what he just said because internally I was screaming.

It made my chest feel all warm.

He was too busy towel drying his thick dark hair.

"Breakfast?" I asked.

"Sure. What'd you make?" He asked.

"Eggs, toast. Got some fruit in the fridge. After everybody wakes up I'm making a smoothie." I said.

I fixed him a plate, I fixed my plate, then went to the fridge.

"You can throw that towel in there." I said, pointing to the laundry room.

I saw a towel fly by me.

"Boom. That's a three pointer right there." He said.

I chuckled and grabbed some homemade salsa from the fridge. I like to put it on my eggs, makes me feel spicy.

Halfway into the two of us eating, everybody was up and awake.

"Morning. There's breakfast stuff in the microwave. Jack, Cookie Crisp is in the cabinet." I said, taking the remaining bits of my eggs and salsa with my toast and shoved it in my mouth.

"You done?" I asked Dylan.

"Yeah. Thank you, it was really good." He said, handing me his plate.

"No problem." I replied and put the dishes in the sink.

"No smoothie for me today kiddo." Lisa said.

"Me neither." Alex added.

"Dylan, do you want one?" I asked.

"No thanks, texture bothers me." He said.

I nodded and grabbed everything that I put in my smoothie. Spinach, blueberries, and a banana. With a little almond milk and yoghurt.

"That's an interesting color." Jack said with a grimace.

"Don't knock it till you try it." I said.

I went to brush my teeth, because this is what I drink on the way down. Which is about an hour away, instead of at the school.

I also grabbed my phone charger and headphones, then went to grab my swim bag. I put my sweats on and a school shirt and a sweatshirt. Gotta promote my dads band somehow. Even though they are hometown heroes.

I carried everything downstairs, then went to grab my smoothie.

"We leave in five." I said.

A Home That Wasn't There// Alex Gaskarth [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now