chapter fourteen

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When the show started, everything was running smoothly.

Jack making dick jokes, the crowd laughing.

Just, something didn't feel right. And I think that Ashley could feel it too.

"You feel odd?" I asked as she took photos.

"Yeah. You?" She asked.

"Mhm. I just haven't figured out what yet." I mumbled, and she went to the front house to snap some more pictures.

Then, I heard it.

A bunch of people screaming Alex's name and pointing. They were pointing down.

"Whoa Whoa whoa! Hold on a minute. Hey, will somebody pull this person out?" He asked.

I, went to go help.

I had Jeff help me. Somebody had passed out.

That was the weird feeling.

But it didn't pass all the way.

Jeff and I dragged this girl to the medics office.

"Do you know if she had any ID on her?"

"No. We just pulled her out of the crowd." I told the medic.

"Okay. I'll stay with her until she wakes up." The medic replied.

Well yeah, you should. It's kinda your job.

Jeff and I walked out and went to where he did lights and stuff.

He taught me a thing or two and then I ended up managing half of the light board.

By the time the show was over, I had just about mastered the board.

Which isn't as hard to do.

I walked backstage and to the green room. Where Jack was making mixed drinks, and handed me one.

"No alcohol. Promise." He said.

So, I drank it. And about a third of the drink down, my tongue felt itchy.

"Jack?" I asked.

"Yeah baby?" He asked, pouring up more drinks.

"Whats in this?" I asked.

"Coconut, pineapple juice. Some ice. Why? Is it bad?" He asked.

"My tongue is itchy. Oh. Now it's burning. I think I'm allergic to something in this." I said.

To which, somebody slapped the drink out of my hand and ordered me to swish some water around my mouth and spit it out.

It was Greico.

So, I did as demanded. But my tongue was now numb and I was drooling everywhere.

"Here. Take a benadryl. It'll help, kinda." He said, handing me two pink pills.

Which I hate taking, but I took them anyways.

After about forty minutes, my tongue just started tingling.

"Are you okay? Jack told me what happened." Alex said, rushing into the room. A white towel hanging on his hips and his hair soaked.

"Yeah. A mild allergic reaction to something. I've never had a problem with coconut before so maybe it was the pineapple." I said, sipping my water.

"Who helped you out?" Alex said.

"Greico. He got me a water and some allergy medicine." I replied, looking to the natural blond Alex.

"Thanks for helping her out. I appreciate it." Alex said.

"I know what a reaction feels like. Not fun, I just wanted to help out." Greico shrugged, leaning against the door frame.

"You're never normally this nice? My kid making you a softy?" Alex smirked.

"Shut up. Put some clothes on, we leave in like half an hour." Greico snapped and left the room.

"Look. He was being a sweetie pie and then you ruined it." I said and smacked Alex's shoulder lightly.

Alex then went to put some clothes on, then carried me to the bus. Much to my protests.

"I have legs! I can walk!" I yelled when he flung me over his shoulder.

"But I want to carry you." He whined.

So, I just let it happen. My arms dangling to the point where I could touch the backs of his knees. His arm was hooked around the backs of my knees.

"Oh, hey Ivy." Various people from the crew said, acting like it was something normal.

"Hi!" I would say back, trying to wave.

We eventually got to the bus, where Alex basically body slammed me onto the back lounge couch.

He towered over me, more than usual. He is fairly tall. And when I stand I come up to the lower part of his biceps. But now that I'm laying down, he towers over me.

It's scaring me.

I still have the fear that Alex is going to turn into my father. I know he won't, I mean when Crowe got drunk he would hit me. When Alex got drunk he'd hug me and tell me he loved me fifty times within an hour. But that thought is always in the back of my head.

"Alex. Please get down to my level or go away." I said.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked and crouched down.

"You were standing over me. I didn't like that. I couldn't have had the chance to run if I needed to." I whispered.

"Baby. I will never, ever, be like that man. I will never hit you, or whip you, or make you kneel on rice. I never will be him. And I get that it's always a fear and always will be. But I promise you that I won't become him." Alex said, sitting on the floor.

"And I know you won't. It's just the two and a half foot difference is scary to me, and I know I can't change that. But when you put me on the couch and kept standing over me, it felt intimidating." I replied.

He nodded.

"I understand. You want to head to bed. It's been a long night." Alex offered.

"I'm not that tired. I kinda want to hang out with you guys for a bit." I replied.

We walked to the front lounge together. He sat down on the couch by the kitchen counter and he pulled me onto his lap.

"Aww. You two are so cute." Ashley said.

That made me turn pink.

"Aww! She's blushing!" Jack yelled, taking shots of rum directly from the bottle.

It makes me nervous when anybody drinks. And Alex can tell when I tense up. He just wraps his arms around my middle section and sticks his chin onto my shoulder.

"It's okay." He whispered.

It makes me relax.

Jack then came to sit by Alex and I, and proceeded to tell me this.

"Hey. Ivy?" Jack slurred.

"Yes Jack?" I asked.

"I love you. You're my favorite person ever. And you're so tiny and cute I could just put you in my pocket and carry you, like everywhere." He smiled.

"Thank you Jack. I love you too." I replied.

Jack then transferred me from Alex's lap into his.

He proceeded to tell me that he loved me, a lot.

And he eventually nodded off to sleep, and I was just about to myself.

So, I got myself out of Jack's hold and went to my bunk.

I put on some music and fell asleep quickly.

A Home That Wasn't There// Alex Gaskarth [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now