chapter thirty

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By the time fifth period rolls around, school security was already waiting by the doors of my math class.

"Lovely seeing you two again." I smiled.

Not any movement.

"Eek. Tough crowd." I sighed, walking into the classroom.

I walked to my seat, and sat down.

"If I catch you with your feet on my basket again, I won't hesitate to go punch you directly in the dick." I said, not even looking at the boy behind me.

And guess what! I didn't have to punch anybody.

Now, I'm in detention. I just want Austin to come pick me up. That's all I want.

"Okay Miss Gaskarth, your hour is up." The detention 'teacher' told me.

"Thank you ma'am." I said, gathering my stuff and walking to my locker.

As it was getting a little chilly outside, I took a jacket to school. Well, not my jacket. Alex's tour merch from last year.

It went to just a few inches above my knees, but it's my favorite.

"Austin!" I yelled, seeing him waiting in the school lobby for me.

He smiled and opened his arms.

I knew I had to be easy with him, even though I wanted to tackle him.

I pulled him into a hug, and tried very hard not to squeeze the life out of him.

"So, why were you in detention? I thought you were my good little angel." He said as we walked to his car. Or what looked like Lisa's car.

"Well, there's this kid that sits behind me in math class, and we have little baskets attached to our chairs where we put our stuff. But he kept putting his feet on my stuff, and if my books get damaged I have to pay for them. So I asked him to get his feet off my stuff. Seven different times. So I got fed up with it, pushed my desk into the isle next to me because we're in rows, and I shoved his all the way to the wall and said some choice words. I had to be carried to the office by school security." I said.

"Oh my lord. Why the fuck? Never mind. You want ice cream?" He asked as we got in the car.

"No thanks, we recently found out I was lactose intolerant. But, would you be up to getting some Thai food?" I asked.

"Back again?" Derek, or 'Bobby', asked the moment I walked into the restaurant.

"Yes sir." I smiled.

"Okay, and are you doing your extra order for lunch tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah. Austin, you want anything. Oh, add an order of steamed dumplings to that order." I said.

He smiled at me and nodded.

"Um. Give me whatever she gets." Austin said.

"Okay. Three orders of Pad Thai, three containers of sambal, and an order of dumplings. Oh, and your sweet tea and small sodas."

"All correct, how do you remember all of that?" I asked.

"Ivy, you come in at least three times a week. And you've brought my families store more business. Dumplings are on the house today." Derek winked.

"Thanks." I smiled softly.

Derek walked away from the register, and Austin wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"I would smack the shit out of you if you didn't just get out of the hospital." I said.

When Derek called our order out once again, I paid and had Austin help me carry everything.

When we got to my house, I said hi to everyone, and went downstairs with Austin.

We talked and ate, he helped me with my homework thank you Jesus for sending me this man, then I told him what I was planning on doing.

"I'm trying out for the school swim team." I said casually.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah. I've been practicing at the pool that's at the gym Lisa goes to." I said.

"Have you told your dad or mom about your plans?" He asked.

"No, but I'm planning on it tonight." I said.

And I did just that. We were having our nightly desert, and I flat out said that I was trying out for the school swim team.

"Yeah? What for?" Alex asked.

"I just want to be apart of something. And if I don't make swim, I'm going for softball." I said.

"Well, good luck with that." Alex snorted.

He's normally so supportive, what the hell is wrong?

I actually got up from the table and went outside.

On my way out, I could hear Austin say,"You really can't be more supportive than that? Really?"

I went and sat by the pool, which was covered for the season. It's secluded, you have to go through a gate to get in here. Half the time I'm out here people have thought I went missing.

"So, wanna tell me why you're out here?"

"Who said that?" I asked.

"How about you listen again. Think really hard."

So I did.

Why the hell is Dean in my backyard.

"I know what you're thinking. And I know I shouldn't be here. But I need to apologize to you." He said, sitting beside me.

"That wasn't acceptable. What you did to Rose and I." I said.

"I know. I'm sorry." He said.

"So, you wanna tell me why you're sitting out here? By yourself, in the cold?" Dean added.

"Family stuff. Nothing for you to worry about." I snapped.

"Easy there, I was just trying to help." He said.

"Oh my god just go home." I said.

He smirked before he hopped the fence.

I sat by myself until I started shivering and my teeth started chattering.

I went to go back inside, and when I got in. Alex pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to sound like that." He said.

"It's cool. And if I make any one of the teams, will you try to come to a meet or a game?" I asked.

"Of course." He smiled.

And, long story short. I made the swim team.

When I got home to tell mom and dad, I acted really sad and upset.

"There's always next year right?" Alex asked.

"Nah. It's always this year. I made the team!" I yelled.

A Home That Wasn't There// Alex Gaskarth [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now