chapter six

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Over the course of the night, Zack kept trying to talk to me.

I didn't want to though. He tried to talk to me while I was sweeping the bloody grits and rice up off the floor.

I didn't answer.

"Will you please just answer me!" He begged.

"There's nothing to answer." I muttered.

He followed me upstairs and sat by me when we got to Jacks old room.

Luckily though, movies were still being played. So he couldn't ask about what he saw downstairs.

I tapped his thigh after awhile. I felt bad.

Zack turned to look at me.

"I'll tell you about it later." I whispered as Alex changed the movie.

He nodded and gently put his arm around my shoulders.

I feel like I'm really going to be close to these men. And woman.

Five movies later, and lots of snacks. Rian left, Jack shortly after.

"Do you mind if I crash here?" Zack asked Alex.

"Fine by me." He replied, helping Zack move the mattress back to the bedframe.

"Hey Alex? Would you mind leaving me and Zack alone for a few minutes?" I asked.

"Sure. Just no funny business in here." Alex glared before leaving the room.

"He's so gross." Zack mumbled, sitting criss cross on the end of the bed.

"I guess I should tell you." I stated.

"Take your time."

I explained everything to him. From Desiree passing, mom passing, the abuse. The almost sex trade that my father made. The punishments. My self worth issues.

"I'm so sorry." Zack said.

"Nothing for you to be sorry about. You barely knew me until now." I replied, hugging my knees to my chest.

"No kid should have to go through any of that, especially somebody who's lost their mother and little sister within six years." He said, moving to be beside me.

"I did have an older brother. His name was Matt. He was five years older than me. He passed away too. Alcohol poisoning. Seems like everybody I've ever loved has died. Maybe if I loved my dad, he would too." I said, whispering that last sentence.

Then silence filled the large room. You could hear a pin drop.

"I heard you playing earlier today." Zack mentioned, trying to fill the void with small talk.

"Yeah? Hope I didn't burst your eardrums." I said.

"Your voice was lovely." He whispered.

"I don't believe it. But thank you." I said and yawned.

"I'll let you go to bed. It's late." Zack said and patted my knee as he shifted to get off the bed.

"Will you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep. Only if you want to." I said.

"Yeah. I'll let you get changed and all that. Let me know when I can come back in." He replied and left the room.

I changed shirts and put on a pair of comfy shorts that Lisa had given to me.

"You can come back in, if you want." I said, walking back to the bed.

Shortly after, Zack walked in.

"Do you sleep to sound? I do and I'm just wondering if it'll bother you so I can go find some earbuds if I need them." Zack rambled.

"I can sleep through anything. Once, a whole tree limb fell on a corner of my old house and I didn't wake up. I just walked downstairs one morning and there was a whole ass tree limb in the living room." I said.

"So, no headphones?" Zack asked.

"No headphones." I smiled.

He handed me his phone.

"You pick." He requested.

So I did.

It's mostly calm stuff.

I need something exciting.

I found something that sounded familiar.

I handed Zack his phone and climbed under the comforter.

"I really appreciate you opening up to me. It takes alot for somebody to open up to another person without knowing them." He told me.

"I find it easier to open up to male figures, despite having an abusive relationship with my father." I said, laying down.

I think we ended up talking for about half an hour before I passed out.

I woke up, I think at around three in the morning, very warm and very thirsty. I pried myself out of Zack's hold and wandered to the kitchen.

I found a small glass and filled it from the tap.

I sat on the island and drank my water, completely in the dark, except for the moonlight, emerging through the closed curtains and blinds.

Then, the landline started to ring. I didn't know if I should answer it though. But after the sixth ring and nobody coming downstairs, I answered it.

"Hello? Gaskarth residence." I said quietly, not wanting to wake anybody.

"Who is this?" A familiar voice asked.

"This is Miss Crowe."

"Oh good! It's you. It's Sam. I think I've got something to put your father away. Get out a notepad and a pen, this is crucial." Sam told me, so I went and rummaged through the kitchen drawers for a pen and a piece of paper.

"Okay, let me find the light, I've been sitting in the dark for fifteen minutes." I muttered, rubbing my hands along the empty wall spaces.

And let there be light!

"Okay. What do I need to write down?" I asked, sitting down at the dining room table.

"Court trials will begin early December. It's only April now, so be prepared with a statement. You will be put up in the stands. Make sure you have photo copies of any evidence, my superior has a copy, you need them too." Sam said, sounding very stern about this. So, I underlined everything.

"Will I still be staying with Alex and Lisa?" I asked, I've grown quite close to them in the short period that I've been with them.

"I'll have paperwork for them, counting them as legal foster parents. But once trials are a few months away, we will have adoption papers so when trials are over, since the papers will take months to be processed, you will be in legal guardianship with Lisa and Alex Gaskarth." He explained. I wrote that down as well.

"So, will I be put into the foster system? But will I be held back from anybody else putting in adoption applications?" I asked.

"You will be put in the foster system, you will be held back. I'll be in touch tomorrow so we can discuss this at a more reasonable hour. Especially with Lisa and Alex." Sam said, stifling a yawn.

"Okay. You get some sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye Sam." I said.

"Bye Blake. Goodnight." Sam said and hung up.

I put the phone back on the answering machine and did a small victory dance.

I got some more water and walked back upstairs, a large grin on my face.

I sat the water on the nightstand and got back into bed, where Zack immediately clung onto me.

A Home That Wasn't There// Alex Gaskarth [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now