chapter sixteen

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I only ended up watching half of a movie, as I ended up falling asleep.

But I did wake up to somebody putting me in my bunk. I sighed deeply and pushed my head into my pillow, which made whoever was putting me in my bunk, chuckle a little bit.

They put on some light music, and shut my curtain.

It's Alex. Even when I'm dead asleep, I'll wake up to music so I know he put it on.

When I woke up, I looked at the time. Ah yes, four in the morning. Time to wake up at an ungodly hour, use the bathroom, and not be able to go back to sleep because the lights were on too long.

Could I at least wake up at like six thirty for once?

I stumbled into the bathroom, and when I walked back out I could actually go back to sleep.

But I didn't want to sleep by myself. I'm at one of the very top bunks and climbing up there at night is scary as hell. So, I opted sleeping in either Alex's or Zack's bunks. Because after some recent events of Zack falling out of his bunk in numerous occasions, he's been demoted to second row bunks. And Alex is on the very bottom row and the biggest bunks are on the bottom.

So, I crawled in with Alex.

He was facing the wall, curled up into a ball. I faced the opposite direction. Towards the curtain.

I fell asleep after ten minutes of listening to Zack snoring, somebody coughing, or somebody tossing in their bunk.

I woke up briefly a few times after that, mostly to people getting up and down.

And to Alex taking a hold of me. He just about wrapped his whole body around me.

When I woke up, Alex was gone.

So, I rolled out of the bottom bunk and stood up.

On the way to the front lounge, I grabbed my phone. And saw that there were a bunch of people on the bus. People that I didn't know.

I think just about everybody could see the utter confusion on my face.

"Ivy. These are my friends. They're the supporting bands. Joey Armstrong, Max and Cole Becker, and Seb Mueller are in SWMRS. And Awsten Knight, Geoff Wigington, and Otto Wood are in Waterparks. Guys, this is my daughter Ivy." Alex said, and then a whole slew of Nice to meet you's were said.

"Nice to meet you all too." I said.

They all went back to their conversations and I went to find breakfast.

I took notice that Rian had gotten a coffee maker and had put suction cups on the bottom of it so I wouldn't slide around. What a smart, smart man.

"Do we have any mugs or anything of that sort. I need coffee." I said.

"Top shelf. Need help?" Rian said.

"No. I got it." I replied.

I managed to climb onto the counter, and still have head room, and didn't fall.

I grabbed a paper cup and filled it with coffee.

I went to find some place to sit, then saw that the couches were taken.

I sighed and sat directly on the floor.

I drank my coffee, listened in on the multiple conversations, and played games on my phone.

Mostly solitaire.

"Jack. Come help me." I said, just loud enough for him to hopefully hear me.

"Sure. Toss it."

So, I slung my phone at him and he messes around with it for a little bit.

"I can't get it." He said after ten minutes, then slid my phone to me on the floor.

After I've had my coffee, I decided on putting actual clothes on today.

I put on a pair of volleyball shorts, high-waisted shorts over those, and my crew shirt.

I put some socks on and went to go to the front lounge.

The other two bands had left, so I could finally sit on the couch.

I sat in my usual spot and shoved my feet under Rian's legs.

All he did was look at me.

"What? My feet are cold." I shrugged and played on my phone.

I really wanted to take a nap, but I woke up like two hours ago.

"Come on. Put some shoes on, we're getting lunch. I haven't had a one on one conversation with you in a while." Rian said after ten minutes of us sitting on our phones.

"Okay." I replied and slid my feet out from under his legs.

I grabbed some shoes and went to go put them on.

"Ready?" Rian asked.

"Yeah. Have you seen my sunglasses?" I asked.

"Check the top of your head." Rian laughed.

So I felt the top of my head, felt the familiar plastic, and turned red.

"Shut up." I said, and we left. After telling everyone where we were going.

Rian and I made small talk on the way to wherever we went to eat.

We got to some restaurant, and immediately got a table.

"Hi, my names Olivia I'll be your waitress today. Can I start you guys off with some drinks?" A woman said as we sat down.

"Hi Olivia. I'll have an iced tea." Rian said.

"Do you guys do sweet tea?" I asked.

"We sure do."

"Okay. I'll do a sweet tea then." I replied.

"Okay. Those will be out in a few minutes." She smiled and walked away.

"So. How do you like tour so far?" Rian asked.

"I honestly love it. I'm glad that Ashley is with us too, so I'm not completely surrounded by testosterone. And I can't wait to see Dallas this weekend." I said.

"She's super excited to come out. How have you been? You seem kinda down." Rian said.

"I honestly don't know what's wrong. It's just like this blanket of 'I don't want to do anything' lays on top of me and I can't get out of it. Like last night I didn't even want to sit out with you guys and watch that movie." I replied, just as our waitress came out with our drinks.

"Okay, a sweet and an unsweet tea. Are you guys ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?" She asked.

"I'm ready to order, I don't know about him though." I replied.

"I'm also ready to order." Rian said.

"Okay. What can I get you then?" Olivia smiled.

"I'll do chicken strips and fries. And then can I get like one sauce thing of ranch for each strip it comes with?" I asked.

"We can do that. And for you?" She asked, looking at Rian.

"Umm. I'll do the sunrise burger. Also with fries." Rian said and grabbed my menu.

"Okay. I'll get that out to you as soon as possible." Olivia said and grabbed our menus.

"Also, she was dead serious about the ranch thing." Rian mentioned.

A Home That Wasn't There// Alex Gaskarth [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now