Chapter 12

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The red and yellow flames from the fire cast shadows all around. The sun had gone down, so it should've been dark enough to see the star filled sky, but the light of the bonfire made it hard to see them.
     After my test this morning, everyone went back to their normal jobs. Leaving me with nothing to do. When I got out of the bathroom, I tried to find Newt, hoping he could tell me if I had passed the test. But I couldn't find him nor Minho. I did find Alby, but he just told me to wait. He said they would tell me when Minho and Newt got back from the Maze. I tried to protest, but the leader of the Gladers didn't want to hear it.
     The day had passed by slowly, but when the end of the day got closer, a lot of the Bricknicks were building something on a sandy place in the Glade; with orders from Alby. I was keeping an eye on them, curious about what they were doing. And of course, no one wanted to answer my questions about it.
     It was only when all the Runners got back and after dinner it became clear to me what it was supposed to be. They were building a giant campfire.
     Every Gladers was there, a few had made some improvised drums and were slamming on it with sticks or their hands. Other Gladers were dancing on the beat or talking with each other. They were eating and drinking, it looked like some kind of party.
     Yeah, definitely a party.
     While all the guys seem to enjoy themselves, socializing with their friends, I had isolated myself in my room with Bark. I don't like things like that. The noise and strong smells of fire and sweaty teenage boys weren't really my idea of fun.
     I was in my room, the small window looked out over the fire, I could clearly see and hear everything. Since everybody was down there, I had decided to use my mp3. A smile grew on my face as I heard the first drumbeat, combined with the guitars, the base and voice of Corey Tayler.

My guilt and my shame always sell me short,
Always feel the same
And my face and my soul always wear me thin,
Always under control
But the longest hours you'll have in your life
Are the ones you sit through to know if you're right
So I'll wait, but I pray that I'm wrong
Because I think I know what's going on

So let me get this straight, the only will is my own
I do whatever I want and stay alone
All my decisions make it untouchable and tainted
I'm gonna suffer for the rest of my life
But I will always find a way to survive
I'm not a failure, but I know what it's like
I can take it or leave it, or die

you don't always know where you stand
Till you know that you won't run away
There's something inside me that feels
Like breathing in sulfur

Three loud bashes on my door startled me, I shot up and pulled out one of my earphones. "Cally!" It was Minho, "Cally, are you there?"
     Quickly, I turned my mp3 off and put it in my bag. "Yeah! What do ya want?"
     The door opened, and Minho came in, "Why aren't you by the fire? You're missing out on all the fun."
     "That," I gestured to my window, "is not what I think is fun. It's loud, it's messy, and the mixture of all the smells is disgusting."
     "Don't be such a killjoy."
     "Ow, but I am a Killjoy."
     Minho raised an eyebrow at me. He clearly didn't understand my reverence. Which didn't surprise me at all. "Slim it and come with me. It'll be fun."
     "No... I don't think I-" Minho grabbed my arm and pulled me with him out of my room, "-okay well, I guess I'm coming with you."
     As we came closer to the fire, all the noise became louder. From down here, everything was more chaotic than from upstairs in my room. "Do I really need to be here?" I whined at Minho, who still dragged me along, walking past groups of Gladers.
     "Yes, you do."
     Finally, Minho stopped walking when we reached a small group of people. Existing of Alby, Newt, Clint, Jeff, Gideon, and one guy I hadn't met before. He was tall with short blonde hair that was combed back with his hands. He was muscular and had a small beginning of a beard, I couldn't really see more details because of the bad lighting. But I'm sure that if my sister Lilly was here, this guy would totally be her type.
     "Found her!" Minho said as he pushed me in front of him, making me trip. Before I could hit the ground, the guy I didn't know catched me.
     "Wow, Minho, you don't treat a lady that way." He said, his voice was low. As soon as I had refound my balans, I took a step back so he wasn't touching me anymore and punched Minho on his arm.
     "Exactly! You should listen to the Shank, Prettyboy, learn some manners."
     "I'm Ben, by the way." The boy said while sticking out his hand to me, which I shook.
     "I'm Cally, nice to meet you."
     "My pleasure," Ben said with a cocky smile and a wink, I could swear I saw Newt and Minho roll their eyes out of the corner of my eye. Okay, Ben is.... charming.
     "Quit the flirting and let's get to the point." Alby said while taking out something from his pocket and handing it to me.
     "What's this?" I wondered out loud, taking a better look at it. It was smooth and round with a screen in the middle. It was a black watch.
     "It's a watch, Slinthead." Minho said.
     I glared at him with a small smile, "I can see that."
     "Only Keepers and Runners get one." Alby explained to me.
     "Yeah, but I'm no-," Then it hit me and I couldn't help the little shriek of excitement. "Really? I made it?" I couldn't hide the giant smile on my face nor the happiness in my voice.
     "Yep, congratulations, you got what you wanted. Starting tomorrow, you're a Runner." I made a small jump in the air before hugging Alby, who had given me the official news.
     "Hey! What about me? I made the decision." Minho acted as if he was offended. 
     "Of course, Prettyboy." I turned around and hugged him too.
     "You really are way too excited about bein' a Runner Cals."
     I looked at Newt, he had a smile on his face, "jealous, Newton?" I teased him, his smile disappeared for a moment.
     "What? No I-" he stopped talking when I hugged him as well, I heard a small, bit nervous sounding laugh as I led go of him.
     "Ya should put it on, before you lose it." Alby pointed out. Realizing he was right, I bound the thing around my free wrist. I couldn't tell what it said because of the bad lighting, but I was happy to have it.
     "Starting tomorrow, you'll be mine, Greenie," Minho said, "so be prepared for a lot of blood, sweat, and tears." I knew he was serious about that it was going to be hard, but I didn't care. I just wanted to do this, I needed to do this.
     "Don't be so hard on the Shank, let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?" Jeff spoke up for the first time, raising a cup of liquid I had never seen before. Clint had the same drink in his glass, and they both took a sip from it. Jeff offered me his cup, "you want some?"
     I looked at the substance. It was brownish and had a strong smell I couldn't place. "What is that?"
     "Frypan's special drink." Cliff answered while taking another sip.
     "It looks like it comes from a sewer... what's in it?"
     Minho shrugged his shoulders while Ben answered, "we don't know, but it tastes good and makes you feel better."
     That sounds an awful lot like achohol to me....
     Again, Jeff offered it to me, "You want something or what?"
     "No thanks, Jeff, I'm not gonna drink something if I don't know what's in it."
     Jeff shrugged his shoulders, "Your loss."
     I looked around the group one more time when I decided I was done being outside, "Well, guys, if there isn't anything else you need me for..." I said while turning around.
     Only Minho stopped me from escaping by grabbing my arm again, a bit gentler this time, "were are you going?"
     "My room." I pulled my arm away from him, "now, if you will excuse me."
     Clint and Jeff stopped me this time, "You're so not excused. You're not heading back up there. The fun is just about to start!"
     "It's really nice of you that you want me here, but this is not my definition of fun."
     "Nonsens!" Ben exclaimed while putting his arm around my shoulders, pressing me against his body, "you are coming with us. This is gonna be fun, trust me." He started walking away, forcing me to go with him. As I looked over my shoulder at Alby, Newt, Gideon, and Minho, I silently tried to ask them for help. Alby and Minho just laughed, Newt mouthed something along the lines of 'have fun' to me, and Gid stuck two thumbs up to me while laughing.
     Great, those shanks are all awful! Where's Jenny when you need her?
     The thought of my best friend made my heart skip a beat... Jenny... God I haven't even thought about her in days... how is she doing? Is she still working with Mr. Gibs? Does she miss me like I miss her?
     I pushed those thoughts away, I shouldn't think about them. It will only make it harder.

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