she's all mine

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They walked out of the cafeteria hand in hand getting catcalled on their way out.
When Kates father heard what had happened he had called them into the office. When they got there Mr. Messner told them to take a seat.
"Kate, Emaline, I have been informed that you girls had a run in with McQuaid, he told everyone in the cafeteria that you two are lesbians and are together, is this correct?"
"Yes, Dad it is."
"Well then as principle Messner I say that McQuaid will be dealt with. But as your father and father-in-law, I want to know if you two are okay? You know you can always talk to me."
"Yes, Mr. Messner we are okay." Emaline cut in.
"I also understand that you were catcalled?"
"Yes but don't worry about it Mr. Messner I won't let those boys touch her, she's all mine." Emaline said that last part very seductively, she bit her lip and winked at Kate. Kate felt her face heat up as her father said," Um... Okay... You ladies head back to class now."
They both went back to class but not before a quick kiss. Emaline sat in class but was very distracted, she was thinking about if she was a lesbian or not. She was thinking about her time with Oliver and if she was actually attracted to him just before the bell went she concluded that she liked both men and women romantically and sexually. Her next class was mind-numbingly boring. So she spent her time thinking about how beautiful kate is, while she was she was subconsciously drawing her. The bell rang signalling the end of school, Emaline looked down and saw her drawing, she smiled and gathered her stuff and left school.

Kate was looking for emaline because she wanted to wait for her but she gave up and went home.

she's my only (kemaline)Where stories live. Discover now