stay with me

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They got up and got dressed, Kate's father was probably worried sick about her but for once she didn't care. All she cared about was being with Emaline, so she called her dad, "Hey, dad."
"Kate?! Where the heck are you and who's phone is this and why are you calling on it and why aren't you home?!"
"Dad calm down. I'm at Emaline's I stayed  the night and before you ask we didn't do anything sexual." Kate was clearly lying through her teeth but her father chose to ignore it because after all, she is his daughter.
"Alright, as long as you're okay."
"Emaline's making breakfast, bye dad!"
"Bye sweetheart."
Kate walks over to Emaline.
"Come on babe let's make some breakfast." She takes an emalines hand and led her downstairs to the kitchen. She goes to the fridge and takes out some eggs,
"Can you get me a frying pan?" Kate asks. Emaline goes to the shelf and takes out the frying pan, she places it on the oven top and turns on the heat. Kate sprays the pan with an anti-stick and cracks some eggs into the pan.
Within 15 minutes, the eggs are cooked. They sit down and eat their eggs,
"Emaline how are you so perfect?" Emaline blushes, "seriously, How?
"Um, I don't know babe... I guess... It's because you make me perfect."
With that, the two get up and go back to Emmeline's room.
"Emmie, I hate to say this but I should probably leave. Dad's most likely worried."
"No Katie please.... stay with me." Emaline pouts, she's making big puppy dog eyes and sticking her bottom lip out.
"Fine babe. I don't think I'll ever be able to say no to that face."

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