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Jungkook was at the bubble tea shop about two blocks away from his and Jin's shared apartment. Jungkook heard his order and went to get the drinks. The lady at the cash register knew Jungkook because he went there often after his college classes, so they had a small conversation about college.

Jungkook's day was going great, he opened the door to lead outside. As Jungkook walked outside he was greeted by the cool spring breeze. He started walking as he enjoyed the breeze that hit his face and weaved through his dark raven hair. Jungkook was about half way home when he felt his phone buzz non-stop. He looked at his phone and saw that Jin was calling and texting him at the same time, if that even is possible.


"Jeon Jungkook, do not 'hello' me. Where are you? I sent you out to get bubble tea 30 minutes ago."

"Hyung don't worry I'll be there in few minutes."

"Okay hurry up though we have to go somewhere."

"Wait, I never agreed to go anywhere."

The next thing Jungkook knew was that his precious mother-like-hyung cut the phone on him.Jungkook started to think what Jin meant by them having to go somewhere.

'I don't want to go anywhere today. Why not next month. Jin-hyung knows that I still need to study for my college midterm.AAAAAAAAAAAh I am not ready for the test.I am supposed to be studying at home but look at me now, I getting bubble tea for my mother and apparently going somewhere. When d--' 

Jungkook's thoughts were interrupted by a hard impact to his face. Jungkook felt something wet around his hands and realized that it was the bubble tea he bought. He looked up only to meet the eyes of a very angry looking man. He looked around the same age as Jungkook, with wavy greyish purple hair, a bubble tea soaked red shirt, and a pair of black ripped jeans.

"What the fuck. Are you fucking serious? I have places to be, hyung is going to be so mad. Jesus why are you just staring at me? Get lost you asshole." he yelled with a voice so deep, yet calming at the same time.

"I am so sorry. Can I help in any way?" Jungkook says in the most sincerest way possible.

"Yeah by getting lost." He says in a cold tone as he pushed his way past Jungkook, who was just left dumbfounded.

'How... what... wait why...' Jungkook thought only to be cut off again by his phone buzzing. Jungkook could not take getting interrupted again.

"Hello hyung yeah, so I spilled all of our bubble tea on this one dude because he bumped into me and was a real jackass about it. He cursed at me and gave me a death glare, so I'm really not in the mood. So I'll just see you at home, I'll be there not later than ten minutes, goodbye." Jungkook said before he cut the phone, leaving Jin no time to respond.

Jungkook walked home casually like nothing happened. Just like he said, he was home no later than ten minutes. He opened the front door and headed straight to his bathroom to clean up, and become less sticky from the bubble tea.

Jungkook turned on him shower and stripped as he wait for the right temperature to get in. As he got in the tub, he felt lukewarm water drizzle down his body and fall to the bottom of the tub. The shower was always his comfort place, a place to get clean, a place to feel relaxed, a place to cry, and a place to think. Today it was his place to think. Think about what exactly, the guy he had an awful encounter with.

'Umm, let's see... the guy was really cute, and his voice was just something else like mom did you hear that from up there? His husky angel like voice. But then again, he bumped into me and spilled all of my bubble tea, which I paid for with my last dime because I am a broke college kid. Anyways he also cursed and yelled at me, so therefore he is a bitch.'

With that ending thought, Jungkook turned off the flowing water and loosely wrapped a towel around his lower half. He walked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, straight to his closet. Jungkook picked out his usual attire, a pain white shirt and loose blue jeans. Just as he put an his shirt Jin brusted through the door.

"Come on Jungkookie put on your shoes we are going to meet Namjoon today. He said he was bringing a friend so I thought you should come along too." Jin practically screamed in excitement.

"Fine." Jungkook said as he walked to the door and sluggishly put on his timberlands,and walked to the car.

Jungkook was the first to get in the car as Jin followed in after. Jin would not allow Jungkook to drive even though he already had a driving licence. "So hyung where are we even going to meet them up?" Jungkook said as curiosity got the best of him.

"Well little one if you were paying attention to me this whole week you would know we are going to the new shopping center that opened up last week." Jin said in a playful manner.

"Oh cool ok... do I get free food?" Jungkook asked not to soon after.

"Ofcourse why are you even asking? Top always pays." Jin said and Jungkook bursted out into laughter. Jin began driving,as Jungkook remained silent. 

Soon after a small comfortable silence Jungkook fell asleep 'Oh wow he already fell asleep, what a little child he is.He has gone through so much at such a young age. I hope he finds someone to love and take care of him soon, because I'm not always going to be around.God forbid what happened the last time I left him in the care of another's hands. Man I am such a mom.' Jin thought as he let a smile slip through.

The car soon came to a stop. They had just made it into the parking lot, and Jungkook had woken up to the sound of Jin yelling at the person that took his parking spot. The two males got out of the car and walked straight McDonalds, because that was the place the couple chose to meet at.


Ok so first chapter is up I feel proud

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