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"Class is dismissed you may leave." The professor said and that was Jungkook's que to leave. Since it was the last class of the day he went straight to the gates of the campus. Of course he still had a little limp so it took his a little longer than it should have. Once he was at the gates he saw his knight in shining armor waiting for him while leaning on a car, while looking down at his phone, hence the reason why the older did not notice the younger. What a wonderful sight for Jungkook, but then he heard whispers around him.

Once he listened closely he could make out what people were saying, they said things like :

"Oh my lord, he is hot!"

"I know right I wouldn't mind riding that."

"Are you talking about the car he's leaning on?"

"No, I'm talking about him."

As you can tell Jungkook did not like the thought of people sluting over his own boyfriend, so he had to do something about it. He walked towards the older, when the younger was walking Taehyung saw him and lifted his head to face face. When Taehyung looks at Jungkook, who just stopped in front of him, he knew something was wrong. So he decided to ask.

"Hey, what's wrong baby?" he asked looking into the younger's gloomy eyes, but got no reply. Jungkook just looked him in his eyes and leaned in, connecting their lips. Jungkook loved the soft warm feeling he got when his lips collided with the older's. Of course Taehyung loved it too but at that moment he was very taken back, because since when did Jungkook show affection in public.

Jungkook pulled back and looked in the corner of his eyes to see the reactions on the two girl's face and he got what he wanted those two was shook but something that caught him off guard was that they started to fangirl.

And don't think Taehyung didn't see what the younger was doing. "You were jealous, weren't you?" The older could feel a smirk growing when he saw how the younger's cheeks faded into a cherry color.

"N-no." he replied

"Are you sure."

"N-no." Jungkook cracked under the older's gaze as he walked closer, making the younger feel so small.

Taehyung was inches away from the younger and then leaned in reconnecting their lips. It was short yet sweet and very embarrassing for Jungkook because the girls screamed louder. Taehyung then opened the passenger seat door from Jungkook and then walked to his side. Then they drove off to an unknown place.

// -- //

Once Taehyung parked the car Jungkook looked outside and saw the beautiful view. Even though they had been in the car for about an hour and a half, it was worth it. They sky was colored with different shades of yellow, orange, red, and purples, all while the sun slowly goes to sleep.

Jungkook and Taehyung get out of the car and walk on the empty, emerald colored glass. "This -- this is beautiful." Jungkook said, not taking his eyes of the sunset.

"This is where Namjoon hyung and Jimin took me two years ago on my birthday, I umm, I wanted to take you here tomorrow since it will be your birthday, but the weather thing says it will rain then so I just brought you today." Taehyung said as he shyly rubbed the back of this neck.

"Well, I love it! This is the best birthday gift anyone could ever get me." Jungkook beamed with joy.

"It's just a pretty sunset, I'm pretty sure you'll see better." Taehyung said almost in a whisper.

"Not the sky silly, I mean the best gift I have ever gotten is this." Jungkook pointed at Taehyung's left side his chest, where his heart is. "Love"

Taehyung felt his heart burst, and his stomach being attacked by butterflies and his mind could not comprehend anything at all. It took him awhile to fully understand what the younger just said and when he did he is not waste any time to pull the younger by the waist and smashed their lips together.

This kiss was nothing like the others they shared in the past, no this was different. It was overflowing with all the love they felt towards each other. Their minds were cleared off all burdands and pressure and was replaced with the loving memories they felt, making their kiss sweeter than ever before.

When they pulled away, they were breathless and longing for more.

"I love you."  Jungkook said looking into the other's eyes

"I love you too." Taehyung said looking back at the younger's big doe eyes.

After the exchange of words, they sat on the glass. Jungkook rested his head on Taehyung's thigh as the older played with the younger's ravin locks.

They stayed like that for few hour, the beautiful sunset was now replaced with a midnight blue. That was when they decided to go home. They got in the car and drove off. Without the traffic, they got home faster but when Taehyung looked for parking in front of Jungkook's shared apartment they were all full so he had to park across the street.

They got out the car and Taehyung walked Jungkook in front of his apartment and they split ways after a gentle kiss. Taehyung put in his earphones and played his music, he looked left then right, seeing the street was clear he began to walk. When he was in the middle of the road a car could have been heard, the sound of the tires screeching against the road filled the air. But since Taehyung was too engrossed into his music he did not hear a thing.

He was clueless until the car lights flashed the corner of his eyes, he looked to the side only to see a horrible sight, the car had swerved. It missed him but by an inch, but it didn't miss the other person behind him.

"Taehyung! Move ou--------THUD" it was Jungkook. He was in the middle of yelling at Taehyung to move, but it wasn't the older who needed the worrying. Before Taehyung knew it Jungkook was on the floor, blood dripping from every inch of his body and his arms reached out as if it was meant to be held by the older.

Taehyung ran as fast as he could to the younger. Tears rushed down his checks, he held the younger boy's limp body in his arms. He yelled "call 911!" then looked at Jungkook again in shook. The love of his life was just hit by a car. The boy, who a few minutes ago had a bright smile was now pale as the winter snow. Even through his blurry vision he could see pain still visible in his watery eyes as the life gets sucked out of him.

Taehyung pulled out his phone once he and Jungkook were in the ambulance. He looked at the time, it read September 1st, 12:am. Also meaning Jungkook's birthday...

He called one number and connected the line to five other people.

"Hyung, there was an accident"

"Hyung, there was an accident"

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