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"The fuck. Where did you even come from?." Jungkook yelled.

"I should be the one asking that, you midget." it was Taehyung's turn to yell.

"What did you call me I am only few centimeters shorter."

"Still shorter. Anyways that is not the point. You are going to make it up to me and my poor shirts" said the older out of the three.

"Oh I bet your shirts were ruined when you paired it with that smug ass face oh yours." Jungkook lied trying to hide the fact that Taehyung actually looks super attractive at the moment. His attire consisted of a  thrasher hoodie, black pants, black and white vans, and topped off with a black bandana with white designs. Taehyung looked good in it, everyone knew it and so did he.

 Taehyung looked good in it, everyone knew it and so did he

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^^what Taehyung is wearing

"Oh shut it we all know that you think I'm hot. I mean like who doesn't?" Taehyung states.

"Me! I don't." Jungkook said with a straight face. "You know what, I don't have time for your shit. I need to get to class 'cause I want an education so what do you want. Money?" Jungkook said looking at the time.

"Oh honey I don't want your money, I have my friends for that. All I want from you is your time." Taehyung said as his lips curved into a slight smirk.

"What no! I don't want to waste my time with you." Jungkook spat back.

"Well I'm not letting you go to class without you saying yes." The older said crossing his arms and blocking Jungkook off from leaving - he looked like a stubborn child to Jungkook.

"Jungkookie, Just do it. How bad could it be." Yugyeom interrupted.

"Bu-" The latter was cut off by a death stare sent from his close friend. "Fine, I'll go." Jungkook sighed in defeat. Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged numbers and parted ways.

As the younger ones walking to class Yugyeom spoke up. "I wonder why he is on campus, maybe he goes here. But I've never seen him before."

"Don't bring that thought up, I don't want to think about that little shit roaming around campus. Like doesn't he have a life." Jungkook said as they stepped into their first lecture hall of the day.

// - //

Jungkook was know listening to his teacher talk about stocks, because that was something he learns since he majors in business. While he was taking notes like the good student he is, some random thoughts infiltrated his somewhat holy mind. What was a holy child of god thinking about exactly ; Taehyung and his clothes.

'Man, now that I think about it Taehyung's clothes were actually really comfy looking. Oooh what would it feel like if I wore his clothes. Wait no! Wait would I look like if I wore them, like would I look cute with a long baggy shirt. Man I'm so gay.' Jungkook chuckled at his last thought.

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