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As Taehyung sat down in front of Jungkook he knew something was wrong. And that was when it hit him, Jungkook was jealous.

"Jungkook? What's wrong?" he decided to tease the youth.

"Nothing" The younger said avoiding Taehyung's gaze and looking out the window.

"Aww you are just so cute! Was little bunny jealous of that bitch behind the counter and me?" Taehyung cooed at the younger's cuteness.

"Bitch? You do not call people names like that!" The older looked at him confusedly.

"Oh really?" He stretched the two words out making it sound more dramatically. "You are the one to talk. What about the time you called me names?" He pouted and crossed his arms like a little kid.

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at the cuteness and childness radiating off the male in front of him. Just looking at Taehyung brought a bubbly feeling to Jungkook's stomach and the bubbly feeling rose to his heart, making his heart pound a hundred times faster. Before Jungkook knew it his cheeks were dusted with a baby pink.

The conversation they had been terribly interrupted by the same lady behind the counter. Just as the flat chested lady come into Taehyung's vision, his cheeky smile faded. No one talked to one another just giving out dirty looks. They lady harshly set down the drink and gave Jungkook the worst look ever. And honestly Jungkook felt panic rush through him, sending goosebumps down his spine.

Taehyung, just like last time, noticed the discomfort in his face and had the urge to comfort him. The lady was still putting down the things which looked like she was not going to leave anytime soon.

'Why the fuck is she so slow, like come on bitch it's only two drinks!'

Taehyung thought until a light bulb turned on in his mind. 

"Can you back the fuck up. Like I know he's a piece of art painted by picasso but he's mine so you can leave now." Taehyung said with a fire in his eyes, determined to make that lady back off and to show Jungkook that he is safe when the older is around.

The older looked over to his little bunny and when he did he swore he was about to have a heart attack. He saw Jungkook blushing madly while chugging his drink, with wide eyes refusing to meet the others. "Little bunny" Taehyung mumbled under his breath but still loud enough for the said bunny to hears, making him blush even more.

"Should we go? I have class in an hour." Jungkook  said recovering from his blush attack.

"Yeah, now that I think about it ; I do too." Taehyung laughed and stood up with Jungkook, heading to the door.

As the walked out they caught glimpse of the same lady and Jungkook visibley tensed up. So in order to make Jungkook relaxed, Taehyung thought about what he did at the mall with Jin and Namjoon. Then he remembered ; he snaked his arm around Jungkook's waist and pulled
him close. Again, because of the sudden action Jungkook was confused and startled but then claimed down.

They walked down the street back to the apartment, as soon as they made it back Jungkook went to change while Taehyung stayed in the living room watching T.V. Jungkook looked in his wardrobe and picked out a black ripped jeans, white oversized shirt, with a denim jacket, topped off with a light blue beanie. After walked back to the living room only to see Taehyung sitting on a couch like a old dad.

"Ready?" Jungkook asking.

"Yeah, let's go. And my friend called me asking if I want to go to this beach near our house. He said that Namjoon-hyung and Jin-hyung are going to. I was wondering if you want to go?" Taehyung said hoping for a yes.

"I would love to but my hyung is in town with his boyfriend and they were going to come over." the younger said.

"Well...." Taehyung thought for a minute. "Bring them too! I'd love to meet them!"

Jungkook smiled and replied with a hyper 'yes' and then they both went to their upcoming classes. Jungkook was texting his hyung to ask if they want to go but since he was looking at his screen, Taehyung had to guide him by holding his arm and walking.

"He said yes!" Jungkook jumped up and down in joy while the older just looked at him with awe.

// - //

Jungkook was back at his apartment with Jin. They both were freaking out about what they would wear for the beach. Of course Jin being himself had to be a little extra and started screaming while Jungkook picked out clothes. 

"Do you want to hear a poem thingy?" Jin said without giving Jungkook a time to answer.
"R - Revolution, E - evolution, D - Drop In The Ocean." Jin said laughing hysterically.

"Was that a acrostic poem for red?"Jungkook asking in discussed. Jin just throw clothes at the younger so he would shut up, which worked. Soon after they got dressed and were waiting for the others to arrive. The two were sitting like slobs in nice looking clothes when they heard the door rang.

The two raced to the door and swung the door open. As soon as the door was open they caught little glimpse of an overly excited tall male with a heart shaped smile and a shorter pale, dead looking male. But that was cut short when the ball of sunshine pulled them into a tight hug, not wanting to let go.

"JUNGKOOKIE! JIN-HYUNG! I missed you guys so much! And hold on Jungkookie you have a boyfriend? Why didn't you tell me, I would have came sooner to approve!" Hoseok beamed a ray of sunshine, and as the words came out of his mouth Jungkook's face got reder.

"Yah, don't tease the kid. He's already blushing, oh, by the way my name is Yoongi, hobi's boyfriend." Yoongi introduced himself. Jungkook and Jin happily introduced themselves and then they were out the door.

The four boys were in the car talking more and catching up, Jungkook and Jin also learned that the couple were looking for another person to be apart of their happy relationship, not because they are bored of each other but because they just wanted to try something new and to prove that a good relationship doesn't alway have two people. The other two honestly could care less if they had a relationship with one or more person, the only thing they cared about was if Hoseok was happy and not hurt.

They were talking about a very random subject, Tom and Jerry, but Jin spoke up. "Jungkookie, text Taehyungie and tell him we are almost there."

Jungkook quickly nodded and whipped out his phone and texted as fast of the speed of light, eager to talk to the other.

Tae we are almost there, can't
Wait to see you!

My Shithead:
Aw, did baby miss me?

Maybe I did, Maybe I didn't.
And don't call me baby!

My Shithead:
Lol neverrrrrrrrr and you'll just see us in the parking lot

Jungkook smiled at his phone soon after putting it down. "Oof Jungkookie is whipped for this boy." Yoongi said laughing making everyone laughing. Even though Yoongi had just met the other two, they were already very close as if they already had known each other for years. There was more laughing and blushing throughout the whole car ride, but then came to a stop when they saw three other boys in the parking lot.

Jungkook saw Taehyung but he was with a different boy he has never seen before. Strings of question popped into his mind as he looked at the two. He felt a pain in his chest when he got out of the car only to see the said boys in each other's embrace, making the younger fill with jealousy.

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