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Once everyone had entered the nice cozy apartment Jin went straight to the kitchen with Taehyung following behind. Jungkook and Namjoon went to the living room, sat on the big couch, and turned on the T.V.

In the kitchen, Jin and Taehyung were getting to know each other better. Jin was making kimchi jjigae (kimchi stew) and Taehyung was helping. But Taehyung ended up doing most of the work, while Jin talked and asked questions. They both got to know a lot about each other, like they both have the same last name, Kim, just like Namjoon.

"Together we three are the 'Kim family'" Taehyung said, which made both of them laugh. Jin let out his windshield wiper laugh and Taehyung flashed his boxy smile and laughed even harder. They talked and cooked, Taehyung was now one of Jin's babies.

Back in the living room, Namjoon and Jungkook also got to know more about each other. But before they got any bonding done, Jungkook needed to inspect the other.

"Umm, Namjoon-hyung when did you and Jin-hyung meet?" Jungkook said as he lowered the T.V's volumed.

"I met him at the grocery store, while I was getting food for Taehyung and I." Namjoon replied calmly.

"Ok... when did you start to like him?" Jungkook asked.

"Well this might should clichè but when I saw him I instantly knew I was a whipped man for him." Namjoon with a little laugh to hide his embarrassment.

"Good answer. How did you ask him out?" Jungkook shot back.

"Well after we talked a little more about food, I just asked if he wanted to go out for a movie and he said yes. After that, well... you know the story." The older said smiling as he recalled the memory.

"Wow you really are a whipped man." Jungkook laughed and was happy that his hyung found someone.

When Jungkook was satisfied by the answers he received from Namjoon, he went back to watching. They were peacefully watching, until G-dragon's comeback release dates were announced. Jungkook looked at the screen in disbelief, he literally was jumping up and down like a little school girl after she finds out that her crush likes her back.

"Oh Holy shit man!!! GD is coming back. Namjoon hyung do you know what this means??" Jungkook looked and the older only to see him shrug so he kept talking. "It means news song, new mv's, new hair colors, new concepts, more concerts, new everything!!!"

Jungkook was fanboying like never before, Namjoon started to get frightened as he saw the younger was hyperventilating. Namjoon was told that he like G-dragon by Jin but not this much. Jungkook was running around the room like a maniac but he could care less how he looked, he was too caught up in the moment.

"What the hell are you doing?" Taehyung asked as he watched the younger being weird, nun the less it put a smile on his face.

"Nothing, it doesn't concern you." Jungkook said with all the sass in the world.

"Kids be nice!" Jin said as he barged in the living room carrying a huge bowl filled with kimchi jjigae. Taehyung, being the gentleman he is, took the bowl from the older and placed it on the table. Everyone gathered around and admired the food.

Everyone sat down and started digging in. Jungkook took one taste and died. The flavor was too good and felt like it sent him straight to heaven. "Jin hyung thank you so much, this is amazing!" Jungkook complimented.

"Honey it wasn't me, Taehyung did most of the work. I just chopped the ingredients." Jin said smiling. 

" Oh..." was all that Jungkook said as he felt his cheeks burn up and felt Taehyung's intense stare burning into his soul. Jungkook knew that Taehyung wanted at least a 'thank you for the food' but Jungkook was not going.

'This bitch thinks I'm going to say thank you. Well I think the fuck not. He better be thankful to have a beauty like me eating with him. And so what, he can cook. Woohoo Good for him! And why is he still looking at me, he's still not getting a think you out of me. Not today!'  Jungkook thought while eating the stew.

"Jungkookie, didn't you say that Yugyeom was coming over today?" Jin said leaving the youngest shook and the other two confused.

"Oh, Holy shit man. I forgot! I'll call him and ask!" Jungkook screamed, getting up and look for his phone. Soon after all the running he found his phone and called up his best friend.

Ring Ring Ring


(Italic = Yugyeom          Bold = Jungkook)


"Yuggie are you still coming over?"

"Well, duuuuuuuhhhh. I have so much to tell you!"

"Yaaaay me too! Oh, and then we can talk about Gd's release dates!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh don't remind me, I die just thinking about it."

"Me too Yuggie me too. Anyways when are you coming?"

"Ummmmmm hold on let me ask hyung ----  JINYOUNG - HYUNG CAN I GO TO JUNGKOOK'S TODAY? ------------ he said I can, I'll get ready and come over now! Bye Jungkookie!!"

"Ok Byee!"

Jungkook cut the phone and turned to look the the others. Once he faced them, they were holding their ears in pain. "What are you guys doing?"

Taehyung was the first to speak "You are loud as shit! That's what happened"

"Well, aren't you loud when you are talking to your best friend?" Jungkook said.

Yeah, but not that loud!" Taehyung defend himself.

"Taehyung" Namjoon started "Do not even start. You and Jimin stay on the phone yelling about stupid shit at THREE in the fucking morning!"

"Oh, sorry about that." Taehyung said rubbing the back of his neck. "And it's not stupid shit." He muttered.

Before Jungkook got to laugh the doorbell rang. They knew it was Jungkook's best friend, so they knew he was going to get it. Which he did. Jungkook ran as fast as he could and swung the door open, revealing a just just as much exited younger looking guy.


"Jungkookie!" The boys yelled in unison and ran into in tight, bone crushing hug. "Let's go to my room, I have A LOT of  stuff to say.

"Me too!! But let me say hi to Jin-hyung." Yugyeom said walking inside to the apartment. "Hey Jin-hyung, how's that cute guy you were telling us about doing?"

"He's right here." Jin laughed nervously pointing at Namjoon.

"Well hello there, Jungkookie do you interrogate him yet?" He asking and Jungkook nodded. They both laughed after for no reason, just like best friends do, until something caught Yugyeom's eye. He stopped laughing and looked at Taehyung and smirked.

"Jungkookie, that guy with grey hair is looking at us, and he looks pretty jealous." Yugyeom whispered in Jungkook's ear, making Taehyung fill up with jealousy on purpose.

More Taekook moments will be coming up soon enough! I can't wait!!

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