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Jin and Namjoon walked into a random clothing store and the younger two followed in. They were greeted with a variety to choose from, from solid colored clothing all the way to multi colored ones with extravagant designs covering the front and back. But those were not Jungkook's style.

Jungkook and Taehyung walked following behind, ignoring each other completely. Not one word was uttered between the two. Jin and Namjoon decide to stop out of nowhere, causing the younger two to crash into them. "Okay what about we split up, Namjoon and I walk that way." Jin said pointing to the left. "And you two go to the right."

"Hyung do we have to, please don't leave me." Jungkook pleaded.

"No you guys are old enough to walk on your own, when you guys are done meet us back at the bubble tea shop right outside." Jin replies and walks away with Namjoon, leaving the two others completely dumbfounded as the same scene repeated in their head.

Just the thought of Jungkook spilling more bubble tea gave Taehyung chills crawling down his spine. He hated the way it felt splattered on his chest and seeping through his red shirt, leaving his chest and stomach sticky. 'God that feeling is gross.'

Jungkook thought the same thing, except he did not want to be cursed at again. Taehyung would not be the only one mad at that, Jin will scold him every chance he could get. Jungkook was snapped out of his thoughts as he found the best shirt for all time.

Jungkook ran towards a rack of white shirts, Taehyung just stared of the younger as he found nothing interesting at all about pain white shirts. So being the curious person he is, followed Jungkook to the shirts. As he looks at them more closely he saw a white design. It was hard to see considering it was white on white shirt. But Jungkook on the other hand noticed it instantly.

" You like that?" Taehyung said as he looked at the younger's side profile.

"What does it matter to you?" Jungkook said coldly.

"I was just asking jeez... I can be nice you know." Taehyung mumbled in response.

"Haha 'nice' my ass. That's now what it seemed like when I met you." Jungkook said as he examined the white on white shirt.

"You would have been pissed to if someone spilt bubble tea on your favorite shirt of all time." Taehyung fired back.

"Guess what, I don't have a favorite shirt!" Jungkook yelled as he started to get frustrated.

"You know what, I'm done with your shit. All I wanted was an apology, looks like I won't get one." Taehyung sighed.

" APOLOGY!! Are you fucking serious! Did you not hear me say if I can help in anyway?! If you haven't noticed that's my apology!"Jungkook yelled.

"Well it didn't sound like one if you ask me." Taehyung mumble loud enough for the other to hear.

"Well no one asked you shithead!" Jungkook yelled once again as he took the shirt off the rack and moved to the cash register.

'Well damn, someone has sass. I'm not going to lie he is kinda cute when he's mad. He has a cute little bunny face, with big doe brown eyes, and his hair that he moves every now and then when it irritates his eyes, and when he got all shy and flustered when I walked in. God, why did you make such a cutie mad at me!'

Taehyung saw Jungkook walk away with a shopping bag while mumbling something under his breath. Taehyung followed Jungkook out the store, and caught up with the other  "Where are you going?"

"Look at the time dumbass we were in there for a hour, I think it's time to go to the bubble tea shop." Jungkook said not giving the older one glance.

Taehyung looked at his phone only to see it was already 8:24 pm. 'Did we really spend that whole time fighting?' Taehyung thought.

The two boys made it to the bubble tea shop, which was packed. About 40 people, even that is not a lot, Jungkook did not like it. Jungkook felt as if his lungs were closing up, he felt little amount of air finding its way through but not enough. Taehyung could see the discomfort on the younger's face as they were walking to the booth Namjoon and Jin were sitting at.

Taehyung could see more and more anxiety build up in Jungkook's big brown eyes. He could have seen Jungkook growing paler by the second, the atmosphere around them was growing heavy. Taehyung started to panic. The next thing Taehyung knew, he had his arm around Jungkook's waist, pulling him closer. He felt Jungkook tense up by the sudden contact, as he looked up to met the other's eyes.

Taehyung gave him a reassuring smile soon feeling the younger relax in his arms. Jungkook seemed to have calmed down just enough as they came close to the booth. The couple were in their own world, they didn't realize the younger two walking up. Jungkook slipped through taehyung's tight hold and slipped into the seat next to Jin's.

Namjoon and Jin noticed them and have them their signature smiles. Namjoon with his dimples and Jin with his plump lips. Jungkook leaned in and whispered something in Jin's ear, he pulled away as he earned a nod from his hyung. Jin pulled out a little zip lock bag with a single pill in it.

Jungkook had anxiety ever since he could remember and Jin was the only one who cared enough to help him. Jin knew something like this would happen since it was a new mall, meaning more of a crowd, meaning more anxiety attacks for Jungkook.

As Jungkook got up to get water for his pill, Namjoon and Taehyung just stared at Jin with wide eyes. The silence was broken by Namjoon as he whisper yelled in the stupidest way ever "Is he on druuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugs?"

"No you dumbass. That's his anxiety pills, he gets nervous when there are too many people." Jin deadpanned "and if he was on drugs then he wouldn't have lived long enough to see this day."

"Oohhhhhhhhhhhh" Namjoon and Taehyung said in unison.

"Tae can you check up on Jungkook, he's taking too long. I'm starting to worry." Jin said in a tone of a worried mother.

"Sure" was all Taehyung said as he got up and walk away.

Jin wasn't the only one worried for Jungkook's well being, Taehyung was also worried. He didn't know why, he just was. As Jungkook came in sight, Taehyung quickly walked up to him. Jungkook's back was towards him, so the younger did not know he was there. Jungkook turned around quickly and took a step forward, with a cup full of water in his delicate hands.

The next thing Jungkook knew was that his vision was black. Well it was until he took a step back to see what happened. He then realized the cold wet feeling on his hand and chest.

'Nonononononononononoo why!!!! Why did this happen again? God do you hate me that much?' Jungkook thought as he looked up only to meet eyes with a angry looking Taehyung.

Jungkook could not keep eye contact because he was feeling beyond embarrassed. So he looked down only to see the others' soaking wet shirt and little droplets of water on his jeans. Jungkook then realized what he had really done when he could not take his eyes off Taehyung's shirt that stuck to his stomach and chest. He felt his face heat up. Even though Taehyung did not have abs like him, Jungkook still felt a little intimidated.


Holy mother of Jesus I wrote this chapter like three months ago and I wrote "don't leave me" before FACE YOURSELF! Did I just predict the future??

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