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Jungkook and Jin walked into the mall and headed toward McDonalds. Jin was the one to order food as Jungkook went to get a seat for four. Jungkook found a table near the window that lead to the center of the mall. The mall was flooded with so many happy families. Jungkook looked ahead and saw a happy mother with two adorable babies and a father with a loving and caring look in his eyes everytime he looked a his family.

Jungkook dreamed to have a family like that. Love and support was all he ever wanted, but somethings were never meant to be. He was lost and all alone on the cold winter streets for 3 whole months. One random day was when Jungkook's world turned and finally felt hope rush through his system. That was the day he met Jin.

Jin, the only person that actually cared and loved Jungkook as his own. Jungkook felt like thousand pounds were lifted off his shoulders. He felt relieved he had someone. Jin was the only one to know Jungkook's story, his whole story. Jin helped and cared for him, help him make friends, eat properly, and feel safe.

The only mother Jungkook knew was Jin. Better yet, Jin was his only family. Jungkook was so lost in his thoughts he did not even notice Jin sitting across from him, trying to get the younger to talk. "Jungkookie? Are you okay?" Jin asks in a sincere tone.

"Uh, oh - I'm fine, just thinking." He replies looking down at his lap, trying to hold back tears.

   "About?" Jin whispered loud enough for Jungkook to hear.

" Hyung you already know." He says quieter this time.

" Jungkook, you know you can talk to --" Jin was about to finish his sentence until he was cut off.

"Hey kids!" A tall man with violet hair and really tight jeans said.

"We'll talk later, I promise. And as for you" Jin said turning to the violet haired boy "I am older than you Namjoon."

Jungkook was still looking down at his lap but soon after brushing his tears away and looking up with a smile that did not reach his eyes. "Well aren't you going to introduce me?" Jungkook said trying to sound bubbly but Jin knew better. Jin really hated it when Jungkook hid his feeling.

"Well Jungkook this is Namjoon, my boyfriend. And Namjoon, this is Jungkook my little child." Jin said a little flustered.

"Well hello there little one, my friend is in the bathroom, something about bubble tea?" Namjoon said still confused with the bubble tea part.

Jungkook had a bad feeling about Namjoon's friend, but he chose to push that thought aside as he shoved a hand full of fries ,that Jin brought, into his mouth. He was listening to the conversation Jin and Namjoon were having and they already sounded like a married couple and Jungkook was there adorable bunny-tooth-child. Just the thought of having a family with Jin as his mom and Namjoon as his dad put a real ear to ear smile, that made his eyes into little crescents.

Nothing could make that big bunny smile fade. At Least that was until Jungkook saw a tall figure emerge from the bathroom. The guy's face was familiar, a little too familiar for Jungkook's liking. He looked closer and realized who it was.

'Oh no, why. It's the guy from before! The bitch that bumped into me and cursed at me instead of apologizing. I hope he doesn't notice me, wait why is he coming my way?! Does he recognize me from before. I mean he looks kinda mad, wait is going to yell at me again. I was happy why did he have to ruin my day. Ugh!' Jungkook's thoughts were broken when his eyes met the other's.

Jungkook wanted to look away but the other's eyes were just to addicting. Even though the other felt the same, he pushed that feeling aside and was only thing he was thinking about his favorite red shirt that was gone forever because of that bunny toothed kid. The older was about to yell at the younger until he saw Namjoon.

"Namjoon?" the grey haired guy said.
"Oh good, Tae come here and let me introduce you!" Namjoon said motioning the so called 'Tae' closer to sit down next to them "This here in front of me is Jin, the really cute guy I told you about, and next to him is little Jungkook."

"Hello Jin and Jungkook" he said lovingly to Jin but then spat out Jungkook's name as if he just ate a sour head ready to spit it out "It's so nice to meet you since hyung can never shut up about you. My name is Taehyung be the way.

"Aw you are so cute!" Jin complemented, leaving Namjoon a little jealous, but he smirked as he thought 'At the end of the day he is all mine.'

"Jungkook be nice and greet him." Jin continued.

"Oh sorry, um h-hi" Jungkook stuttered, which he never did but this time is was different.

"Hey" Taehyung said bitterly, not even giving Jungkook a second glance.

Jin and Namjoon could sense the the tension building up as they all remained silent, so Namjoon broke that and spoke up trying to lighten the mood. " Do you guys want to go and look around?"

"That is a great idea, I need to buy a new shirt anyways." Taehyung said as he looked at Jungkook, who looked away immediately to avoid his gaze.

"Sounds good let's go!" Jin said while getting up and Namjoon following.

Everyone got up and left with Namjoon and Jin leading in front, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook trailing behind. While the couple of the group were having fun and laughing, the two in the back was not the same. Taehyung kept sending death stares at the younger as Jungkook kept his eyes glued to the floor.

There was an uncomfortable silence growing thicker as they took a step forward. That is until Taehyung broke that silence.

"You know if you keep looking down and not watch where you are going you might bump into someone and ruin their red shirt, just saying." He said softly but loud enough for only Jungkook to hear. 

" I'm sorry about the shirt... I didn't-" Jungkook was about to finish but Taehyung interrupted.

"Let me guess, you 'didn't mean to'. Listen closely kid, I don't care if you didn't mean to or not. All I know is that you owe me a 50 dollar shirt."

"Ahahaha 50 bucks for that garbage of a shirt? I'm a broke college student, you think I have 50 dollars to waste on a shirt?" Jungkook said as he left himself and Taehyung in shock with the new boost  in confidence.

Jungkook was always a sassy person even to Jin sometimes, but then he stopped talking as much. He only talked to his friends and stopped throwing around his snarky little comments that made everyone laugh. His other friends did not know what happened, or what changed their little Jungkookie, all they knew was that they wanted his old self back. Now they actually might

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