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Jungkook met his gaze with Taehyung. The older  looked furious as he looked down at the younger. Jungkook almost felt bad, but no way Jungkook was going to say sorry. 'Why does this always happen to me!! Why can't I just drink my drinks in peace!! I swear ever since that Taehyung came along, everything got ruined.'  Jungkook thought as he gazed upon the older's appearance.

Jungkook saw the older raise his hand, he got scared so he took a step back. But it was a false alarm as Taehyung only weaved his hand through his gray wet hair. Jungkook let out a sigh of relief when the older didn't hit him. But for some reason he got more scared just by see Taehyung stand there doing nothing, only staring back.

Taehyung thought that Jungkook was cute and baby boy material, but now Jungkook turned into a little mischievous devil child. 'Maybe he did that on purpose because I was 'annoying' him or something. But like COME ON! Why again, I don't think I'll ever come to any bubble tea store... but I love bubble tea. I thi-- ' This time it was Taehyung to get interupted while in his thoughts.

"Holy shit, what happened?" It was Namjoon that spoke as he walked towards the younger two.

"Nothing, we just were --" Taehyung was cut off again but by Jungkook.

"I, umm, spilt water on him." Jungkook said almost in a whisper but just enough for the others to hear. Jungkook was looking down as his worn out timberlands, too ashamed to look up. Jungkook looked incredibly vulnerable, almost like a little baby after taking a cookie from the cookie jar without permission, and getting caught.

He just looked too cute to get made at. Jin and Namjoon cooed at his cuteness and let him off the hook for messing Taehyung's white shirt. They told the older not to get mad and told the younger two to follow them back to their car. As they walked out the shop, the older two we in front holding hands, Jungkook following close behind, and Taehyung behind Jungkook.

Jungkook looked back with his puppy dog eyes with a coat of water making shinny. When Taehyung saw him, his jaw dropped and looked back in shock with wide eyes. Taehyung was already upset by the fact that he looked intimidating  enough to make Jungkook afraid to look at him.

Taehyung was going to apologize to the younger, until he saw Jungkook form a smirk and wink at him. That was when realization hit Taehyung right in the face with a fish.

...Jungkook was faking it all...

He faked being too embarrassed to look up after telling Jin and Namjoon what had happened. "What the fuck Jungkook!! You little shit!" Taehyung yelled loud even to the two older all the way in front. The two older looked back in surprise, while Jungkook smirk grew bigger as he forced himself to shed one single tear.

Jin was alway like Jungkook's mother so when Jungkook turned his head to reveal himself with a tear stained bunny face, Jin instantly went to see what was wrong. "Jungkookie! What's wrong, don't cry, come here." Jin said as he wiped away his tears and embraced him into a tight hug.

"Tae, what's wrong with you? Why would you make him cry?" Namjoon asked as he glared at Taehyung.

"Jungkook's faking! He's not sad, he's fucking lying. He smirked at me and then started crying." Taehyung tried to defend himself.

"I'm sorry okay, what happened in the bubble tea shop was an accident! I didn't mean to and why would I be lying! And who fakes crying?" Jungkook fired back with a little voice crack as he tried to conceal his urge to laugh.

"Taehyung just say sorry and don't lie please. We need to get home so I am make food before 11:00." Jin said in a calm tone.

"But-- you know what, I'm not even gonna try." Taehyung sighed in defeat, even though he was not done talking to Jungkook. "I'm sorry."

"Okay good, now Jin can we go in your car, cause we kinda come on the bus." Namjoon asked scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah sure we are all going to our place anyways." Jin laughed.

Jungkook and Taehyung stared in shock as Jin uttered those words. 'This might be my chance to get back at 'Jungcock', ahaha I like the sound of that. Ummm, what are some other names I can call him? Maybe if he gets shocked by my hotness then I could call him Jungshook. Oh god I am so fucking funny" Taehyung thought but was snapped back into reality when he saw the others about 50 feet away, walking.

Taehyung sprinted towards them, thinking why they would leave him behind. He was walking behind them because he did not want to ruin what looked like a family reunion. So he just quietly followed behind, he had just calmed down until Jungkook turned his head to face the older. You know that nothing ever good comes out of their  interactions.

Once Jungkook and Taehyung locks eyes, Jungkook stuck out his tongue and winked. "Pfft, he is so childish. I'm not like that. Am I or am I wrong?"  Taehyung spoke under his breath.

"You are wrong." Jungkook mouthed

Taehyung was shocked that the other heard him but really didn't care. He was too focused about what might happen at their house. 'I swear nothing better happen to me again. For god sakes my shirt is still wet.'

By the time he finished his thought they had reached the car. Namjoon insisted on driving, so Jungkook and Taehyung had to set next to each other. Not one word was uttered between the four. Taehyung staring out one window and Jungkook staring out the other. Jin looking out his window while Namjoon looking straight with one hand on the wheel, and the other resting on Jin's thigh. 

It was about 30 minutes of awkward silence until they reached the shared apartment.


I have four more chapters written down, so I am ready! Probably going to update every Tuesday and Thursday

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